05-13-2022, 10:29 AM
Enough is enough, but only we get to decide when that is, and for some of us it's going to be too late for them to do something about having this problem, but we don't have to be one of them. All of us can start to do something about having this problem now before it's too late and for all of us that means we need to join recovery now. Why wait ? We only end up making things worse for ourselves by waiting. We never gain anything by putting off joining recovery , and we could end up losing it all by waiting. At the very least it makes it harder for us to join recovery by putting it off, and we'll end up bringing more baggage with us when we do. It's never an easy thing for any of us to join recovery, but all of us can make it easier on ourselves by not waiting. The fact that so many people have been able to join recovery who say that it was just as hard for them to join as it is for us, proves that we can do it too, but only if we want it enough. And we're only ones who get to decide that for ourselves as well.