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02-13-2014, 01:01 PM
As I forgive, I am peaceful in mind and heart.

Jesus taught us to forgive “seventy times seven times.” In other words, unceasingly. But what if I don’t believe I can forgive? What if I haven’t reached that state of willingness in mind and heart?

If I am having difficulty letting go of resentment, expectations, or anger, I know I have help. Spirit is my ever-present support. When I am ready, I ask for help in releasing my pain and moving forward with love and understanding.

To prepare for forgiveness, I acknowledge my feelings of anger, frustration, or helplessness and surrender them to God. I release thoughts of resentment, revenge, or ill will. I treat myself with loving compassion. I remember that God can provide what others have failed to give. As I forgive, I find peace.
I do forgive, just as you have asked.—Numbers 14:20

Daily Word

02-13-2014, 05:22 PM
As they say, we don`t ask for forgiveness and amends for others, we do it for ourselves and our own peace of mind. It doesn`t matter if the other person accept and forgives or not, it is about me and my heart, and lighting the load of guilt, blame and shame I carried for so many years.

My God is forgiving, why shouldn`t I forgive myself. As I have shared before, when I was in therapy at 6 years sober, a counsellor asked me, ``Why haven`t you forgiven yourself.`` I was shocked, couldn`t say a word which isn`t normal for me, and looked at her and said, `I never thought to ask.`