View Full Version : Daughter violent towards me as recovering from alcohol abuse

02-11-2014, 12:57 PM
Perhaps there is someone out there who can help?
My daughter is 32, schizophrenic (untreated) and a recovering alcoholic. She lets me keep the purse-strings because she knows she will otherwise spend on drink. I live 30 miles away and go once or twice a week and buy food, for now, also, driving lessons. She has beaten me up again, but if I don't go she will starve. Her father pays for her heat and light after it was cut off. I buy whatever else she needs. She has no money of her own, having drunk it all. She will never be able to work and will drink again if she goes on 'welfare' (difficult enough to get it anyway).

I cannot let her kick and hit me, etc. What ever shall I do?

02-11-2014, 08:50 PM
Sorry Theresa, tried to post earlier but lost the post along with two readings.

I would suggest going to Al-Anon. As long as you enable her, she will continue to do. If she is harmful to yourself and herself, not taking her medication so she can drink, it would be wise to report to counsellor, therapist, or doctor. I knew a girl who was bi-polar and stopped taking her meds so she could drink and she died.

We can't help them unless they are willing to get help.

Prayers for you and yours.
