View Full Version : Changing Our Thinking

05-24-2022, 09:21 AM
None of us will be able to think our way into a new way of living, but all of us can take certain actions that will change the way in which all of us think. This is the secret of recovery: it allows all of us to be able to change the way we think. None of us have been able to do this before we got to recovery. It's not by thinking our way into a new way of living that we'll ever be able to get it, but it is by all of us taking certain actions that this will be given to all of us, and along with it comes a new way for us all to think. As long as we're unwilling to take these actions all of us are going to be stuck with the way we think. It is only by taking these actions that any of us will ever be able to change the way we think, and the best part of all this is how easily it happens for us, there's no need for any of us to be forcing ourselves, it just comes for any of us who take these actions.That's the beauty of it all by taking these actions it changes what we think. We all become what we've always wanted to be like, that's part of us, and we knew it was, but because of our thinking we've all been cutting ourselves off from it. We all know we have this, we just don't know how to make it part of us again. Recovery can show us how it's all about us being able to do what none of us do for ourselves; it allows for all of us to be able to think differently.