View Full Version : Much To Our Own Surprise

05-01-2022, 10:20 AM
Many of us after we start recovery will have an overwhelming disbelief that this is happening to us, that it's really working, we're actually getting better and are no longer stuck at being sick all the time like all of us had been for so long. This is the beginning of what it's like for us to not have to be in control of everything any more, only ourselves. We can be pulled back from the certain disaster that awaits us all, but only if we choose that for ourselves, otherwise it is always going to happen. Even after choosing recovery for ourselves we're still going to need to cooperate with the process we need to take in order for us to get well. Most of us think little good will come out of doing this. It's hard for all of us to understand what's going to happen to us, just by us wanting it to happen, and then taking whatever steps that are necessary to make it happen. Most of us didn't believe it until after we had tried it and all of us were in for a big surprise when it did happen to us, we got well.