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06-19-2022, 09:01 AM
My Father’s Forgiveness by Max Lucado

My father’s salary wasn’t abundant, so you can imagine my surprise when he put a credit card in my hand the day I left for college. His only instructions were, “Be careful how you use it.” On an impulse one Friday, I skipped class to visit a girl on another campus. Because I left in a hurry, I forgot to take any money. Everything went fine until I rear-ended a car on the return trip.

My father took my collect call and heard my tale. My story wasn’t much to boast about. I’d made a trip without his knowledge, without any money, and wrecked his car. “Well,” he said after a long pause, “That’s why I gave you the card. I hope you learned a lesson.” I certainly did. I learned my father’s forgiveness predated my mistake. He’d provided for my blunder before I blundered. Need I tell you God has done the same?