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06-01-2022, 07:00 AM
June 1

Feeling Fearful Prayer

I am feeling fearful right now, I need your comfort and assurance.
Take away my fears and replace them with your peace.
Give me your comfort and assurance.
Help me to not lose heart but renew my spirit each day.
Thank you for not giving me a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control.


Just a Thought

We are so glad to be free from alcohol that we do something about it.

We get into action. We come to meetings regularly. We go out and try to help other alcoholics. We pass on the good news whenever we get a chance. In a spirit of thankfulness to God, we get into action. The A.A. program is simple. Submit yourself to God, find release from alcohol, and get into action. Do these things and keep doing them and you're all set for the rest of your life.

So ............

Have I got into action?


Just a Contemplation


Knowing that others have survived experiences equally devastating as ours, gives us hope, but it doesn't diminish our own personal suffering. Nor should it; out of suffering comes new understanding. Suffering also encourages our appreciation of the lighter, easier times. Pain experienced fully enhances the times of pleasure.

Our sufferings are singular, individual, and lonely. But our experiences with it can be shared; thereby lessening the power they have over us. Sharing our pain with another person also helps them remember that their pain, too, is survivable.

Suffering softens us, helps us to feel more compassion and love toward another. Our sense of belonging to the human race, our recognition of the interdependence and kinship of us all, are the most cherished results of the gift of pain.

Each of our sufferings, sharing them as we do, strengthens me and heals my wounds of alienation.



There was a time when we ignored trouble, hoping it would go away. Or, in fear and depression, we ran from it, but found it was still with us. Often, full of unreason, bitterness, and blame, we fought back. These mistaken attitudes, powered by alcohol, guaranteed our destruction, unless they were altered.
Then came AA. Surprisingly, we found that our troubles could, under God's grace, be converted into unimaginable blessings.

As Bill Sees It Page 110


Just a Few Quotes

“Fears are educated into us, and can, if we wish, be educated out.” ~ Karl Augustus Menninger

“We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality.” ~ Seneca

06-02-2022, 06:07 AM
June 2

Growing Older Prayer

Lord, You know that I am growing older.

Keep me from becoming talkative and possessed
with the idea that I must express myself
on every subject.

Release me from the craving to straighten out
everyone's affairs.

Keep me from the recital of endless detail.
Give me wings to get to the point.

Seal my lips when I am inclined to tell of my
aches and pains. They are increasing with
the years and my love to speak of them
grows sweeter as time goes by.

Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally
I may be wrong.

Make me thoughtful but not nosey;
helpful but not bossy.

With my vast store of wisdom and experience it
does seem a pity not to use it all. But You know,
Lord, that I want a few friends at the end.

~From: Fr. Brian Cavanaugh, TOR (Franciscan Order)


Just a Thought

The A.A. program is one of hope.

It's a program of hope because when new members come into A.A., the first thing they get is hope. They hear older members tell how they had been through the same kind of hell that they have and how they found the way out through A.A. And this gives them hope that if others can do it, they can do it.

So ............

Is hope still strong in me?


Just a Contemplation

Our Own Pain

Sometimes we walk around with chips on our shoulders. We're like a tightly wound spring ready to jump at the slightest trigger, when other times we would let the same event go unnoticed. We even say self-righteously, "I didn't start it. Maybe we have a problem with being like a spring ready to jump. When we are like that, we are difficult to live with or be around.

We can change by getting in touch with our pain. We need to explore our feelings. Perhaps we need to be honest with ourselves about low self-esteem, about feelings of loneliness or fear. Then we must talk with another person or our group about our feelings and continue to talk about them. In this way we become reconciled to ourselves and to our friends around us.

God, help me accept my own pain, and help me be tolerant of my friends' mistakes.



I know the biggest word for me in AA is "honesty."
I don't believe this program would work for me if I didn't get honest with myself about everything. Honesty is the easiest word for me to understand because it is the exact opposite of what I've been doing all my life. Therefore, it will be the hardest to work on. But I will never be totally honest -- that would make me perfect, and none of us can claim to be perfect. Only God is.

Experience, Strength and Hope Pages 400-401


Just a Quote

“Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.” ~ Spencer Johnson

06-03-2022, 07:02 AM
June 2

Negative People Prayer

Dear Lord,

Please help me when those around me try to bring me down.
Allow me to recognize the hurts and issues in their lives and how I can be of help to them.
Help me to keep my natural human tendencies in check and not to retaliate back.
Quietly remind me where my true worth and value really lie.
Give me comfort in knowing that You are leading me on a better path and give me the strength to continue pursuing it.
Please clear my heart of any issues that will hinder me from praying for those around me.


Just a Thought

By drinking, we escaped from boredom for a while. We almost forgot our troubles.

But when we sobered up, our troubles were twice as bad. Drinking had only made them worse. In A.A., we really escape boredom. Nobody's bored at an A.A. meeting. We stick around after it's over and we hate to leave. Drinking gave us a temporary feeling of importance. When we're drinking, we kid ourselves into thinking we are somebody. We tell tall stories to build ourselves up. In A.A., we don't want that kind of self-importance. We have real self-respect and honesty and humility.

So ............

Have I found something much better and more satisfactory than drinking?


Just a Contemplation


"Ah, poor me," we sometimes say, "I have to work so hard!" "I have so much stress!" "If only my problem with money would get better, then I could be content!" "I just don't understand people!" "Why can't my family have fewer troubles?"

This attitude of self-pity is as ancient as humanity. Every person has problems and challenges, and life often is not fair. Self-pity becomes a stumbling block when we get so narrowly focused upon our problems. We forget we are a part of a whole throng of fellow pilgrims on this path. It helps to notice others beside ourselves who are seeking courage to live their lives.

Sometimes we reawaken our awareness of our God by seeing that we are "carried on great winds across the sky." We have many blessings; we are not alone. Often within problems we discover our greatest blessings.

I will ask God to help me find the spiritual path in the choices I make today. Help me turn away from self-pity.



We have had a much keener look at ourselves and those about us. We have seen that we were prodded by unreasonable fears and anxieties into making a life business of winning fame, money, and what we thought was leadership. So false pride became the reverse side of that ruinous coin marked 'Fear.' We simply had to be Number One people to cover up our deep-lying inferiorities.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 123


Just a Quote

"Continuing to beat our heads against the brick walls of past failures is insanity. We have a new life to live, provided we relinquish the attitudes and behavior, which we now know to be insane." ~ Cristina Ferrare

06-04-2022, 06:26 AM
June 4

A Morning Prayer

I come before you O Lord
As the sun rises may your hope rise up in me.
As the birds sing may your love flow out of me.
As the light floods into this new day,
May your joy shine through me.
I come before you, O Lord
And drink in this moment of peace,
That I may carry something of your hope, love and joy
Today in my heart.


Just a Thought

If we allow an alcoholic thought to lodge in our minds for any length of time, we are in danger of having a slip.

Therefore we must dispel such thoughts at once, by refusing their admittance and by immediately putting constructive thoughts in their place. Remember that alcohol is poison to you. Remember that it is impossible for you to drink normally. Remember that one drink will lead to another and you will eventually be drunk. Remember what happened to you in the past as a result of your drinking. Think of every reason you have learned in A.A. for not taking that drink. Fill your mind with constructive thoughts.

So ............

Am I keeping my thoughts constructive?


Just a Contemplation


Life is full of questions. Many people tell us they have the answers. We have to be careful of who and what we believe. Other people's ideas may not fit us.
The program doesn't tell us much about what to believe. It teaches us how to believe. How well the program works for us depends on what we believe and how well we live it. When we face all the facts, we can really believe. We believe we are powerless over alcohol. We believe we must and can change some things in our lives. We believe we can trust a Higher Power to care for us. When we choose to believe, we want to choose the best beliefs we can. And once we believe, we must not forget.



Hope is the priceless ingredient for recovery. This, AA gives most frequently not in mere words.
Upon the alcoholic's first contact with AA, as he looks across the room and sees men and women respectably clothed and in their right minds, enjoying themselves, that flicker of hope begins to burn. And he says to himself, "If those jokers can do it, I can."
The first need, beyond any other, is hope. Without it, there is nothing.

The Best of the Grapevine [Vol. 1], Pages 156-157


Just a Quote

"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

06-05-2022, 07:33 AM
June 5

Prayer for Wisdom

In everything we do, Lord, give us a desire to seek out the truth;
give us a willingness to heed the advice of others;
give us wisdom in reaching decisions;
give us faith to believe in our conclusions;
give us courage to put our ideas to the test;
and, if we prove ourselves wrong, give us the grace to admit it.

~ Jesuit Prayer


Just a Thought

Have I turned to a Higher Power for help?

Do I believe that each man or woman I see in A.A. is a demonstration of the power of God to change a human being from a drunkard into a sober, useful citizen? Do I believe that this Higher Power can keep me from drinking alcohol? Am I living one day at a time? Do I ask God to give me the power to stay sober for twenty-four hours?

So ............

Do I attend A.A. meetings regularly?


Just a Contemplation

Back to Life

Each day, somewhere in the world, recovery begins when one alcoholic talks with another alcoholic, sharing experience, strength, and hope. ~ Alcoholics Anonymous

All over the world, recovering men and women use the same Twelve Steps to live their lives.
Our fellowship keeps growing. The bigger it gets, the faster it grows. Why? Because the program brings our spirits back to life. All over the world, many of us were dying, and now we’re full of life and love. We are bringing our world back to life. As we share our experience, strength, and hope, we help others join us in coming back to life.


Growing Up in AA

Life is meant to be lived by facing the challenges it brings.
Otherwise, I'm not living, just existing. God didn't give me this gift of sobriety to sit in a rocking chair, imagining myself as some old wise woman who has arrived somewhere.
There is no easier, softer way.

The Best Of The Grapevine [Vol.3], Page 320


Just a Quote

"Our conscience may still guide our actions at times, but as we grow in our recovery, we begin to intuitively know what keeps us on track and in sync with God." ~ Karen Casey

06-06-2022, 06:55 AM
June 6

For Courage to Do Justice

O Lord, open my eyes that I may see the needs of others
Open my ears that I may hear their cries;
Open my heart so that they need not be without succor;
Let me not be afraid to defend the weak because of the anger of the strong,
Nor afraid to defend the poor because of the anger of the rich.
Show me where love and hope and faith are needed,
And use me to bring them to those places.
And so open my eyes and my ears
That I may this coming day be able to do some work of peace for thee.

~ Alan Paton, South Africa, United Methodist


Just a Thought

Fear and worry had me down.

They were increased by my drinking. I worried about what I had done when I was drunk. I was afraid of what the consequences might be. I was afraid to face people because of the fear of being found out. Fear kept me in hot water all the time. I was a nervous wreck from fear and worry. I was a tied-up bundle of nerves. I had a fear of failure, of the future, of growing old, of sickness, of hangover, of suicide. I had a wrong set of ideas and attitudes. When A.A. told me to surrender these fears and worries to a Higher Power, I did so. I now try to think of faith instead of fear.

So ............

Have I put faith in place of fear?


Just a Contemplation

Just Begin

Let us begin! Whether it be working on our First Step, Finding a sponsor, or talking to someone we hurt---Let us begin. Doubt will set in if we wait too long. Fear will follow. So, let us begin. We learn by doing. Recovery is for doers. Sobriety doesn't just happen. We create it. We create it by working the Steps and learning from them. We'll never totally understand the Steps unless we work them. In the same way, we'll never learn how to have friends unless we try. So, call your friends, instead of waiting to be called. Begin and begin again. Each day is a new beginning.


A New Life

Is sobriety all that we are to expect of a spiritual awakening?
No, sobriety is only a bare beginning; If more gifts are to be received, our awakening has to go on. As it does go on, we find that bit by bit we can discard the old life -- the one that did not work -- for a new life that can and does work under any conditions whatever."

As Bill Sees It Page 8


D Day -- June 6, 1944

Today is the 77th anniversary of D-Day, Operation Overlord, the day during World War II on which the Allies -- American, British, and Canadian troops -- invaded France, a giant milestone on the road to defeating Nazi Germany.

It's tough today to understand the scope and risk that was involved in the invasion, and to appreciate the sacrifices of 4,414 Allied soldiers killed and more than 9,000 wounded or missing.

"They fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquest. They fight to liberate."
-- President Franklin D. Roosevelt's official address announcing the invasion

"So much of the progress that would define the 20th century, on both sides of the Atlantic, came down to the battle for a slice of beach only six miles long and two miles wide."
--President Barak Obama, 10 years ago, in Normandy to mark the 65th anniversary of D-Day

06-07-2022, 07:10 AM
June 7

Prayer of Support

Still my tongue. Replace useless words with silent understanding.
Let compassion be my guide as I offer help and healing with only my presence and my prayers.
I pray that I will know when to speak and when not to.
May my support be felt without uttering a single syllable.


Just a Thought

The A.A. program is one of charity.

The real meaning of the word charity is to care enough about other people to really want to help them. To get the full benefit of the program, we must try to help other alcoholics. We may try to help somebody and think we have failed, but the seed we have planted may bear fruit some time. We never know the results even a word of ours might have. But the main thing is to have charity for others, a real desire to help them, whether we succeed or not.

So ............

Do I have real charity?


Just a Contemplation


Service is a word we hear in our recovery program. Service means work we do for others. It's the backbone of our program. The reason is simple. Service to our Higher Power and to others breaks down our wanting to be self-centered. Service brings us back into the world. We really are part of the group when we pitch in to make coffee, set up chairs, or talk in meetings. We really feel like part of the family when we run errands and help with meals and housework. We really connect with our Higher Power when we pray, "Use me today to help others." Service breaks down the feeling of being alone that being self -centered brings.


The Tyrant

The truth is, that in the life of each AA member, there still lurks a tyrant.
His name is alcohol. And his weapons are misery, insanity, and death. No matter how long we may be sober, he always stands at each man's elbow, ever watchful of an opportunity to resume his destruction.

The Language of the Heart Page 34


Just a Quote

"To recognize one’s own insanity is, of course, the arising of sanity, the beginning of healing and transcendence." ~ Eckhart Tolle

06-08-2022, 07:23 AM
June 8

Prayer To Serve Others

Thank You for the opportunity to serve others. I pray that You would continue to instill this value into us and our children. Help us to see others the way you see them.

Lord, we pray that You show us the needs of those around us. Help us to be focused on others and in tune to Your Spirit, so that we can help those that are hurting. Lord, give us the grace to serve when it’s hard. Give us the strength to keep going when we are worn out from our own situations.


Just a Thought

In A.A. we often hear the slogan "Easy Does It."

Alcoholics always do everything to excess. They drink too much. They worry too much. They have too many resentments. They hurt themselves physically and mentally by too much of everything. So when they come into A.A., they have to learn to take it easy. None of us knows how much longer we have to live. It's probable that we wouldn't have lived very long if we had continued to drink the way we used to. By stopping drinking, we have increased our chances of living for a while longer.

So ............

Have I learned to take it easy?


Just a Contemplation

Being Happy

If only I had a new bike, then I'd be happy. If only my family were more understanding, then I'd be happy. If only my hair were styled better. If only I had more friends. If only... Sometimes we begin to sound like a broken record when things go wrong, so certain that if the events and conditions of our lives were different, we'd be happy.

It's an old and unfortunate habit that we look around outside ourselves for happiness. We can never be sure of it if we count on certain conditions to guarantee it. However, we can always be sure of happiness if we carry it with us wherever we go. The happiness habit can be developed, with practice, just as surely as good piano playing or accurate pitching. We can control our own thoughts. The decision to make them happy ones is ours to make.

Am I carrying my happiness within me right now?


Only Try

I'm glad you are going to try that new job. But make sure that you are only going to 'try.' If you approach the project in the attitude that "I must succeed, I must not fail, I cannot fail,' then you practically guarantee the flop which in turn will guarantee a drinking relapse. But if you look at the venture as a constructive experiment only, then all should go well.

As Bill See It Page 214


Just a Quote

“As we lose ourselves in the service of others we discover our own lives and our own happiness.” ~ Dieter

06-09-2022, 07:10 AM
June 9

Prayer for Understanding

As I walk through life, give me wisdom and understanding in every decision I make.
Guide my thoughts and direct my steps.
When I experience uncertainty and confusion, may I lean on your limitless wisdom.
Help me to think clearly and calmly.
Help me to act with confidence and wisdom.


Just a Thought

The way of A.A. is the way of fellowship.

We have read a good deal about fellowship and yet it is such an important part of the A.A. program that it seems that we cannot think too much about it. Human beings were not meant to live alone. A hermit's life is not a normal or natural one. We all need to be by ourselves at times, but we cannot really live without the companionship of others. Our natures demand it. Our lives depend largely upon it. The fellowship of A.A. seems to us to be the best in the world.

So ............

Do I fully appreciate what the fellowship of A.A. means to me?


Just a Contemplation


A.A. is a fellowship united against the same enemy--alcoholism. Our bonds give us strength to recover. We may not even know each other's last name, but we'll do anything to help each other stay sober. Our illness has taken much. But it has also given us much. We have millions of new friends. Almost anywhere in the world, we can find a member of our fellowship. Our new way of life depends on the strength of the fellowship. We should do nothing to weaken it. When you don't feel like going to a meeting--go, not only for yourself but for the sake of the fellowship. It truly needs you.



Action is the magic word!
With a positive, helpful attitude and regular AA action, I can stay sober and help others to achieve sobriety. My attitude now is that I am willing to go to any length to stay sober!

Daily Reflections, p. 161


Just a Quote

“Willingness is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.” ~ J. W. Reed

06-10-2022, 07:15 AM
June 10

Smile Prayer


I know that every day may not be good, but there is good in every day.
Make this one the best day yet.
Let my eyes be open to the natural beauty in the commonplace things I see.
May my heart feel love for everyone I meet.
Encourage my heart to embrace each and every person I see with a genuine smile.
Show me the way to living well.
Thank You for the guidance.


Just a Thought

As I look back over my drinking career, have I learned that you take out of life what you put into it?

When I put drinking into my life, did I take out a lot of bad things? Hospitals with the D.T.'s? Jails for drunken driving? Loss of job? Loss of home and family?

So ............

When I put drinking into my life, was almost everything I took out bad?


Just a Contemplation


In our illness, we takers. Now, we've changed this around. We are now givers. Giving is a big part of recovery. Our word for it is service. Our program is based on care, respect, and service. Our program tells us to “practice these principles in all our affairs." No matter if it's getting to our meeting early to put on the coffee, or going on a Twelfth Step call, we are giving of ourselves. We give so that we know we can make a difference. We give so that we can know how to love better. The healing power of recovery is love. As we give love and kindness to others, we heal. Why? Because people grow by giving kindness and love to others.



Alcoholism is deadly, ugly, and tough. It is also cunning, baffling, and powerful. It wants me to consider perfection attainable. . . It wants me to try to fix myself with the right therapist or the right religion. . . It wants me to forget that it is a snake in the brain, hoping to catch my eye, watching, waiting. The gritty pain of alcoholism is the traction of recovery. I cannot afford to sell off the principles for an easier, softer way.

The Best of the Grapevine [Vol. 3], page 165


Just a Few Quotes

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. ~ Aesop

Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give. ~ Ben Carson

06-11-2022, 07:42 AM
June 11

Acceptance of Change Prayer

Change isn’t always bad, and I need to accept that.
Help me as I face changes in my life and show me ways to manage them.
Give me wisdom and guide me as I enter these changes.
May others be an encouragement as well and allow me to do the same in return.
Keep me from always questioning why things are happening and just show me how to accept them.


Just a Thought

The longer we're in A.A., the more natural this way of life seems.

Our old drinking lives were a very unnatural way of living. Our present sober lives are the most natural way we could possibly live. During the early years of our drinking, our lives weren't so different from the lives of a lot of other people. But as we gradually became problem drinkers, our lives became more and more unnatural.

So ............

Do I realize now that the things I did were far from natural?


Just a Contemplation


I do not have to worry about tomorrow, because if I live well today, tomorrow will take care of itself.

When I am full of gratitude, there is no room left for anger, envy, fear, or hatred. Nor is there room for pride, since when I am grateful I am humbly aware of my dependence on my God. Being filled with gratitude is ever so much better than being filled with anger & fear!

May I be grateful today and every day.



A spot-check inventory taken in the midst of disturbances can be of very great help in quieting stormy emotions. Today's spot check finds its chief application to situations which arise in each day's march. The consideration of long-standing difficulties had better be postponed, when possible, to times deliberately set aside for that purpose.

The quick inventory is aimed at our daily ups and downs, especially those where people or new events throw us off balance and tempt us to make mistakes.

As Bill Sees It Page 132


Just a Quote

"Life is like a taxi. The meter just keeps a-ticking whether you are getting somewhere or just standing still." ~ Lou Erickson

06-12-2022, 07:36 AM
June 12

Healing Prayer

Thank you for your love, grace, and mercy.
I pray that my discomforts will turn to comforts, my pains to gains,
my deprivation to more blessings, my losses to profits, my tears to smiles,
my sorrows to pleasures, my illness to wellness, my debits to credits and my dreams to realities.
I trust in you Lord and in you alone to heal me with any form of skepticism.
I trust, Lord, that this agony and suffering that is only in my head will come to end and positivism will shine upon me.


Just a Thought

When drinking, I had to show off and boast so that people would think I amounted to something.

But of course, both they and I knew that I really didn't amount to anything. I didn't fool anybody. Although I've been sober for quite a while, the old habit of building myself up is still with me. I still have a tendency to think too well of myself and to pretend to be more than I really am.

So ............

Am I always in danger of becoming conceited just because I'm sober?


Just a Contemplation


Do you remember what it was like to not have sobriety? Remember the shame? Remember loneliness? Remember lying and wishing you could stop? Remember the powerlessness? Do you remember, also, how it felt when you began to believe you had an illness? Your shame was lifted. Remember what it was like to look around at your meeting and know you belonged? Your loneliness was lifted. Remember when your family started to trust you again? Your dishonesty has been lifted. Sobriety gives us many roses. Our memory will help to keep them fresh.



The fellowship I found in AA enabled me to face my problem honestly and squarely. I couldn't do it among my relatives, I couldn't do it among my friends. No one likes to admit they're a drunk, that they can't control this thing. But when we come into AA, we can face our problem honestly and openly. I went to closed meetings and open meetings. And I took everything that AA had to give me. It was at that point I reached surrender.

Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, Page 340


Just a Quote

“It is better to live one day wisely and reflectively than to live a hundred years in ignorance and indulgence." ~ Buddha

06-13-2022, 07:12 AM
June 13

Prayer To Understand Others

Grant me the gift of understanding.
Help me to understand the feelings of others, the desires of others, the goals of others.
At the same time, help me to understand myself in my actions and reactions.
Widen my vision beyond my own small world to embrace with knowledge and love the worlds of others.
Help me, Lord, to always see you at work in my own life and in the lives of others.
Bless me with insight, acceptance and love. Help me to understand.


Just a Thought

When we first came into A.A., a sober life seemed strange.

We wondered what life could possibly be like without ever taking a drink. At first, a sober life seemed unnatural. But the longer we're in A.A., the more natural this way of life seems. And now we know that the life we're living in A.A., the sobriety, the fellowship, the faith in God, and trying to help each other, is the most natural way we could possibly live.

So ............

Do I believe it's the way God wants me to live?


Just a Contemplation


Anger is part of life. We need not dwell in it or seek it out, but we can't afford to ignore it. It's one of our emotions.

We can learn that we can shamelessly feel all our feelings, including anger, and still take responsibility for what we do when we feel angry. We don't have to let anger control us, but it surely will if we prevent ourselves from feeling it.

Being grateful, being positive, being healthy, does not mean we never feel angry. Being grateful, positive, and healthy means we feel angry when we need to.

I can let myself be angry, if I need to. I can feel and release my emotions, including anger, constructively. I will be grateful for my anger and the things it is trying to show me. I can feel and accept all my emotions without shame, and I can take responsibility for my actions.



Alcoholism is a grievous and often fatal malady of the mind and body. We have found that these awful conditions invariably bring on the third phase of our malady. This is the sickness of the spirit; a sickness for which there must necessarily be a spiritual remedy. We AA's recognize this in the first five words of Step Twelve. Those words are: 'Having had a spiritual awakening...' Here we name the remedy for our threefold sickness of body, mind, and soul.
~ Bill W

The Language of the Heart Page 297


Just a Quote

"Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving." ~ Dale Carnegie

06-14-2022, 07:25 AM
June 14

Stress Prayer

Dear Lord,
I have so many things I’m worried about bombarding my brain.
I am so tired from worrying about all of these things.
I’m not going to hold them anymore.
I cast them on You, knowing You are fully capable of catching them.
You carefully hold me, my loved ones, my dreams, and anything else I take care of and love in Your hands.
You are infinitely wise, resourceful, powerful, and loving.
You can take care of me and everything I care about.
Thank You, Lord!


Just a Thought

It's very important to keep in a grateful frame of mind, if we want to stay sober.

We should be grateful that we're living in a day and age when an alcoholic isn't treated as he often used to be treated before Alcoholics Anonymous was started. In the old days, every town had its town drunk who was regarded with scorn and ridicule by the rest of the townspeople. We have come into A.A. and found all the sympathy, understanding, and fellowship that we could ask for. There's no other group like A.A. in the world.

So ............

Am I grateful?


Just a Contemplation

The Past

We're told that we should forget the past when we come into AA. Since we can't change it, we should not waste time and energy reliving it.

Let's be careful, however, not to take this advice too literally. There was much in our past that was good, even when we were drinking. We have a right and a need to treasure these important things.
The real dangers of living in the past come either from brooding about its mistakes or from thinking that our best days are already behind us. We can think of the past as a foundation for the good we expect today and in all the days ahead.

I'll preserve the best in my memories of the past, knowing that these helped bring me to my present state of recovery.


Willing To Believe

Do not let any prejudice you may have against spiritual terms deter you from honestly asking yourself what they might mean to you. At the start, this was all we needed to commence spiritual growth, to effect our first conscious relation with God as we understood Him. Afterward, we found ourselves accepting many things which had seemed entirely out of reach. That was growth. But if we wished to grow we had to begin somewhere. So at first we used our own conceptions of God, however limited they were.

We needed to ask ourselves but one short question: "Do I now believe, or am I even willing to believe, that there is a Power greater than myself?" As soon as a man can say that he does believe, even in this small degree, or is willing to believe, we emphatically assure him that he is on his way.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 47


Just a Quote

"Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start." ~ Nido Qubein

06-15-2022, 04:10 AM
June 15

Prayer When Frustrated

I feel so frustrated.
Give me strength to overcome these negative feelings
and to get all the tasks that I have to do, completed,
efficiently and effectively, and on time!
Calm my mind.
Give me peace, as I recollect all the tasks I need to complete.


Just a Thought

I'm grateful that I found the program of A.A. that keeps me sober.

I'm grateful that A.A. has shown me the way to faith in a Higher Power, because the renewing of that faith has changed my way of life. And I've found a happiness and contentment that I had forgotten existed, by simply believing in God and trying to live the kind of a life that I know He wants me to live. As long as I stay grateful, I'll stay sober.

So ............

Am I in a grateful frame of mind?


Just a Contemplation


When we see someone drunk and out of control, can we see the beautiful person inside them?

If we can't, who will? Step Twelve reminds us that we have to help the alcoholic who suffers. This task has been given to us because we, most of all, should be able to look past the drunkenness and see the person. We were there. We know what it's like to be trapped in a world without meaning. If these memories have faded, we may need to go back over Step One. We may find ourselves angry with the practicing drunk or other drug addict. This is a sign that we have gotten too far from our past. Remember, "But for the grace of God..."



If we cannot or will not achieve sobriety, then we become truly lost, right in the here and now.
We are of no value to anyone, including ourselves, until we find salvation from alcohol.
Therefore, our own recovery and spiritual growth have to come first -- a right and necessary kind of self-concern.

As Bill Sees It Page 81


Just a Few Quotes

“One of the greatest sources of insecurity and frustration is our tendency to try and change things that we don't have any control of.” ~ Ryan Help

“How many times have we attempted the impossible and tried to change other people. Often this ends up being an exercise of frustration as attempting to change others truly is a waste of time!” ~ Catherine Pulsifer

06-16-2022, 06:17 AM
June 16

A Prayer For Common Sense

Give me the common sense to do common sense things.
Give me the wisdom to see things as they are and not as I want them to be or as I hope for them to be.
Show me the way to use what you have given me rather than letting me long for things I do not have or cannot use.
In your ways of working in the world, let the light you have given me be a light for others.
When I want to go about my life and build castles in the sky, show me the needs of those around me who hunger for the humblest abodes.
When I tend to overlook the most common of people, places, and things, show me these people, places, and things are made by you.
Show me the most common people, places, and things are given to me as an opportunity to let your light shine in the world.
When I think I need special people, places, things, and circumstances to do your work, show me they are already within my grasp through you.


Just a Thought

When drinking we did not practice any self-discipline.

We alcoholics used so little self control when we were drinking; we were so absolutely selfish, that it does us good to give up something once in a while. Using self-discipline and denying ourselves a few things is good for us. At first, giving up alcohol is a big enough job for all of us, even with God's help. But later on, we can practice self-discipline in other ways to keep a firm grip on our minds so that we don't start any wishful thinking. If we daydream too much, we'll be in danger of slipping.

So ............

Am I practicing enough self-discipline?


Just a Contemplation

Charity & Service

Charity is not just giving money to good causes. Charity is having a heart that's ready to give. Charity is helping a friend at two in the morning. Charity is going early to the meeting to put on coffee without being asked.

Service is how Twelve Step programs refer to "Charity". Service and charity are a lifestyle. We see a need, so we try to help. Our values and our heart will guide us in how we help. Service is a big part of our program. Service helps us think of others, not just of ourselves. We stop asking, "What's in it for me?" The act of helping others is what's in it for us. Sobriety is what's in it for us. Serenity is what's in it for us.



He said, "Why don't you choose your own conception of God?"
That statement hit me hard. It melted the icy intellectual mountain in whose shadow I had lived and shivered many years. I stood in the sunlight at last. It was only a matter of being willing to believe in a Power greater than myself.
Nothing more was required of me to make my beginning.

Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 12


Just a Quote

“Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done.” – Josh Billings

06-17-2022, 06:15 AM
June 17

Self-Respect Prayer

Dear Lord,

Thank You for giving me the richest gift of all:
You taught me to respect myself.
I have the ability to say “no” to the toxic people in my life.
I am able to surround myself with only those who share authentic love through word and deed.
I can grow to my full potential.



Just a Thought

One thing that keeps me sober is a feeling of loyalty to the other members of the group.

I know I'd be letting them down if I ever took a drink. When I was drinking, I wasn't loyal to anybody. I should have been loyal to my family, but I wasn't. I let them down by drinking. When I came into A.A., I found a group of people who were not only helping each other to stay sober, but who were loyal to each other by staying sober themselves.

So ............

Am I loyal to my group?


Just a Contemplation


When we are tired, we need to stop and give ourselves time to rest. Sometimes we think we can't spare the time. But without rest, all our activity soon becomes a burden and there is no joy in it. Animals know it is necessary to take time to rest. This is part of the rhythm of life: activity and rest, effort and relaxation.

Our bad moods are often our body's way of telling us we need rest. When we were little, we needed naps. Somehow, we forget to allow ourselves this right when we are older. We are wise to remember we never outgrow this need for rest to make the day go better.
When we return to our day refreshed, we have given ourselves and all those around us the gift of ourselves at our best.
I do better when I am rested.


Source of Strength

I would tell a friend of mine, who was having the same problems, that I prayed to God not to take a drink today and not to get married today. It was a sort of pact. I was very serious about this. I couldn't seem to handle romance and God too well at the same time. And God did start to give me the strength that I had always thought would come from the man in my life.

Came to Believe, 30th printing 2004, Pages 102-103


Just a Quote

"Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn't worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens." ~ Louise L. Hay

06-18-2022, 06:27 AM
June 18

Prayer of Thanks

Sometimes life gets me down and I find it hard to see things to be thankful for.
I am also thankful for the strength you give me each day and for all the people around me who make life more meaningful.
Open my eyes to see the gifts you’ve given me in my life.


Just a Thought

We can depend on those members of any group who have gone all out for the program.

They come to meetings. They work with other alcoholics. We don't have to worry about them slipping. They're loyal members of the group. I'm trying to be a loyal member of the group. When I'm tempted to take a drink, I tell myself that if I did I'd be letting down the other members who are the best friends I have.

So ............

Am I going to let them down, if I can help it?


Just a Contemplation


As alcoholics, we had lots of fear. Some of us were afraid of failure. So we didn't try to do much. Or else we tried too hard all the time. We used alcohol to forget our fear, but it didn't go away. It got worse. Now we know we don't have to be afraid. When our lives are in the care of our Higher Power, we're safe. Faith is the cure for our fear. But still, fear keeps creeping back inside us. That's okay. It's normal. There is so much that's new in our sober life! We don't know what will happen next. It's hard to always remember to trust our Higher Power. It's hard to always do what our Higher Power says. It's hard to always have faith. We have to practice turning our fear over to our Higher Power.



It is important for me to realize that, as an alcoholic, I not only hurt myself, but also those around me. Making amends to my family, and to the families of alcoholics still suffering, will always be important. Understanding the havoc I created and trying to repair the destruction, will be a lifelong endeavor. The example of my sobriety may give others hope, and faith to help themselves.

Daily Reflections Page 173


Just a Quote

“The world we have created is a product of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” ~ Albert Einstein

06-19-2022, 08:35 AM
June 19

Anxiety and Depression Prayer

Dear Lord,
I come to You today to ask for help.
Lord, I need rest. I give You my worry. Take it, Lord.
I accept Your peace, love, and understanding.
Help me to turn to You and not to myself.
Help me to stop doing and start trusting.
Help me to wait on Your answers, because I know that they are good.
Give me wisdom, hope, and peace.
Thank you, Lord, for Your patience and grace.

~ Lori B.


Fathers in Our Lives

We give our thanks for the fathers in our lives.

Fatherhood does not come with a manual, and reality teaches us that some fathers excel while others fail.
We ask for Your blessings for them all and forgiveness where it is needed.

This Father's Day we remember the many sacrifices fathers make for their children and families, and the ways--both big and small--they lift children to achieve dreams thought beyond reach.

So too, we remember all those who have helped fill the void when fathers pass early or are absent; grandfathers and uncles, brothers and cousins, teachers, pastors and coaches and the women of our families.

For those who are fathers, we ask for wisdom and humility in the face of the task of parenting. Give them the strength to do well by their children .

~ Rev. Chuck Currie


Just a Thought

We come into A.A., looking for a way out of drinking.

We really need a lot more than that. We need fellowship. We need to get the things that are troubling us out into the open. We need a new outlet for our energies and we need a new strength beyond ourselves that will help us face life instead of running away from it. In A.A. we find these things that we need.

So ............

Have I found the things that I need?


Just a Contemplation


Before recovery, we relied on false facts about addiction. We said things like, "I can quit anytime I want." "If you had my family, you'd drink too." The truth is, we were out of control. We couldn't manage our lives. We were sick. We were scared. When others pointed out this truth to us, we denied it. Honesty, the backbone of our program, is about truth. We even start our meetings with the truth about who we are. "Hi, my name is ___________, and I'm an alcoholic." The truth frees us from our addiction. The truth heals us and gives us comfort. It's like a blanket on a cold winter night.


Helping Others

When trying to help a fellow alcoholic,
I've given in to an impulse to give advice, and perhaps that's inevitable.
But allowing others the right to be wrong reaps its own benefits.
The best I can do -- and it sounds easier than it is to put into practice -- is to listen, share personal experience, and pray for others.

Daily Reflections Page 364


Just a Quote

"We could accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible" ~ Jean-Jacques Rousseau

06-20-2022, 06:44 AM
June 19

Comforting Prayer

Lord, my life is full of difficulties.
I am anxious about everything and I am consumed with worry.
Even though I know that You always provide, I struggle to apply this to my life.
Let Your comforting spirit descend upon me.
Let it wash through me so that I might know this comfort and learn to trust in You.


Just a Thought

People often ask what makes the A.A. program work.

One of the answers is that A.A. works because it gets a person away from himself as the center of the universe. And it teaches him to rely more on the fellowship of others and on strength from God. Forgetting ourselves in fellowship, prayer, and working with others is what makes the A.A. program work.

So ............

Are these things keeping me sober?


Just a Contemplation


How can we measure all the grief we feel, and how can we put up with it? Doesn't the Grief of Death weigh a ton or more? Doesn't it stretch out to a month, a year, or longer still? Is the Grief of Failure lighter than the Grief of Despair, but maybe longer? Isn't the Grief of Emptiness the heaviest of all? Whether we try to ignore or make light of it, our grief, like a ton of feathers or a ton of rocks, is all the same to us. This much is sure: if we lock our grief in, it will weigh more on us and lengthen out; if we open our hearts with weeping and words, others will help carry it away.

What sadness can I let go of by sharing it today?



A willingness to do whatever I was told to do simplified the program for me. Study the AA book - don't just read it. They told me to go to meetings, and I still do at every available opportunity, whether I am at home or in some other city. Attending meetings has never been a chore for me. Nor have I attended them with a feeling of just doing my duty. Meetings are both relaxing and refreshing to me after a hard day. They said 'Get active," so I helped whenever I could, and still do.

Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, Page 381


Just a Quote

“Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.” ~ Arthur Somers Roche

06-21-2022, 08:01 AM
June 21

Prayer for Hope

Lord send me hope. There are times when I feel helpless and weak. I want a better future and life but I can’t see it. I need love and kindness.

The sky is at its darkest just before the light. I pray that this is true, for all seems dark. I need your light, Lord, in every way.

I pray to be filled with your light from head to toe. To bask in your glory. To know that all is right in the world, as you have planned, and as you want it to be. Amen


Just a Thought

A drinking life isn't a happy life. Drinking cuts you off from other people and from God.

One of the worst things about drinking is loneliness. And one of the best things about A.A. is the fellowship. Drinking cuts you off from other people, at least from the people who really matter to you, your wife and children, your family and real friends. No matter how much you love them, you build up a wall between you and them by drinking. You're cut off from any real companionship with them. As a result, you're terribly lonely.

So ............

Have I got rid of my loneliness?


Just a Contemplation


Lying can be like sailing choppy waters. The more we lie, the higher the waves get, and the harder the sailing. When we lie, we feel we've failed ourselves and others. We have to work hard to cover up our lies, and the fear of someone finding out is always with us.

If we ask God for courage to tell the truth, we can be like the sailboat on a clear and calm day. We can enjoy the small waves and the light warm breeze we've given ourselves. Honesty is a good habit, and is easy. With a little faith in our own worth, we can choose the calm waters' honesty and apply our creativity to new, growth-oriented activities instead of covering up old mistakes.



From "Alcoholics Anonymous Number Three": I thought, I think I have the answer. Bill was very, very grateful that he had been released from this terrible thing and he had given God the credit for having done it, and he's so grateful about it he wants to tell other people about it. That sentence, 'The Lord has been so wonderful to me, curing me of this terrible disease, that I just want to keep telling people about it,' has been a sort of a golden text for the A.A. program and for me.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 191


Just a Quote

“No matter the storm... When you're with God there's always a rainbow waiting. Remember, God answers knee-mail!” ~ Unknown Author

06-22-2022, 06:44 AM
June 22

Peace Within

May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you
May you be confident knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.

~ St. Therèse of Lisieux and St. Theresa of Avila


Just a Thought

We have definitely left that dream world behind.

It was only a sham. It was a world of our own making and it was not the real world. We are sorry for the past, yes, but we learned a lot from it. We can put it down to experience, as we see it now, because it has given us the knowledge necessary to face the world as it really is. We had to become alcoholics in order to find the A.A. program. We would not have got it any other way. In a way, it was worth it.

So ............

Do I look at my past as valuable experience?


Just a Contemplation

Give & Receive

Many of us took so much from others during our alcoholic addiction that now we may not want to ask for anything.

We may be afraid to ask for help, so our needs go unmet. In fact, many of us would rather give than receive. In recovery, we need to understand the difference between taking and receiving. Giving to others is important. So is receiving from others. As we grow spiritually, we learn to accept gifts. The gift of sobriety teaches us this. We need to accept the gifts the world gives us without shame. We are entitled.

God loves us and will give us much if we're willing to receive it.


Letting Go

Letting go of everything at once was both painful and terrifying. I could never have accomplished this alone. It took the help, understanding and wonderful companionship that was given so freely to me by my ex-alkie friends. This and the program of recovery embodied in the Twelve Steps. In learning to practice these steps in my daily living, I began to acquire faith and a philosophy to live by. Whole new vistas were opened up for me, new avenues of experience to be explored, and life began to take on color and interest.

Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Edition, page 311
Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, page 275


Just a Thought

"When you forgive, you in no way change the past - but you sure do change the future." ~ Bernard Meltzer

06-23-2022, 07:11 AM
June 23

Mohawk Prayer

Oh Great Spirit, Creator of all things;
Human Beings, trees, grass, berries.
Help us, be kind to us.
Let us be happy on earth.
Let us lead our children
To a good life and old age.
These our people; give them good minds
To love one another.
Oh Great Spirit,
Be kind to us
Give these people the favor
To see green trees,
Green grass, flowers, and berries
This next spring;
So we all meet again
Oh Great Spirit,
We ask of you.


Just a Thought

People believe in A.A. when they see it work.

An actual demonstration is what convinces them. What they read in books, what they hear people say doesn't always convince them. But when they see a real honest-to-goodness change take place in a person, a change from a drunkard to a sober, useful citizen, that's something they can believe because they can see it. There's really only one thing that proves to me that A.A. works.

So ............

Have I seen the change in people who come into A.A.?


Just a Contemplation


None of us, perhaps, ever thought we'd end up in recovery. But we were working at joining recovery years before we got here! Maybe recovery was our fate from the day we first took a drink. Others around us could see the writing on the wall, but we couldn't. We were too busy trying to avoid the pain. Alcoholism leads us to finding spiritual wholeness--- the kind of spiritual wholeness we're finding now. . .in recovery. So, let's welcome recovery into our lives. We have found our spiritual home.


A New Beginning

I knew I had to have a new beginning, and this beginning had to be here.
I had to let go of the past and forget the future.
As long as I held on to the past with one hand and grabbed at the future with the other hand I had nothing to hold on to today with. So I had to begin here, now.

Came To Believe Page 46


Just a Quote

"The miracle of gratitude is that it shifts your perception to such an extent that it changes the world you see." ~ Dr. Robert Holden

06-24-2022, 06:46 AM
June 24

Let Go of The Past Prayer

I pray that in Your mercy and kindness You would help me to simply let go of all the fears and worries, problems and doubts, guilt and disappointments that seem to be filling my heart and mind so often, during the course of a day.

Fill my hurting soul with Your love and peace I pray. Fill the emptiness and pain that is tearing my life asunder. Lord, You know what is in my heart and why I am going through this time of fear and worry. Help me Lord, to take every thought captive, to hand it over to You as it rears up in my mind, and help me to replace it with your peace and love.


Just a Thought

We have been given a new life, just because we happened to become alcoholics.

We certainly don't deserve the new life that has been given us. There is little in our past to warrant the life we have now. Many people live good lives from their youth on, not getting into serious trouble, being well adjusted to life, and yet they have not found all that we alcoholics have found. We had the good fortune to find Alcoholics Anonymous and with it a new life. We are among the lucky few in the world who have learned a new way of life.

So ............

Am I deeply grateful for the new life that I have learned in A.A.?


Just a Contemplation


For a long time, we didn't really laugh. It's surprising when we think about it: We hadn't really laughed for so long . . . we almost forgot how good we could feel. It feels so good to laugh again!

Now our spirits come more alive each day. Now we feel what alcohol stuffed deep inside us. Pain, fear and anger come up. But so do happiness and joy, thankfulness and a sense of humor. In early recovery, we work through the hard feelings. As we grow in the program, we have more and more room for happiness.


A Leap of Faith

We needed to ask ourselves but one short question.
"Do I now believe, or am I even willing to believe, that there is a Power greater than myself?"
As soon as a man can say that he does believe, or is willing to believe, we emphatically assure him that he is on his way.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 47


Just a Quote

"Things turn out best for the people who make the best out of the way things turn out." ~ Art Linkletter

06-25-2022, 06:53 AM
June 26

Prayer for Emotional Strength

I’ve reached my emotional breaking point. I am full of doubt, despair, and anxiety.
I’m dissatisfied and don’t know why or where to turn.
I pray to ask you for emotional strength.
Please give me trust, joy, and excitement so I can be lifted from this dark place and become the person you created me to be.
Please be with me and give me comfort and fill my heart with your goodness.


Just a Thought

Having gotten over drinking, we have only just begun to enjoy the benefits of A.A.

We find new friends, so that we are no longer lonely. We find new relationships with our families, so that we are happy at home. We find release from our troubles and worries through a new way of looking at things. We find an outlet for our energies in helping other people.

So ............

Am I enjoying these benefits of A.A.?


Just a Contemplation


It's maybe unsettling to learn that we need to like ourselves more, especially when we've often been accused of being conceited.
Being conceited does not mean liking oneself; it's really a matter of being smug and contemptuous in our dealing with others. This attitude is easily recognized by others, and it causes them to dislike us.

However, if we like ourselves in the right way, others sense this too, and they will be drawn to us. We will truly like ourselves more as we learn to practice the principles of AA. We will like the kind of life we are trying to live. We will like ourselves for practicing fairness and honesty. We will also like ourselves for letting people see us as we are and feel comfortable doing so. In liking ourselves, we feel no need to impress or dazzle others.


Humility in the Fellowship

We of A.A. sometimes brag of the virtues of our Fellowship. Let us remember that few of these times are actually earned virtues. We were forced into them, to begin with, by the cruel lash of alcoholism. We finally adopted them, not because we wished to but because we had to.

Then, as time confirmed the seeming rightness of our basic principles, we began to conform because it was right to do so. Some of us, notably myself, conformed even then with reluctance.

But at last we came to a point where we stood willing to conform gladly to the principles which experience, under the grace of God, had taught us.

A.A. Comes Of Age Page 224


Just a Quote

"Often we convince ourselves by rationalizing that all is well when it is not. Our emotional and spiritual health requires that we examine honestly our behavior and our relationships. When they are not right, we need to take action to correct them." ~ Cristina Ferrare

06-26-2022, 06:02 AM
June 26

Prayer To Forgive Others

I want to forgive others, but there seems to be a sort of blockage that is causing me to hold fast to my anger and hurt.
Please would You help me to forgive fully, freely and forever so that I may be released from this sharp pain of unforgiveness, which seems to be holding my heart in an icy, iron grip.


Just a Thought

In A.A. we find a new strength and peace.

We start to realize that there must be a Power greater than ourselves that is running the universe and that is on our side when we live a good life. So the A.A. program really never ends. We begin by overcoming alcohol and go on from there to many new opportunities for happiness and usefulness.

So ............

Am I really enjoying the full benefits of A.A.?


Just a Contemplation


Humility is often used in the context of being honest enough to admit one's faults, but it also means being teachable. The truly humble person realizes there's always more to learn and is open to such learning.

If we think we have humility, we usually don't. However, we can look back and recognize times when we made wonderful progress while being deeply humble. This was particularly true when we recognized our alcoholism and achieved sobriety. In this one action, we changed our lives. If we continue to practice the honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness that helped get us sober, these traits will be apparent in other areas of our lives. Though humility isn't generally sought as a way of life, it's the right way for recovering people.


First Things First

Using "First Things First," we have found it helpful to concentrate first on sobriety alone, steering clear of any risky emotional entanglements.
Immature or premature liaisons are crippling to recovery.
Only after we have had time to mature somewhat beyond merely not drinking are we equipped to relate maturely to other people.

Living Sober Page 62


Just a Quote

"There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.' ~ Bryant H. McGill

06-27-2022, 07:02 AM
June 27

Enjoying Life Prayer

Teach us how to enjoy being. Encourage us to be present to the gifts that are ours. May we be more fully aware of what we see, taste, touch, hear, and smell. May this awareness of our senses sharpen our perception of our everyday treasures and lead us to greater joy and gratitude

Grant us the courage to be our true selves. Help us to let go of being overly concerned about what others think of us or of how successful we are. May our inner freedom be strengthened and our delight in life be activated.

Life is meant to be celebrated, enjoyed, delighted in, and embraced in all its mystery. Guide us to our inner child. Draw us to your playground of creation, so that we will live more fully.

~ Joyce Rupp


Just a Thought

The alcoholic is absolutely unable to stop drinking on the basis of self-knowledge.

We must admit we can do nothing about it ourselves. Willpower and self-knowledge will never help in the strange mental blank spots when we are tempted to drink. An alcoholic mentally is in a very sick condition. The last flicker of conviction that we can do the job ourselves must be snuffed out. The spiritual answer and the program of action are the only hope. Only spiritual principles will solve our problems. We are completely helpless apart from Divine help. Our defense against drinking must come from a Higher Power.

So ............

Have I accepted the spiritual answer and the program of action?


Just a Contemplation


Good ideas are the seeds that start our growth. We hear things at meetings. We listen to our sponsor.
Maybe we listen to program tapes. And we read. Reading is special because we do it when we're alone.

We read in quiet times, when we can think. We can read as fast or as slow as we want. We can mark special words and come back to them again and again. We'll figure things out in our way, but we need help to get started. That's why we read. It gives us good ideas to think about.


Damage Repairs

Now we go out to our fellows and repair the damage done in the past.
We attempt to sweep away the debris which has accumulated out of our effort to live on self-will and run the show ourselves. If we haven't the will to do this, we ask until it comes.
Remember it was agreed at the beginning we would go to any lengths for victory over alcohol.

Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 76


Just a Quote

"To believe in sensible ideas is easy, but to implement them involves sacrifice." ~ Dorothy H.

06-28-2022, 06:48 AM
June 28

Happiness Prayer

Dear Lord,
I pray that you bless me with true happiness and peace in life.
Lead me away from hate and anger toward love.
From a restless mind and anxiety, give me peace.
Lead me from fear of death to eternal life.


Just a Thought

A.A. may be human in its organization, but it is divine in its purpose.

The purpose is to point me toward God and the good life. My feet have been set upon the right path. I feel it in the depths of my being. I am going in the right direction. The future can be safely left to God. Whatever the future holds, it cannot be too much for me to bear. I have the Divine Power with me, to carry me through everything that may happen.

So ............

Am I pointed toward God and the good life?


Just a Contemplation


We should be thankful we can never reach complete serenity. If we could, we would never have the need to improve ourselves. We would stop growing, because there would be no reason to learn any more than we already know, and we would become bored. Even the things, which seem so serene in nature usually contain a struggle within. A lake, with a swan gliding slowly across it, seems a perfect picture of serenity. But, unseen below the surface, fish, turtles, and frogs struggle each day for survival.

The important thing is to accept the struggles as a part of the beauty of life, not as blemishes on it.

What struggles shall help me grow better today?



As the alcoholic goes along with his process of prayer, he begins to add up the results.
If he persists, he will almost surely find more serenity, more tolerance, less fear, and less anger. He will acquire a quiet courage, the kind that doesn't strain him. He can look at so-called failure and success for what they really are. Problems and calamity will begin to mean instruction, rather than destruction.
He will feel freer and saner. . . Wonderful and unaccountable things will start to happen.
Twisted relations with family and on the outside will unaccountably improve.

Bill W., June 1958
The Language of the Heart Page 241


Just a Quote

"Life is always moving, changing, shifting into its next shape. The movement is natural. It is how we evolve. Let the shift happen. Take responsibility for yourself each step of the way." ~ Earnie Larsen

06-29-2022, 07:38 AM
June 29

Prayer for Happiness in Life

Let me awaken each morning with hope for everything that the world has to offer.
Help me so that I can discover peace, prosperity, and happiness in life.
Guide me to find joy in each day and appreciate the beauty of your creation.
Teach me how to touch each soul I meet and be thankful for every person in my life.
Teach me how to see a happy life in all of its infinite varieties.
Help me to find happiness in every moment as I go through each day.


Just a Thought

We're in A.A. for two main reasons: to keep sober ourselves and to help others to find sobriety.

It's a well-known fact that helping others is a big part of keeping yourself sober. It's also been proven that it's very hard to keep sober all by yourself. A lot of people have tried it and failed. They come to a few A.A. meetings and then stay sober alone for a few months, but usually they eventually get drunk.

So ............

Do I know that I can't stay sober successfully alone?


Just a Contemplation

Right Action

A principle is sometimes defined as a fundamental guide to action. The more mature we become, the more likely it is that we'll work from principles rather than blind feelings.
The principles outlined in the Twelve Steps are good guides for mature living. They call for honesty in motive, fair and considerate treatment of others, and reliance on our Higher Power throughout each day.

As we continue on such a path, we will outgrow the childish selfishness and reactions that were so destructive in our old lives. We will be viewed by others as mature, responsible, reliable people.
We also grow into maturity by acting according to sound principles even when we don't always feel like it. Whatever our feelings might be at any given moment, we can choose actions that are sound and constructive.



Walk day by day in the path of spiritual progress. If you persist, remarkable things will happen. When we look back, we realize that the things which came to us when we put ourselves in God's hands were better than anything we could have planned. Follow the dictates of a Higher Power and you will presently live in a new and wonderful world, no matter what your present circumstances!

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 100


Just a Quote

"One of the greatest sources of insecurity and frustration is our tendency to try and change things that we don't have any control of." ~ Ryan Help

06-30-2022, 07:05 AM
June 30

Prayer for Accepting God's Will

Teach me to be patient - with life, with people, and with myself. I sometimes try to hurry things along too much, and I push for answers before the time is right. Teach me to trust Your sense of timing rather than my own and to surrender my will to Your greater and wiser plan. Help me let life unfold slowly, like the small rosebud whose petals unravel bit by bit, and remind me that in hurrying the bloom along, I destroy the bud and much of the beauty therein.

Instead, let me wait for all to unfold in its own time. Each moment and state of growth contains a loveliness. Teach me to slow down enough to appreciate life and all it holds.

~Matthew R.


Just a Thought

Fellowship is a big part of staying sober.

We never go to an A.A. meeting without taking something out of it. Sometimes we don't feel like going to a meeting and we think of excuses for not going. But we usually end up going anyway. And we always get some lift out of every meeting. Meetings are part of keeping sober. And we get more out of a meeting if we try to contribute something to it.

So ............

Am I contributing my share at meetings?


Just a Contemplation


When we hang on to resentments, we poison ourselves. As alcoholics, we cannot afford resentment, since it exacerbates our disease. If we do not get rid of our anger and bitterness, we will suffer more than anyone. Seeking revenge will harm ourselves in the long run.

Many of us have carried around old grudges, which caused us to reach for a drink when we thought about them. We don't need alcohol and we don't need grudges, either. When we give away the resentments, we are that much lighter in body and in spirit. Now that we have found A.A., we have a way to get rid of the animosity and indignation, which has been poisoning our system.

Taking inventory and making amends is an essential part of burying resentments. We need to first be consciously aware of them before we can give them away. These steps usually need to be taken again and again as negative material threatens our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.


Results of Prayer

As the doubter tries the process of prayer, he should begin to add up the results. If he persists, he will most surely find more serenity, more tolerance, less fear, and less anger. He will acquire a quiet courage, the kind that isn't tension-ridden. He can look at "failure" and "success" for what these really are. Problems and calamity will begin to mean his instruction, instead of his destruction. He will feel freer and saner.

The idea that he may have been hypnotizing himself by autosuggestion will become laughable. His sense of purpose and of direction will increase. His anxieties will commence to fade. His physical health will be likely to improve. Wonderful and unaccountable things will start to happen. Twisted relations in his family and on the outside will improve surprisingly.

As Bill Sees It Page 321


Just a Quote

“The basic purpose of prayer is not to bend God's will to mine, but to mold my will into His.” ~ Timothy Keller