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07-01-2022, 06:49 AM
July 1

Invest in the solution

Don’t invest in the problem by complaining about it. Invest in the solution by envisioning it.

Assume the problem can be solved. Then get to work justifying your assumption.

To change an outcome for the better, you must make changes to the input. One by one, identify the factors you can change, and visualize in detail what each available change would accomplish.

Certain constraints will always be outside your ability to change. Seek to understand and work within those constraints rather than fighting against them or hoping you can wish them away.

Formulate an effective approach that’s supported by reality. Rather than being dismayed by the problem, find satisfaction in stepping up to the challenge.

Invest yourself in the solution, in applying positive action to a difficult situation. There’s great value waiting to be created, and you’re in a position to do it.

— Ralph Marston

07-01-2022, 08:31 AM
Happy July first Tammy and Kracker, thanking
God for bring us through the month of June
One day at a time. We pray that in this new month
we will continue to show love to one another.
In Jesus name.
God bless you and your familys always.

07-02-2022, 06:25 AM
July 2

Unfamiliar territory

Do you want a better understanding of who you are and what you’re capable of achieving? Venture into unfamiliar territory.

Put yourself in a situation where you’re forced to depend on your own knowledge, resourcefulness, and strengths. You’ll quickly find out what those strengths are, and you’ll figure out ways to improve upon them.

That new territory could be physical, social, vocational, intellectual, or some combination. Whatever the case, it can energize you, heighten your awareness, and clarify what’s actually important to you.

Though your current situation has its challenges, you’ve mostly figured out how to handle them. Think of what you could learn, and how much you could grow, from a starkly different set of challenges.

Let yourself experience how well you respond to those challenges. Enable yourself to learn and improve from that experience.

A little bit of adventure can add a lot of value to your life. Go where you haven’t been, and gain a deeper understanding of who you truly are.

— Ralph Marston

07-02-2022, 06:25 AM
July 3

Kindness is being your best

You don’t have to look far to find a place where your kindness will make a difference. Kindness improves any situation and every situation where it is given.

It can be all too easy to get caught up in blame, drama, resentment, retribution, and other harmful thought patterns. A little kindness will bring a more positive perspective back into play.

Kindness reconnects you with what matters. Kindness reminds you about the best you can be.

When you’re not sure what to do, let kindness guide you in making a choice. If you’re filled with despair or discouragement, an act of kindness points your awareness in a more positive direction.

Kindness is you being your best. That’s a very powerful and productive way to be.

Right now there’s an opportunity for you to bring new kindness to life. Take that opportunity, and everyone will benefit when you do.

— Ralph Marston

07-04-2022, 06:37 AM
July 4

Living with joy

Whether the task is difficult or easy, do it with joy. Whether the day is gray or sunny, live it with joy.

Whatever situation you and your world are in, it’s far from perfect. Even so, there’s plenty of room for joy.

Living with joy is not a matter of ignoring or avoiding life’s difficulties. On the contrary, an inner, abiding joy energizes and inspires you to more effectively meet those difficulties.

Joy keeps you connected to your best possibilities. Joy is a gift you can always give without limit to yourself and everyone else.

You have plenty of good and meaningful reasons for moving forward no matter what is in your way. Joy is an acknowledgement and a reminder of those reasons.

Put some joy here, put some joy there, put some joy wherever you go. Give yourself the clear and powerful perspective of living life with joy.

— Ralph Marston

07-05-2022, 06:01 AM
July 5

Stay in motion

Keep thinking, keep speaking, keep doing. Even if it’s not much, even if it seems like nothing, keep going.

You may not be making as much progress as you’d like. But you’re making more progress than if you just stopped completely.

Stay in motion, keep the thoughts and words and actions coming, and you’ll get better at it all. Stay in motion and you can adjust, adapt, improve, experience what works well and what doesn’t.

When you get interrupted don’t let it get you down. Just jump back on track and in motion as quickly as you can.

If all that motion is leading you astray, be honest enough to see it. Then point in a more positive direction and get back in motion again.

There’s so much you’re always capable of learning, achieving, and experiencing. Stay in motion, and make the best of it happen.

— Ralph Marston

07-06-2022, 06:41 AM
July 6

In control

You are in control of you, and there’s much you can do with that. You are in control of you, and that can lead to great adventure.

The choices of others often affect your life, but you have little to no influence over those choices. What you can control are your own choices, and that’s not a trivial thing.

Your choices exert an immediate, significant, and lasting impact on your life. Keep yourself ever mindful of that potential, and make good use of it.

Sure, pay attention to what everyone else is doing and to how their actions will impact your world. Pay much more attention to what you are doing and all that you’re able to do.

Ask yourself which of your choices have improved life and which ones have not. Adjust accordingly going forward.

Direct your time, energy, and resources where they will be most beneficial. With love and care and the highest of expectations, exercise the control you have over your choices.

— Ralph Marston

07-07-2022, 07:22 AM
July 7

Changing conditions

Things are not the way they were, and never again will be. Yet it’s entirely possible for you to make things even better.

Adjust to the moment as it has become. Enjoy and thrive in the moment as it is.

By its very nature life changes, and you can’t escape that fact. What you can do is change along with it, and unlock plenty of potential in doing so.

It’s easy to assume that certain changes in the world will dismantle the good things in your life. It’s far better to make positive and enriching adjustments in light of those changes.

You could complain endlessly that things are not like they used to be. Or you could challenge yourself to see the opportunities that surely exist within changing conditions.

Engage your ability to adapt and adjust. Discover how you can make changing conditions into a good thing.

— Ralph Marston

07-08-2022, 06:48 AM
July 8

Power of your love

Don’t let yourself get repeatedly drawn into fighting against what you dislike. There’s a good chance that will only make it stronger, and give it a more prominent place in your life.

Choose instead to invest your time, energy, and awareness in more beneficial and compelling alternatives. Direct your focus and support to what’s good and desirable.

Break away from any fixation on assigning blame and seeking retribution. You have better things to do.

You can move beyond the past and into a future where you build and support what you care most about. You can seek to fill your world with so much positive value that there’s little room for anything else.

For every negative influence in your life, look for something positive that can render it irrelevant. Challenge yourself to uncover and to travel that positive path.

Don’t make the bad things worse by giving them the energy of your resistance. Make the world better by giving the power of your love.

— Ralph Marston

07-09-2022, 06:56 AM
July 9

A single hour

How will you feel about yourself in exactly one hour? That depends on your attitude and your actions between now and then.

Will you use the time to live life fully? Or will you spend the time so wastefully and destructively that you soon come to regret it?

The choice is yours here and now. The quality of your future depends on what you do with the present.

A single hour will pass quickly. The way you live that next hour can impact your life for a long time to come.

Is there anything you wish you had done in the past hour, the past week or past few months? Now is your chance to stop wishing and start doing.

The next hour of your life begins now. Live it as if it’s the most important one yet, because it is.

— Ralph Marston

07-09-2022, 06:56 AM
July 10

Choose a positive future

How do you envision the future? Whatever you expect plays a key role in the way your future unfolds.

Of course nothing is going to work out exactly as you anticipated merely because of your expectations. Yet the best chance to end up in a positive place is to move in a positive direction.

Your future is fast approaching, and the way you live right now makes a difference in how that future will be. Your future is as bright and fulfilling as you choose in the present to make it.

Sure, there are plenty of understandable reasons to be discouraged about the future. Yet because the future isn’t here, and because you play a key role in it, being positive about the future is just as realistic.

At this point, the future you envision is completely up to you. So your best strategy is to envision the most positive future you can imagine.

Go ahead, choose to be positive about the future, and arrange your actions accordingly. By so doing you’ll lift your world higher starting right now and extending into all the future days to come.

— Ralph Marston

07-11-2022, 06:17 AM
July 11

A way that matters

Do you want your life to go somewhere? Then you must give it somewhere to go.

Do you want a good and fulfilling existence? You make that possible by developing a clear and specific understanding of goodness and fulfillment.

After all, if you can’t articulate what is meaningful to you, how can you support and expand it in your world? To make progress requires that you point your efforts in some particular direction.

To zero your life in on a purpose is a difficult thing, and yet that’s the whole point. For in that meaningful difficulty, the richness of your life is able to arise.

It has become easy to comfort yourself with the pleasures of the moment. But those pleasures can never satisfy your longing to experience meaning that transcends time and circumstance.

Go beyond saying you care and appearing to care. Live in a way that matters to you by having the courage to discover and give life to exactly what does matter to you.

— Ralph Marston

07-12-2022, 06:13 AM
July 12

Having things go your way

Are you holding yourself hostage to forces you cannot control? Are your happiness and self-esteem based on the random whims of fate?

Don’t make yourself and your effectiveness dependent on always having things go your way. Because things are not always going to go your way.

It is precisely when things are not going your way that you need to be at your best. By detaching from your outcomes you empower yourself to create more favorable outcomes.

Sure, it’s great when life unfolds in accordance with your desires. But because there are so many factors you cannot control, that’s not always going to happen.

Rather than cursing your fate every time something goes wrong, here’s a better approach. Accept what has happened, look realistically at your best options, and take positive action.

By acknowledging that many things are out of your control, you’re able to focus on what you can control. Do that, and you can cause a lot more situations to turn in your favor.

— Ralph Marston

07-13-2022, 06:15 AM
July 13

Grounded in reality

There’s more to every person than what you see. There’s more to every situation than what’s immediately obvious.

Lots of things can happen that you could never think to anticipate. You’re clever, aware, and deeply thoughtful, but it’s impossible for you to know everything.

You’re skillful, experienced, innovative and resourceful. You can do a whole lot of good, yet you can’t do it all.

That’s why humility serves you so well. Humility gives increased power to your intelligence and abilities by keeping them in a realistic context.

Proceed with confidence, taking care not to let it spill over into arrogance. Remind yourself that every time you act as if you know it all and can do it all, you’re setting yourself up to fail.

Allow genuine humility to keep you grounded in reality. And you’ll continue to fulfill the great potential that lives within you.

— Ralph Marston

07-14-2022, 06:16 AM
July 14

What worries you

Worry won’t protect you from whatever you’re worried about. What can protect you are truth, strength, and action.

Here are the questions you must ask yourself. What can you do about it, and what will you do about it?

The good thing about worry is that it points your awareness specifically toward what you care about. That’s a valuable start, but it’s not enough.

Once you understand what you care about, worry has done its job. At that point you can transform the energy of worry into the energy of focused, effective action.

You can make a commitment to improve some particular aspect of your world. Then you can follow through on that commitment with the time, energy, and resources available to you.

Make note of what worries you, and determine what you can do about it. Then leave the worry behind by virtue of your positive actions.

— Ralph Marston

07-15-2022, 07:15 AM
July 15

Understand more

You can never understand it all. That always give you the opportunity to understand more.

Life, existence, and reality are made of complex, interconnected attributes, layers, and dimensions. You can continually improve your understanding of the people, places, situations, ideas and concepts in your world.

The more deeply you understand, the more opportunities you can identify for positive progress. Increase your understanding, and you magnify your effectiveness.

It’s tempting and comfortable to assume you know all there is to know about a particular subject. But such an assumption will eventually lock you in a prison of your own making.

To elevate your understanding requires effort. Yet the exhilaration and benefits you’re likely to achieve are well worth the effort.

Challenge yourself and reward yourself at the same time. Seek to understand, and then to understand more.

— Ralph Marston

07-16-2022, 06:15 AM
July 16

Let life be beautiful

Let life be beautiful. Let your needs be few.

Let clouds drift across the deep blue sky. Allow yourself to know the joy that has no reason or hidden design.

Take breath in, let breath out. Do the best at what you do, see the best in others.

Be slow to lose your patience, and eager to forgive. Offer kindness every time you can, and candor when it’s called for.

Embrace the life that this day brings. Forge new goodness and value from whatever comes your way.

Understand the immense value of everything to which you’re connected. Allow the beauty, and be the beauty.

— Ralph Marston

07-17-2022, 07:24 AM
July 17

Forge ahead

You can think of many things to complain about. But complaining is not going to produce anything of value.

Put less focus on what is wrong. Turn your attention toward new, creative, innovative ways to support and expand what is good, what is right.

Leave behind your complaints and forge ahead. Leave behind the blame, anger, and resentment, and make yourself into a shining example of what a good life encompasses.

There will always be difficulties but they do not have to contaminate your experience of life. There will always be challenges, and you are able to transform those challenges into fulfillment.

Life is not some warm, soft, ultra comfortable refuge where no problems ever intrude. Life is the magnificent opportunity to deal with whatever comes along.

Live well by continuously looking forward. Forge ahead and make life good by virtue of the fact that you are living it.

— Ralph Marston

07-18-2022, 06:24 AM
July 18

Resolving conflict

No one is on the same journey as you. Yet countless people have passed through similar terrain, and continue to do so.

You are very much like others, and at the same time you are very much different. No one knows how it is to be you, yet everyone shares the complex and ineffable experience of being alive.

By your very nature as a unique individual, you cannot avoid conflict. What you can do is resolve conflict and put together ways to successfully live with it.

What is your primary tool in doing so? It is truth.

Be honest about your priorities, understand the conflicting priorities of others, and be mindful of your common interests. Call upon those truths to illuminate the way forward.

The way to win is not to deny, impugn or destroy the differences that exist between you and others. Build success by being clear and supportive toward what you have in common and agreeing to disagree on the rest.

— Ralph Marston

07-19-2022, 07:19 AM
July 19

Something good to do

If you have nothing to do, you have nothing. Fortunately you can always give yourself something good to do.

You can make it interesting, meaningful, challenging, profitable, engaging. It’s up to you, and the possibilities are unbounded.

Often there’s much you need to do, and probably there’s much you’d like to do. Beyond that, you can get creative and explore life in dimensions you may have never imagined before.

Is your expectation to sit and be entertained with no thought or effort on your part? That may suffice for a short time but it’s certainly not going to provide any deep, lasting sense of satisfaction.

You deserve a life that’s rich, a life with days, months, and years that are full. And you are the person primarily responsible for doing the filling.

Fill your time with activities worthy of the unique, creative, caring person you are. Give yourself something good to do.

— Ralph Marston

07-20-2022, 06:35 AM
July 20

How things could be going

When things go wrong, there’s no hard and fast rule that says you have to be dismayed. It’s just as possible, and a whole lot more useful, to be inspired.

You might often adopt an attitude based on what has recently happened. But that doesn’t have to be what drives your attitude and your outlook.

What if instead of being fixated on how things have been going, you direct your focus elsewhere? What if you look instead at how things could be going?

Even on a bad day you still have lots of good possibilities. And when you’re having a bad day that can be a great time to act on some of your most positive possibilities.

Are you dissatisfied and disappointed with the way things are? That enables you to envision precisely what would make life better.

Embrace that vision, feel its positive power. And let it push you, with an optimistic frame of mind, into effective and beneficial action.

— Ralph Marston

07-21-2022, 07:06 AM
July 21

Do the difficult stuff

Do the difficult stuff and do it sooner rather than later. That’s where adventure flourishes, that’s where fulfillment occurs.

You won’t find meaning in life by pondering it from a lofty, comfortable perch. Get up, get out, encounter life’s challenging realities and live the truth that existence is made of.

But isn’t life already difficult enough? Yes, and that’s precisely why you can gain so much by taking on the difficulties.

Identify the biggest challenge you face today and get to work on it as soon as possible. You’ll supply the rest of your day with some powerful, positive momentum.

Do the difficult work and you’ll be rewarded with even more difficult work. Resist the temptation to be resentful about that, and you position yourself for exponential growth.

Do the difficult stuff and do it well. See how much adventure and value you can pour into each day.

— Ralph Marston

07-22-2022, 06:14 AM
July 22

Keep goodness alive

Fulfill the potential of what is now. At the same time, honor and utilize the value of what has gone before.

You stand at the dawning of a malleable and undetermined future. Yet you’ve been brought to this point by a specific, concluded past.

As you persist in your actions, as events continue to unfold, you walk the fertile ground between what was and what’s to be. It is a powerful and sobering place to be.

In this sweet spot of time that is now, you play an essential role. You are responsible for the continuation and expansion of life’s goodness and value.

Every achievement that’s ever been achieved has occurred in the past. You have the ability and the obligation to extend achievement and its benefits far into the future.

Right here, right now, is where everything that matters encounters everything that’s possible. With your effort, with your commitment, with faith, integrity and gratitude, keep the goodness alive and growing.

— Ralph Marston

07-23-2022, 08:35 AM
July 23

Live like it all matters

You can get by in life without caring about anything. But why in the world would you want to live your life that way?

You can get through your work just doing the bare minimum, being sloppy and inattentive. Yet the time you’re wasting on meaningless activity is your own precious time.

You can get through the day being selfish, rude, and inconsiderate. But the person damaged most by your selfishness is you.

Life without caring wears you down and empties you out, even if just for a few hours or minutes. Fortunately, you never have to live that way.

You can always choose to care, to give your best, to be kind, considerate, diligent, purposeful. It’s not always easy, not always convenient, but it’s always available and always your best option.

Give your sincere care to the people, activities, circumstances, and possibilities in your life. Live like it all matters and you’ll know without a doubt how much it all does.

— Ralph Marston

07-23-2022, 08:36 AM
July 24

Wake up to opportunity

Just before you go to sleep, remind yourself that when you wake up you’ll wake up to opportunity. You’ll wake up fully aware of all you have, eager to make good use of it.

Then wake up early to that opportunity. Wake up to energy, enthusiasm, and a willingness to fulfill your best possibilities.

Begin the day focused on the good things you can do with it. Right from the start, before anything has the chance to steal that focus, jump into positive action.

Don’t get bogged down waiting for inspiration to come to you. Make the inspiration happen as a result of your attitude and actions.

Establish your forward momentum as soon as the day begins. Feel the potential achievement that awaits and let yourself be drawn in its direction.

There’s fresh new opportunity in each day that dawns. Wake up with that opportunity at the center of your awareness and transform it into real value.

— Ralph Marston

07-25-2022, 06:21 AM
July 25

You are the magic

Thoughts do not magically become reality. Or do they?

Your thoughts have great influence on you, on the actions you take. And those actions result in changes to the objective world of material reality.

So in a very real sense, your thoughts do indeed become reality through a magical process. And you are the magic.

You are the connection that transforms vague ideas and feelings into specific situations and experiences. You are the vehicle through which thoughts become expressed in reality.

Because of what they lead you to do, and because of what you’re indeed able to do, your thoughts have power. And you are constantly giving that power to whatever you focus your thoughts upon.

Make good use of the influential position you’re in. Choose your thoughts with care, with love, with purpose, ever mindful of where they will lead.

— Ralph Marston

07-26-2022, 06:35 AM
July 26

The obstacle

Within the obstacle is opportunity. Can you see it and act on it?

Are you fearful of what the problem will do to you? Or can you bring forth the courage to understand what you can do with the problem?

You can complain about the unfairness of it all and wish for a more favorable situation. Or you can go to work with exactly what life has handed you.

Don’t stick yourself with the assumption that the obstacle you face will lead to something worse. Decide that it will lead to something better, and then figure out how to make that happen.

The obstacle exists whether you want it to or not. You don’t have the ability to wish it away, but you do have the ability to transform it into a net positive.

Accept that challenge and put the best of yourself into it. See the opportunity and make it into real, lasting value.

— Ralph Marston

07-27-2022, 05:26 AM
July 27

Action is what counts

You’ve spent enough time getting ready. Now is the time to get to work.

Are you unsure of what to do, of how to do it? Start where you are, with what you have, with what you know.

You can’t figure everything out by merely thinking about it. Jump into action and you’ll quickly begin to understand what works and what doesn’t.

Yes, you’re going to make mistakes. And they’ll teach you more than you can possibly imagine.

So move ahead, get the process going. Take the most effective step that comes to mind, learn from it, and keep going.

Action is what counts. Now is the time for it.

— Ralph Marston

07-28-2022, 07:09 AM
July 28

What you find

How do you find the best job, the best partner, a good home, a good community? How do you find good customers, clients, employees, suppliers?

How do you find people who are honest, competent, and intelligent? How do you find friends who are truthful, loyal, and sincere?

How do you find all the many people, places, and things in life that enable you to make a good life? You find them by virtue of the way you live.

What you find is what you are. Live each day with honesty, conduct every interaction with honesty, and you find honesty.

Invest time and effort to build your competence, and others with competence are attracted to you. Place great value on respect, integrity, and peacefulness, and you’ll be surrounded by those qualities in abundance.

What you find is driven by the way you are, most genuinely, most consistently. Take good care of your innermost truth, because it is faithfully echoed throughout your world.

— Ralph Marston

07-29-2022, 02:01 AM
July 29

You can do better

Be honest with yourself, and you’ll realize something powerful. You can do better.

That isn’t a criticism. Indeed, it’s a compliment, an acknowledgment of your highest possibilities.

As much as you’ve succeeded, as much as you’ve failed, now you can do better. You can make full use of all the success, of all the failure, of all the priceless experience.

You can let life challenge you to a new adventure. You can embrace a bigger and more meaningful chunk of your potential.

Show your critics just how right they were, in a good way. Show how much more value, achievement, kindness, and patience you’re capable of bringing into the world.

You can. Do better.

— Ralph Marston

07-30-2022, 05:48 AM
July 30

The price you pay

If you make ambitious, specific plans for the day, the week, the month, some of those plans are likely to fall through. That’s no reason to avoid making meaningful plans and working to carry them out.

If you have long-term goals and dreams for your life, you’re going to encounter some painful disappointments in connection with them. But that doesn’t mean you should avoid having those dreams.

It’s difficult when life doesn’t go the way you planned. Yet what’s far more difficult is to never plan much of anything at all.

Having no ambition, no goals, no dreams, will not shield you from pain and disappointment. It will guarantee pain and disappointment.

Make those plans, even though some may not work out. Set those goals, dream those dreams, and put the best of yourself into following them.

One way or another, you’re going to encounter disappointment and pay its price. That’s all the more reason to make sure you live a rich and fulfilling life in return for the price you pay.

— Ralph Marston

07-30-2022, 05:49 AM
July 31

New beauty

Listen to what life tells you. Act on it.

Open yourself to truth, no matter how painful or demanding. Stick with that truth.

Feel your own desires, your own fears, your potential for joy, your ability. Feel the love you have for all you care about.

Be thankful for all you’ve been through, for all you have, for all that’s possible. Express that gratitude by making use of it, by pointing it in a positive and beneficial direction.

Watch as the sun appears over the horizon. Stand in amazement at the opportunity contained in just a single day.

Then do something about it, do something with it. Create the new beauty that is waiting for you to bring it to life.

— Ralph Marston