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05-01-2022, 07:21 AM
May 1

Prayer for Guidance

I have a hard time deciding what to do.
I am afraid to make the wrong decision, and this torments me greatly.
Therefore, I turn to you and ask for your help.
Show me your will in this decision.
Give me peace of mind in the next steps!
I seek your will every day as long as I live the life you give me.
I know you will open the doors that need to be opened and you will close the ones that need to be closed.
I go boldly, knowing that you are going with me!


Just a Thought

Today, I have more peace and contentment.

Life has fallen into place. The pieces of the jigsaw puzzle have found their correct position. Life is whole, all in one piece. I am no longer cast around on every wind of circumstance or fancy. I am no longer a dry leaf cast up and away by the breeze. I have found my place of rest, my place where I belong. I am content. I do not vainly wish for things I cannot have. I have "the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."

So ............

Have I found contentment in A.A.?


Just a Contemplation

Free Will

Our freedom was lost while we were in the grip of alcohol. Once free of drink, we still realized that many things in life are controlled by other people and things, such as political and economic forces. If our employer closes the business, for example, we may have to choose less satisfactory employment. If a person threatens physical violence, we may have to go along with his or her wishes against our will.

In all circumstances, our free will lies in the way we choose to think about what's happening. We always have the choice of turning to our Higher Power in thought, rather than reacting with fear and resentment. This is the only free will we can possibly have in the world, but it may be all we really need.

If a difficult situation or problem arises, I'll remember that no human power could have relieved my alcoholism. This will remind me that the true source of power is always at hand.


Sacrifice + Unity = Survival

The unity, the effectiveness, and even the survival of A. A. will always depend upon our continued willingness to give up some of our personal ambitions and desires for the common safety and welfare. Just as sacrifice means survival for the individual alcoholic, so does sacrifice means unity and survival for the group and for A. A.'s entire Fellowship.

As Bill Sees It Page 220


Just a Quote

"Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it. " ~ Tori Amos

05-02-2022, 07:00 AM
May 2

Prayer for Clarity

I give you all of my concerns, anxieties and worries.
You know the inner beating of my heart and all of the troubles in my life.
I pray that you will guide me during this inner turmoil.
My heart weighs heavy as I struggle to discern the truth and the right path to take.
I know that you understand all of my life and have a plan for me.
I wait for your guidance and wisdom.
Lord, bring me clarity.


Just a Thought

What makes A.A. work?

The first thing is to have a revulsion against myself and my way of living. Then I must admit I was helpless, that alcohol made me powerless and I couldn't do anything about it. The next thing is to honestly want to quit the old life. Then I must surrender my life to a Higher Power, put my drinking problem in His hands and leave it there. After these things are done, I should attend meetings regularly for fellowship and sharing. I should also try to help other alcoholics.

So ............

Am I doing these things?


Just a Contemplation


A binge is a chain reaction that starts with one drink. After a grim period of enforced abstinence, that first drink may have brought us intense emotional release and a peak feeling of euphoria. For the rest of the binge, there was a continuing delusion that the next drink would help us recapture that peak experience.

Delusion leads us to other excesses. Some alcoholics also binge on smoking, food, sex, and power and recognition. In this frantic seeking, our basic delusion is that substances and things can satisfy what is really a spiritual need. Instead of realizing that there is a law of diminishing returns in the enjoyment of such things, we cling to the delusion that "just one more" will bring the relief and satisfaction we want.

Delusions brought disillusionment, and only the truth set us free from alcohol. Other excesses might not hurt us to the extent alcohol did, but the excesses of our drinking years carry lessons that are equally applicable to other human problems.



We give away to keep.
That seems absurd and untrue.
How can you keep something if you give it away?
But in order to keep whatever it is we get in AA, we must go about giving it away to others, for no fees or rewards of any kind.

Experience, Strength & Hope Page 154


Just a Quote

"Letting go of the past is the only way that you will ever be able to move forward and gain more mental clarity." ~ R.D. King

05-03-2022, 06:05 AM
May 3

Prayer for Procrastinators

Help me with my prioritization.
Guide my thoughts and my hand as I break things down into tasks and lay out the order in which things need to get done.
Guide me toward what you think is best.
Bring me friends and family that will kindly push me in the right direction.
Unblock my thoughts and open my mind.
I ask that once I get started, you help me remain focused.
I know how easily I can be distracted by other things.


Just a Thought

I have faith.

That thing that makes the world seem right. That thing that makes sense at last. That awareness of the Divine Principle in the universe which holds it all together and gives it unity and purpose and goodness and meaning. Life is no longer ashes in my mouth or bitter to the taste. It is all one glorious whole, because God is holding it together. Faith--that leap into the unknown, the venture into what lies beyond our ken, that which brings untold rewards of peace and serenity.

So ............

Have I faith?


Just a Contemplation


What does my heart have to say today? Am I happy ? Or I’m I troubled? We will find this out if we slow down and listen to our words. We can also hear our spirit in the tone of our words.

We are to meditate. Meditation is about slowing down so we can hear what our spirit is trying to tell us. Meditation is listening. Our spirit is but a quiet whisper inside us. To hear we must quiet ourselves.

Slowing down allows us to find our center. As we find our center we find our spirit and our Higher Power. Do I take the time needed to slow myself down? Do I take the time to listen---to listen to my heart?



There is no easier, softer way.
To bring the great escape act into sobriety is to travel with a companion that led me to despair long ago. The teaching I receive in Alcoholics Anonymous about courage and love helps me to continue to grapple with the challenges of life as they are given to me, one day at a time.

The Best of the Grapevine [Vol. 3], Page 320


Just a Quote

“There are people who are always anticipating trouble, and in this way they manage to enjoy many sorrows that never really happen to them.” ~ Josh Billings

05-04-2022, 06:43 AM
May 4

Prayer for Serenity & Peace

Give me the patience to be compassionate and helpful toward others and myself,
and to know when it is best to remain quiet.
Give me the clarity to be grateful for all that I have,
and to realize when I have something to give to others.
Give me the capacity to love and forgive others,
especially the ones who have wronged me.
Give me the serenity to find happiness and peace in each day.


Just a Thought

I can do things that I never did before.

Alcohol took away my initiative and my ambition. I couldn't get up the steam to start anything. I let things slide. When I was drunk, I was too inert to even comb my hair. Now I can sit down and do something. I can write letters, answer posts, I can make telephone calls that should be made. I can pursue my hobbies. I have the urge to create something, that creative urge that was completely stifled by alcohol.

So ............

Have I recovered my initiative?


Just a Contemplation


How full life can be! We can untie the ribbons on this gift by keeping our spirits open.
Who knows what the gifts the day may bring? Maybe it brings a solution to a problem.
Maybe it brings the smile of a child. Maybe we’ll find a new friend. Whatever gifts the day brings, we must be able to receive them. How do we do this? We keep our spirit open and lively through prayer and meditation. Then we’ll be awake to see the beauty and the wonders life holds for us.



All of us, without exception, pass through times when we can pray only with the greatest exertion of will. Occasionally we go even further than this. We are seized with a rebellion so sickening that we simply won't pray. When these things happen we should not think too ill of ourselves. We should simply resume prayer as soon as we can, doing what we know to be good for us.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Page 105


Just a Quote

"Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment." ~ Benjamin Franklin

05-05-2022, 05:41 AM
May 5

Prayer This Morning

Give me the patience to be compassionate and helpful toward others and myself,
and to know when it is best to remain quiet.
Give me the clarity to be grateful for all that I have,
and to realize when I have something to give to others.
Give me the capacity to love and forgive others,
especially the ones who have wronged me.
Give me the serenity to find happiness and peace in each day.

~ P.C. Cast


Just a Thought

When I was drinking, I was absolutely selfish.

I thought of myself first, last, and always. The universe revolved around me at the center. When I woke up in the morning with a hangover, my only thought was how terrible I felt and about what I could do to make myself feel better. And the only thing I could think of was more liquor. To quit was impossible. I couldn't see beyond myself and my own need for another drink.

So ............

Can I now look out and beyond my own selfishness?


Just a Contemplation

Acceptance & Faith

Acceptance and faith are the most important parts of our recovery. If we boil down Steps One and Two, we'll find acceptance and faith. Acceptance means we see the world as it is, not as we want it to be. We start to see ourselves as humans, not as gods. We are good, and we are bad. We need to fit in the world, not run it.

Acceptance also guides us toward faith. Faith is believing. We start to believe that someone or something will take care of us. Faith is about giving up control of outcomes. We learn to say to our Higher Power, “Thy will be done.”



What right do I have to expect perfection and efficiency in my spiritual growth when the rest of my life is so full of ups and downs, ins and outs, and backs and forths?
Throughout this whole adventure, the only consistency I have maintained is an absolute and total faith in AA, come what may.

The Best of the Grapevine [Vol. 1], Page 187


Just a Few Quotes

“Compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength.” ~ Dalai Lama

“Compassion is to look beyond your own pain, to see the pain of others.” ~ Yasmin Mogahed

05-06-2022, 06:59 AM
May 6

Prayer for Happiness and Peace

I pray that you bless me with true happiness and peace in life.
Lead me away from hate and anger toward love.
From a restless mind and anxiety, give me peace.
Lead me from fear of death to eternal life.

Lord, when I suffer despair and lack of confidence, lead me to hope, faith, and trust.
Lead me away from dishonesty and deceit toward eternal truth.
Allow eternal peace and tranquility to fill my heart, my mind, my life, and my world.


Just a Thought

Keeping sober is the most important thing in my life.

The most important decision I ever made was my decision to give up drinking. I am convinced that my whole life depends on not taking that first drink. Nothing in the world is as important to me as my own sobriety. Everything I have, my whole life depends on that one thing.

So ............

Can I ever afford to forget this, even for one minute?


Just a Contemplation


We. This little word says a lot about the Twelve Steps. Our alcoholism made us lonely. The "we" of the program makes us whole again. It makes us a member of a living, growing group of people. Our alcoholism isolated us from others. We couldn't be honest. We felt a lot of shame. But all this is in the past. The "we" of the program helps us live outside ourselves. Now we tell each other about our pasts. We comfort each other. We try to help each other.



Looking back we see that our freedom to choose badly was not, after all, a very real freedom.
When we chose because we 'must,' this was not a free choice either. But it got us started in the right direction.
When we chose because we 'ought to' we were really doing better.
This time we were earning some freedom, making ourselves ready for more.
But when, now and then, we could gladly make right choices without rebellion, holdout, or conflict, then we had our first view of what perfect freedom under God's will could be like.
Bill W., May 1960

The Language of the Heart Page 302


Just a Quote

“When you do the right thing, you get the feeling of peace and serenity associated with it. Do it again and again.” ~ Roy T. Bennett

05-07-2022, 07:21 AM
May 7

On This Day Prayer

Dear God,
On this day I ask You to grant this request.
May I know who I am and what I am, every moment of every day.
May I be a catalyst for light and love, and bring inspiration to those whose eyes I meet.
May I have the strength to stand tall in the face of conflict, and the courage to speak my voice, even when I'm scared.
May I have the humility to follow my heart, and the passion to live my soul's desires.
May I seek to know the highest truth, and dismiss the gravitational pull of my lower self.
May I embrace and love the totality of myself? My darkness as well as my light.
May I be brave enough to hear my heart? To let it soften so that I may gracefully choose faith over fear.
Today is my day to surrender anything that stands between the sacredness of my humanity and my divinity.
May I be drenched in my Holiness and engulfed by Your love.
May all else melt away.
And so it is.

~ Debbie Ford


Just a Thought

I have lost many of my resentments.

I have found that getting even with people doesn't do any good. When we try to get revenge, instead of making us feel better, it leaves us frustrated and cheated. Instead of punishing our enemies, we've only hurt our own peace of mind. It does not pay to nurse a grudge, it hurts us more than anyone else. Hate causes frustration, inner conflict, and neurosis. If we give out hate, we will become hateful. If we are resentful, we will be resented. If we do not like people, we will not be liked by people. Revengefulness is a powerful poison in our systems.

So ............

Have I lost my resentments?


Just a Contemplation


We were told at our first AA meeting that half-measures will avail us nothing. What's needed is a sincere desire to stop drinking and seek a new way of life.

As we continue in the program, we learn that sincerity is an ingredient for success in everything we do. Quite often, we may find that we're failing in something simply because our heart isn't really in it.
We can't force ourselves into a sincere posture. Instead, the answer is to know ourselves well enough to know just how we feel about everything we do.

We'll learn to be careful about attempting to do something when our heart is not really in it. We may be doing something we dislike merely for the recognition and money it gives us. For real sincerity, we need more than that, and the truths of the program will help us find it.



I know that I am not a total loss, even when I think I am. I know that freedom, and usefulness, love, outgoingness and sharing are the important things in life. But even more important, I have to care for myself and achieve a sense of self-worth. So I continue to listen. I am still open to suggestions. I continue on my way. And I am on my way up.

The Best of the Grapevine [Vol. 1], Page. 24


Just a Quote

“Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

05-08-2022, 04:06 AM
May 8

Prayer for Laughter

Dear God,
As I stumble through this life, help me to create more laughter than tears, dispense more cheer than gloom, spread more cheer than despair. Never let me become so indifferent, that I will fail to see the wonders in the eyes of a child, or the twinkle in the eyes of the aged. Never let me forget that my total effort is to cheer people up, make them happy, and forget momentarily, all the unpleasantness in their lives. And in my final moment, may I hear You whisper: When you made My people smile, you made Me smile.


An Irish blessing
(for mothers)

There is but one and only one,
Whose love will fail you never.
One who lives from sun to sun,
With constant fond endeavor.

There is but one and only one
On earth there is no other.
In heaven a noble work was done
When God gave us a Mother.

- Author Unknown


Just a Thought

I have lost much of my inferiority complex.

I was always trying to escape from life. I did not want to face reality. I was full of self-pity. I was constantly sorry for myself. I tried to avoid all responsibilities. I did not feel that I would handle the responsibilities for my family or my work. Owing to my inferiority complex, I was eager to be free of all responsibilities. I wanted to drift; I wanted to be "on the beach." A.A. showed me how to get over my feeling of inferiority. It made me want to accept responsibility again.

So ............

Have I lost my inferiority complex?


Just a Contemplation


The way we face life's challenges is what gives meaning to our lives.
If we run from our mistakes, they follow us. If we stand up and work with them, we learn. Facing our mistakes teaches us wisdom and courage. Our self-respect grows. Spiritual growth means asking, “How would my Higher Power want me to deal with this mistake?” Then we listen for the answer and do what is needed.

The better we get at facing our mistakes, the better we become at learning from them. Native American culture teaches us that all mistakes in life are gifts. The gift is that we are given a chance to learn.


Survive Trials

In our belief, any scheme of combating alcoholism which proposes wholly to shield the sick man from temptation is doomed to failure. If the alcoholic tries to shield himself he may succeed for a time, but he usually winds up with a bigger explosion than ever. We have tried these methods. These attempts to do the impossible have always failed. Release from alcohol, and not flight from it, is our answer.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 101


Just a Quote

"Worry is an extension of fear and can also set you up for attracting that which you don’t want in your life.' ~ Madisyn Taylor

05-09-2022, 06:43 AM
May 9

Prayer to Stop Worry

It is so easy to fall into worry.
When my fears are reverberating in my mind, help me stop trying to fix everything myself.
Teach me to turn to You in prayer, trust You to be in charge and let Your peace reign over me.

~ Francine Rivers


Just a Thought

I have learned to be less negative and more positive.

I used to take a negative view of almost everything. Most people, in my estimation, were bluffing. There seemed to be very little good in the world, but lots of hypocrisy and sham. People could not be trusted. They would "take you " if they could. All church-goers were partly hypocrites. It seemed I should take everything "with a grain of salt." That was my general attitude toward life. Now I am more positive. I believe in people and in their capabilities. There is much love and truth and honesty in the world. I try not to run people down. Life now seems worthwhile and it is good to live.

So ............

Am I less negative and more positive?


Just a Contemplation


There are so many occasions when we would like to blame somebody - wife, child, parent, or "the management," for our feelings. When we get frustrated, overworked, or angry, we want somebody else to take responsibility. In truth, each of us has his own path and is responsible for their feelings.

This blaming and not taking responsibility keep a person in the role of victim. When we accept the difficult message that our feelings are ours to deal with and no one else's, self-improvement begins. We begin to walk the difficult but self respecting path of spiritual awakening. We can do something about whatever hurts. Even in that awakening there are no guarantees that who we are will be totally what we want to find. Our only guarantee is that our God is with us to deal with the realities of our lives. I will try to be responsible for what I feel and do.



Our AA program is spiritually centered. Most of us have found enough humility to believe in and depend upon God. We have found that humility by facing the fact that alcoholism is a fatal malady over which we are individually powerless.

The Language of the Heart Page 7


Just a Quote

"We get so much in the habit of wearing a disguise before others that we eventually appear disguised before ourselves." ~ Jim Bishop

05-10-2022, 06:41 AM
May 10

Happy To Be Me Prayer

Dear God,
Give me the courage to be myself.
I’m always trying to be what others expect of me.
I’m wasting time and energy pleasing everyone but myself.
I’m not even very good at it.
Help me appreciate the best parts of being me.
Show me how to love myself so I can say with confidence:
“I am very happy to be me.”


Just a Thought

Alcoholics in A.A. recover their faith in a Power greater than themselves.

They admit that they're helpless by themselves and they call on that Higher Power for help. They surrender their lives to God, as they understand Him. They put their drink problem in God's hands and leave it there. They recover their faith in a Higher Power that can help them.

So ............

Have I recovered my faith?


Just a Contemplation

Unexpected Experiences

You can count on moments of laughter. And you can count on twinges of fear. Life is seldom what we expect, but we can trust that we will survive the rough times. They will, in fact, soften our edges. Pleasure and pain are shared equally in the context of our lives.

We so easily forget that our growth comes through the challenges we label "problems." We do have the tools at hand to reap the benefits inherent in the problems that may face us today. Let us move gently forward, take the program with us, and watch the barriers disappear.

Accepting powerlessness over our children, or spouse, or co-worker may free us of a burden today. Or perhaps amends will open the communication we seek with someone in our lives. A Well lived today, will prepare me for both the pleasure and the pain of tomorrow.



On his desk, Dr. Bob had a plaque defining humility:
"Perpetual quietness of heart."
It is to have no trouble. It is never to be fretted or vexed, irritable or sore; to wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing done against me. It is to be at rest when nobody praises me, and when I am blamed or despised, it is to have a blessed home in myself where I can go in and shut the door and kneel to my Father in secret and be at peace, as in a deep sea of calmness, when all around and about is seeming trouble.

Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers Page 222


Just a Quote

"All time spent angry is time lost being happy." ~ Mexican Proverb

05-11-2022, 06:59 AM
May 11

Good Morning God Prayer

Good Morning God!
You are ushering in another day,
untouched and freshly new.
So here I am to ask you, God,
if You'll renew me too.

Forgive the many errors that I made yesterday
and let me try again dear God
to walk closer in Your way.

But Lord, I am well aware,
I can't make it on my own.
So take my hand and hold it tight,
for I cannot walk alone.


Just a Thought

When we were drinking, most of us never thought of helping others.

We liked to buy drinks for people, because that made us feel like big shots. But we only used others for our own pleasure. To really go out and try to help somebody who needed help never occurred to us. To us, helping others looked like a fool's game. But when we came into A.A., we began to try to help others. And we found out that helping others made us happy and also helped us to stay sober.

So ............

Have I learned that there is happiness in helping others?


Just a Contemplation

Living Life

Living means facing all of life. Life is joy and sorrow. We used to be people who wanted joy without sorrow. But we can learn from hard times, maybe more than we do in easy times. Often, getting through hard times helps us grow. When things get tough, maybe we want to turn and run. Then, a gentle voice from within us says, “I am with you. You have friends who will help.” If we listen, we’ll hear our Higher Power. This is what is meant by “conscious contact” in Step eleven. As this conscious contact grows, our courage grows. And we find the strength to face hard times.



The alcoholic at certain times has no effective mental defense against the first drink. Except in a few rare cases, neither he nor any other human being can provide such a defense. His defense must come from a Higher Power.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 43


Just a Quote

"Our program shows us how to change the way we think. And we change how we treat ourselves and others. We learn to live a new life based on love and care." ~ Simon Tyler

05-12-2022, 04:02 AM
May 12

Prayer for Good Humor

Grant me, O Lord, good digestion, and also something to digest.
Grant me a healthy body, and the necessary good humor to maintain it.
Grant me a simple soul that knows to treasure all that is good
and that doesn’t frighten easily at the sight of evil,
but rather finds the means to put things back in their place.
Give me a soul that knows not boredom, grumblings, sighs and laments,
nor excess of stress, because of that obstructing thing called “I.”
Grant me, O Lord, a sense of good humor.
Allow me the grace to be able to take a joke to discover in life a bit of joy,
and to be able to share it with others.

~St. Thomas More


Just a Thought

I am less critical of other people, inside and outside of A.A.

I used to run people down all the time. I realize now that it was because I wanted unconsciously to build myself up. I was envious of people who lived normal lives. I couldn't understand why I couldn't be like them. And so I ran them down. I called them sissies or hypocrites. I was always looking for faults in the other person. I loved to tear down what I called "a stuff shirt" or "a snob." I have found that I can never make a person any better by criticism. A.A. has taught me this.

So ............

Am I less critical of people today?


Just a Contemplation


Learning to detach for many is very demanding and difficult. Detachment means being filled with closeness and love toward someone, yet knowing we cannot fix or protect that person. It means we can be in emotional contact but don't have to react to someone else's issues. We respond from our own center with what is fitting for us. Being detached means we allow others to be in the hands of God because we cannot live their lives for them. Detachment gives us an inner calm, an acceptance of our limits, and the freedom to live our own lives with integrity.

Detachment is a skill in living, and like other skills, we can practice it. Gradually, it becomes a natural response. True detachment takes root and grows within us over a period of time, as we practice it.


(Evidence of a Miracle)

Now I see how monumental my self-deception was. During that first thirteen years, my sobriety was not of the high quality it seemed to be. During the two years that followed, I actually convinced myself that it was a privilege to be able to drink. When I returned to A.A., its precepts seemed entirely new to me, particularly the meaning of the First Step, the 'atom bomb of the program.' Instead of taking the Steps and forgetting them, this time I began living them daily, finding new meaning in each one.

Came to Believe Page 96


Just a Quote

"How many of us are killing ourselves with our own greed? In spite of all that we take in, we remain empty. Excessive consumption depresses our spirits even before it destroys our bodies." ~ Cristina D.

05-13-2022, 05:26 AM
May 13

Happiness in Tough Times Prayer

Dear Lord,
Teach me to be content when I’m facing a bad day.
How easy it is to be happy when everything goes well.
How tough it is to remember my joy when one thing after another appears to defeat me.
Let me in on the secret. Turn my frown into a smile. Tears into laughter.
I am Your humble student.


Just a Thought

Who am I to judge other people?

Have I proved by my great success in life that I know all the answers? Exactly the opposite. Until I came into A.A., my life could be called a failure. I made all the mistakes a man could make. I took all the wrong roads there were to take. On the basis of my record, am I a fit person to be a judge of my fellow men? Hardly. In A.A. I have learned not to judge people. I am so often wrong. Let the results of what they do judge them. It's not up to me.

So ............

Am I less harsh in my judgment of people?


Just a Contemplation

Acceptance and Patience

All of us have times when we don't enjoy our sobriety as much as we feel we should. Though we're still grateful, we sometimes feel bored and depressed.
What we have to remember at such times is our bleak history of using alcohol as a quick fix for boredom. However ruinous and false it proved to be, alcohol did temporarily bring the miraculous change we sought.

We thought of alcohol as a means of uplifting our mood. We were very surprised to learn that it's really a depressant. Maybe it lifted us up by depressing our self-doubt and self-criticism. Whatever the nature of our drinking, we need to stay sober while fighting our battles with boredom. We can do that by accepting a bit of boredom without succumbing to it. Meanwhile, we can look for ways of easing boredom that don't get us into trouble or lead back to the bottle.



I am still arrogant, egocentric, self-righteous, with no humility, even phony at times, but I'm trying to be a better person and help my fellowman. Guess I'll never be a saint, but whatever I am, I want to be sober and in AA.
The word "alcoholic" does not turn me off any more; in fact, it is music to my ears when it applies to me.

Experience, Strength and Hope Page 382


Just a Quote

" You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow" ~ Carrie Fisher

05-14-2022, 05:46 AM
May 14

Prayer for Relaxation and Rest

Dear Lord,

Please help me to rest.

I place my list of things to do in your hands.
Just for a moment, I let it go.

I place any thoughts about how things should be different in your hands.
Just for a moment, I let them go.

I place any thoughts about how someone else should be different in your hands.
Just for a moment, I let them go.

I place any thoughts about how I should be different in your hands.
Just for a moment, I let them go.

Right now, just for a moment,
I allow things to be as they are,
I allow someone else to be as they are,
I allow myself to be as I am,
And so I rest.



Just a Thought

In that alcoholic world ............

I need to remember that one drink always leads to another and you can't stop till you're paralyzed. And the next morning it begins all over again. You eventually land in a hospital or jail. You lose your job. Your home is broken up. You're always in a mess. You're on the merry go round and you can't get off. You're in a squirrel cage and you can't get out.

So ............

Am I convinced that the alcoholic world is not a pleasant place for me to live in?


Just a Contemplation


Self-discipline is a key part of living a sober life. We need it to get to our meetings regularly. We need it to understand the Steps. We need it to work the Steps.
And we get much in return. With self-discipline, we learn to trust ourselves. We learn to do what is most loving and caring for ourselves. What a great relief! One of the worst parts of our illness was that we couldn’t count on ourselves. We didn’t know what we’d do next. Self-discipline heals this part of our illness.



From: "The Opening to the Spiritual World"

This is the crux of the program and the crux of living: acceptance and action.
The gift of understanding has allowed the simple messages from my parents, my teachers, and my church to take on new meaning and soundness. With the gift of serenity, I am ready and willing to accept what God permits to happen to me; with the gift of courage, to take action to change the things I can for the good of myself and others. The gift of wisdom has been given to me so that in personal relationships I may act intelligently and with love or, as it has also been expressed, with competence and compassion.

Came to Believe Page 4


Just a Quote

"Tension is who you think you should be, relaxation is who you are." ~ Chinese Proverb

05-15-2022, 07:10 AM
May 15

Prayer for Compassion

Grant me the wisdom to see the good in each person I meet.

Grant me the empathy to understand their life situation and respect them enough to extend loving support, while sharing God's love with dignity.

Allow me, Lord, to recognize opportunities to stand with others, friend to friend.

~ John Wenger, Andersonville, IN


Just a Thought

I have found my way into this new world.

By the grace of God and the help of A.A.; so am I going to take that first drink, when I know that just one drink will change my whole world? Am I deliberately going back to the suffering of that alcoholic world? Or am I going to hang onto the happiness of this sober world? Is there any doubt about the answer?

So ............

With God's help, am I going to hang onto A.A. with both hands?


Just a Contemplation


"Later." How often have we said this? This trick helps us avoid the tasks of the day. Life is full of tasks--many fun, some boring, others hard. Can I accept the task my Higher Power gives me, easy or hard?

When we used alcohol or other drugs, we'd avoid tasks, if they became hard for us. We believed we had more control than we really did. We started to believe we could control outcomes. What we really were doing was setting ourselves up for a great fall. We had to face the fact that when our Higher Power had given us a task, we said no, and turned away. Thus, we turned away from the guiding hand of our Higher Power.


An Illness

Alcoholism, not cancer was my illness, but what was the difference? Was not alcoholism also a consumer of body and mind? Alcoholism took longer to do its killing, but the result was the same. So, I decided, if there was a great Physician who could cure alcoholic sickness, I had better seek Him at once.

A.A. Comes Of Age, p. 61


Just a Quote

"To behave with dignity is nothing less than to allow others freely to be themselves." ~ Sol Chaneles

05-16-2022, 06:46 AM
May 16

Prayer For Patience

Teach us what it means to have faith in silence.
When we face trials that are beyond our understanding, help us to find peace.
Help me be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.
You set all things in accordance with your time.
Remind us to wait patiently, and find peace in your plan.

~ Dick Woodward


Just a Thought

One of the best things about the A.A. program is the peace of mind and serenity that it can bring us.

In our drinking days, we had no peace of mind or serenity. We had the exact opposite, a kind of turmoil and that "quiet desperation" we knew so well. The turmoil of our drinking days was caused partly by our physical suffering, the terrible hangovers, the cold sweats, the shakes and the jitters. But it was caused even more by our mental suffering, the loneliness, the feeling of inferiority, the lying, the remorse that every alcoholic understands.

So ............

Have I achieved more peace of mind?


Just a Contemplation


It's tempting to blame others for our problems. Recovery asks us to answer for our actions. Admitting we are powerless over our actions. Admitting we are powerless over our alcohol is a start.

Each of the Twelve Steps asks us to answer for our actions in some way. And the program shows us how to do this. Over time, we see that being responsible for our actions is the best way to live. Our self-confidence grows as we become more responsible. We start to see just how much we can do. We have gone from being drunks to being responsible people. If we can do this, then we can do anything!


Language of the Heart

Why, at this particular point in history, has God chosen to communicate His healing grace to so many of us? Every aspect of this global unfoldment can be related to a single crucial word. The word is "communication." There has been a lifesaving communication among ourselves, with the world around us, and with God.

From the beginning, communication in A.A. has been no ordinary transmission of helpful ideas and attitudes. Because of our kinship in suffering, and because our common means of deliverance are effective for ourselves only when constantly carried to others, our channels of contact have always been charged with the language of the heart.

As Bill Sees It Page 195


Just a Quote

“I’ve learned that anything in life worth having comes from patience and hard work.” ~ Greg Behrendt

05-17-2022, 06:53 AM
May 17

Guidance Today Prayer

Today's a new day, a chance for a new start.
Yesterday is gone and with it any regrets, mistakes, or failures I may have experienced.
It's a good day to be glad and give thanks.
Thank you for today, a new opportunity to love, give, and be all that you want me to be.


Just a Thought

Alcohol is poison to the alcoholic.

Poison is not too strong a word, because alcoholism leads eventually to the death of the alcoholic. It may be a quick death or a slow death. When we go by package stores and see various kinds of liquor all dressed up in fancy packages to make it look attractive, we should always make it a point to say to ourselves, so that we'll never forget it: That stuff's poison to me. And it is. Alcohol poisoned our lives for a long time.

So ............

Do I know that since I am an alcoholic all liquor is poison to me?


Just a Contemplation

Negative Thinking

When we are locked within negative, hostile thinking patterns, we go around in mental circles. What seems perfectly rational to us at the time looks misguided and blind when we look back.

Carrying a grudge or a desire to get even with someone is a cancer inside us. It belittles us and holds back our spirit. We break through our mental circles by revealing our anger to others. We talk with other people, we trust and let them know the details of our resentments. We listen to their experiences and apply them in our lives. As long as we keep our thoughts and feelings to ourselves, we only recycle the same thinking system. When we take the risk and talk to friends, we build bridges that bring in new ideas.

I will try not harbor my resentments within myself. I will talk with a trusted friend so I can learn to let them go.



For weeks I sat in the back of the rooms, silent when others shared their experience, strength and hope. I listened to their stories and found so many areas where we overlapped -- not all of the deeds, but the feelings of remorse and hopelessness. I learned that alcoholism isn't a sin, it's a disease. That lifted the guilt I felt.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 344


Just a Quote

"All of us, at certain moments of our lives, need to take advice and to receive help from other people." ~ Alexis Carrel

05-18-2022, 05:58 AM
May 18

Prayer Against Frustration

Lord, although I am frustrated with things in my life right now, I am trying to surrender it to You.
Your Word states that if I lack wisdom, I should ask.
Lord at this moment, I need wisdom from You.
In the situation that I am in, help me to respond to things calmly.


Just a Thought

Some of the rewards that come to us as a result of our new way of living:

I understand myself more than I ever did before.
I have learned what was the matter with me and I know now a lot of what makes me tick.
I will never be alone again.
I am just one of many who have the illness of alcoholism and one of many who have learned what to do about it.
I am not an odd fish or a square peg in a round hole.
I seem to have found my right place in the world.

So ............

Am I beginning to understand myself?


Just a Contemplation

Know How to Play

As days of childhood give way to adulthood, we sometimes forfeit too much of the child. We become what we think is mature — serious and busy. Quite unintentionally we might become caught up in the importance of being married, working hard at our jobs, raising children, or paying off the mortgage. Even at home we might be rushing here and there – mowing the lawn, getting a haircut, buying clothes or groceries, and performing all the small household chores which need doing regularly.

Where is the time we need for ourselves, to spend with friends, or just to play? We can find time, right now, if we want to. We can momentarily shrug off the demands of home or career and lend ourselves to carefree play. Sometimes it’s easy to be too serious. Today, I will let myself participate in play.


Way of Strength

We never apologize to anyone for depending upon our Creator. We can laugh at those who think spirituality the way of weakness. Paradoxically, it is the way of strength. The verdict of the ages is that faith means courage. All men of faith have courage. They trust their God. We never apologize for God. Instead, we let Him demonstrate, through us, what He can do. We ask Him to remove our fear and direct our attention to what He would have us be. At once, we commence to outgrow fear.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 68


Just a Quote

“You have control over you and that is the only person you can change. When you realize this, you will save yourself a lot of frustration.” ~ Catherine Pulsifer

05-19-2022, 07:07 AM
May 19

Recovery from Alcohol Prayer

Thank you for the gift of new life after the fear of addiction to alcohol.
With Your help, we have walked from darkness into light, from addiction into recovery.
Thank you for everyone who has supported and loved us during this difficult journey.
May You continue to bless us and heal us on this road of recovery, and always.


Just a Thought

What makes A.A. work?

The first thing is to have a revulsion against myself and my way of living. Then I must admit I was helpless, that alcohol had me defeated and I couldn't do anything about it. The next thing is to honestly want to quit the old life. Then I must surrender my life to a Higher Power, put my drinking problem in His hands and leave it there. After these things are done, I should attend meetings regularly for fellowship and sharing. I should also try to help other alcoholics.

So ............

Am I doing these things?


Just a Contemplation


During our illness, we hurt others. We hurt ourselves. We messed up a lot.
So, a lot of us come to recovery not trusting ourselves very much. The truth is, as alcoholics, we couldn't be trusted.

But in recovery, we can be trusted again. We can again live and love ourselves. We do this by finding our spiritual center. This is the place inside of us where our Higher Power lives. We turn our will and our lives over to this spiritual center. We do as our spiritual center tells us. And from our spiritual center, we'll find our values. We'll live better lives. We'll come to trust ourselves again.



When I was driven to my knees by alcohol, I was made ready to ask for the gift of faith. And all was changed.

Never again, my pains and problems notwithstanding, would I experience my former desolation. I saw the universe to be lighted by God's love; I was alone no more.

As Bill Sees It Page 51


Just a Quote

"Your life begins to change the day you take responsibility for it." ~ Steve Maraboli

05-20-2022, 06:53 AM
May 20

Expressing Gratitude Prayer

My blessings are many and my heart is filled with gratitude for the gift of living, for the ability to love and be loved, for the opportunity to see the everyday wonders of creation, for sleep and water, for a mind that thinks and a body that feels.

I thank you, too, for those things in my life that are less than I would hope them to be. Even the things that seem challenging, unfair, or difficult. I rejoice that I am growing and learning. I thank you most of all for your unconditional and eternal love.


Just a Thought

I no longer try to escape life through alcoholism.

Drinking built up an unreal world for me and I tried to live in it. But in the morning light the real world was back again and facing it was harder than ever, because I had less resources with which to meet it. Each attempt at escape weakened my personality by the very attempt. Everyone knows that alcohol, by relaxing inhibitions, permits a flight from reality. Alcohol deadens the brain cells that preside over our highest faculties and we are off to the unreal world of drunkenness. A.A. taught me not to run away, but to face reality.

So ............

Have I given up trying to escape life?


Just a Contemplation


Sobriety is about choice. Each day we choose to stay sober, we teach ourselves how to make better choices.

Life is about choice. To be spiritual people, we must make spiritual choices. Honesty is a spiritual choice. And working the Steps is a spiritual choice. Our life is the sum total of our choices. We owe it to ourselves to choose wisely. We can do that now, thanks to the program.


Good Question

When we find ourselves up-tight and even frantic, we can ask ourselves occasionally, Am I really that indispensable? or Is this hurry really necessary? What a relief to find the honest answer is frequently no! And such devices actually serve, in the long run, not only to help us get over the drinking problem and its old ways; they also enable us to become far more productive, because we conserve and channel our energy better. We arrange priorities more sensibly. We learn that many actions once considered vital can be eliminated if they are thoughtfully reexamined. How much does it really matter? is a very good question.

Living Sober, Pages 45-46


Just a Quote

"Today, 1 will practice a welcoming attitude toward everyone I meet." ~ Edith Wharton

05-21-2022, 07:12 AM
May 21

Prayer For Today’s Tasks
I stand before You today in Your presence to ask that You grant me strength.
I ask You to give me the strength to power through all of the tasks today — whether little or big.
It is by Your will that I live oh Lord. And I know it is also by Your will I will not go weak today.
Lord, thank you for giving me the opportunity every day to learn a little more of how to let go and let God.


Just a Thought

Today, I try to live a sober life.

Since I've been putting sobriety into my life, I've been taking out a lot of good things. I can describe it best as a kind of quiet satisfaction. I feel good. I feel right with the world, on the right side of the fence. As long as I put sobriety into my life, almost everything I take out is good. The satisfaction you get out of living a sober life is made up of a lot of little things. You have the ambition to do things you didn't feel like doing when you were drinking.

So ............

Am I getting satisfaction out of living a sober life?


Just a Contemplation

Love & Happiness

Sometimes we think our life would be fine if that dream person showed up. But loving someone isn’t easy. Our bad habits cause problems. We have to change. Sometimes we aren’t ready to have one special person. We have to have a group of people---our recovery group---to love and help us get healthy. We must learn to trust, to be honest, to give help, and to love others. The truth is, no one person can make our life wonderful---except us. We hold happiness inside of us. It’s in our spirit. Look no further.



What if the doors to AA could really be locked against me?
What if it was possible to take away my membership?
Maybe because I hadn't paid my dues, or because I didn't meet some ethical or ethnic standards, or maybe because I "broke the rules" by going out and getting drunk, as I have a few times during my long association with the Fellowship? But then I recall the Preamble, and the Third Tradition . . . "The only requirement for AA membership," it says, "is a desire to stop drinking."

The Home Group: Heartbeat Of AA Page 69


Just a Quote

"Never look back with regret because life is never perfect, but it offers us the perfect moment to start anew which is right now." ~ Jessica Mesman Griffith

05-22-2022, 06:47 AM
May 22

Anxiety & Stress Relief Prayer

I am weary and tired. The world around me has become difficult and hard to bear.
I lay all these burdens down before you. You are my strength and rock in times of trouble.
I listen and hear your presence in the trees and the flowers and all the beauty of nature.
I know you are involved in every aspect of my life whether I see it now or not.
I will choose to breathe deep, let go of fear and anxiety, and rest in you.


Just a Thought

The gratification of living a sober life is made up of a lot of little things.

But they do add up to a satisfactory and happy life. You take out of life what you put into it. So I'd say to people coming into A.A.: "Don't worry about what life will be like without alcohol. Just hang in there and a lot of good things will happen to you. And you'll have that feeling of quiet satisfaction and peace and serenity and gratitude for the grace of God."

So ............

Is my life becoming really worth living?


Just a Contemplation


We must never forget our past. We need to remember the power that our illness has over us. Why? So we can remember how our recovery began. So we can remember we’re not cured. So we can tell our stories.

We must remember how we acted. Why? So we don’t act and think like alcoholics. Most of us had poor relationships with friends, family, and ourselves. We need to remember how lonely we felt. That way, we’ll make recovery grow stronger One Day at a Time.



Any number of alcoholics are bedeviled by the dire conviction that if they ever go near A.A. they will be pressured to conform to some particular brand of faith or theology.

They just don't realize that faith is never an imperative for A.A. membership. that sobriety can be achieved with an easily acceptable minimum of it, and that our concepts of a Higher Power and God--as we understand Him--afford everyone a nearly unlimited choice of spiritual belief and action.

As Bill Sees It Page 201


Just a Quote

"When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which never happened." ~ Winston Churchill

05-23-2022, 06:49 AM
May 23

Prayer for Strength and Courage

Please give me strength when I am weak,
love when I feel forsaken,
courage when I am afraid,
wisdom when I feel foolish,
comfort when I am alone, hope when I feel rejected,
and peace when I am in turmoil.


Just a Thought

For us humility and sobriety go hand in hand.

After we've been in A.A. for a while, we find out that if we're going to stay sober, we have to be humble people. The men and women in A.A. who have achieved sobriety are all humble people. When I stop to think that but for the grace of God I might be drunk right now, I can't help feeling humble. Gratitude to God for His grace makes me humble. When I think of the kind of person I was not so long ago, when I think of the person I left behind me, I have nothing to be proud of.

So ............

Am I grateful and humble?


Just a Contemplation


Often we try to please everyone around us. But this may not make us happy, and so we get angry.
We feel taken advantage of.
We may be kind to others, but first we must love ourselves. How? By learning to listen to ourselves. To our dreams. To our higher power. By doing this we’ll be more happy. And those around us will probably be more happy too.



But today is always here. Life is daily; today is all we have; and anybody can go one day without drinking.
First, we try living in the now just in order to stay sober -- and it works.
Once the idea has become a part of our thinking, we find that living life in 24-hour segments is an effective and satisfying way to handle many other matters as well.

Living Sober Page 7


Just a Quote

"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." ~ Harry S Truman

05-24-2022, 06:15 AM
May 24

Prayer for Strength

God, please give me strength when I am weak,
love when I feel forsaken, courage when I am afraid,
wisdom when I feel foolish,
comfort when I am alone,
hope when I feel rejected,
and peace when I am in turmoil.


Just a Thought

People believe in A.A. when they see it work.

An actual demonstration is what convinces them. What they read in books, what they hear people say doesn't always convince them. But when they see a real honest to goodness change take place in a person, a change from a drunkard to a sober, useful citizen, that's something they can believe because they can see it. There's really only one thing that proves to me that A.A. works.

So ............

Have I seen the change in people who come into A.A.?


Just a Contemplation


We are free of alcohol. We’ve been given a second chance or third chance.
For that, we thank our Higher Power. We’ve started a new life. But to keep this life, we need to change. We need new friends. We need to let a Higher Power guide our hearts, minds, and bodies. We need new friends. We need to let a Higher Power guide our hearts, and bodies. We need to learn new values and how to stand up for them. We need to learn how to give and receive.

Freedom from dependence is not enough. We also want to be happy, and to do something with our lives. So each day we keep learning, we keep growing. Each day without alcohol is a gift, a gift from God.



Most of us have been unwilling to admit we were real alcoholics. No person likes to think he is bodily and mentally different from his fellows. Therefore, it is not surprising that our drinking careers have been characterized by countless vain attempts to prove we could drink like other people. The idea that somehow, someday he will control and enjoy his drinking is the great obsession of every abnormal drinker. The persistence of this illusion is astonishing. Many pursue it into the gates of insanity and death. We learned that we had to fully concede to our innermost selves that we were alcoholics. This is the first step to recovery.

Alcoholics Anonymous Page 30


Just a Quote

"We can develop acceptance of any circumstances, but our success in doing so comes mainly through our reliance on God to show us the way." ~ Karen Casey

05-25-2022, 06:49 AM
May 25

Denial Prayer

Forgive me for the ways I’ve sought to escape responsibility for my actions through various forms of denial.
I invite You to reveal to me the truth about the impact of my past actions and behavior.
I ask you to fill me with strength and courage to acknowledge and deal with what You reveal to me.
I come to You weary of my burdens.
I desire the new life of healing and hope that You promise when I live in truth.


Just a Thought

In A.A. we live in today.

We know from experience that as time goes on, the future takes care of itself. Everything works out well, as long as we stay sober. All we need to think about is today. When we get up in the morning and see the sun shining in the window, we thank God that He has given us another day to enjoy because we're sober, a day in which we may have a chance to help somebody.

So ............

Do I know that this day is all I have and that with God's help I can stay sober today?


Just a Contemplation

Sharing Love

When we used alcohol, we shared as little as possible. There was little love in our hearts. We had become selfish. This caused us to be lonely.

Then something happened to change all of that. Remember the first time you walked into a meeting? You were met by people who shared. Maybe they shared a smile, their story, or just a cup of coffee with you. The sharing that goes on in a Twelve Step program is great. We learn that the more we give, the more we get. We get well by giving to others. Helping others is a great way to hold on to sobriety. Love is the reward of love.



Let us never fear needed change. Certainly we have to discriminate between changes for worse and changes for better. But once a need becomes clearly apparent in an individual, in a group, or in AA as a whole, it has long since been found out that we cannot stand still and look the other way. The essence of all growth is a willingness to change for the better and then an unremitting willingness to shoulder whatever responsibility this entails.

As Bill Sees It Page 115


Just a Quote

“Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving.” ~ James E. Faust

05-26-2022, 07:15 AM
May 26

Making Wise Choices Prayer

Lord, please give me the wisdom to know when I’m being tempted. Be with me when I am angry, so I don’t make a bad situation much worse. In these times, give me the strength to keep my mouth closed. Keep me from reacting. Keep the sharp words out of my heart, so I don’t use them for destruction.

Please give me the strength to be someone who is patient, and who thinks before I speak. May I have the strength to listen and not be angry. Grant me the wisdom to know when to speak and what to speak, so that others will hear my words and know that they come from a heart that is grateful

Lord, help me to be wise counsel for others. Help me to be a person who lifts others up, who is helpful, and who is loving.

~ James C.


Just a Thought

Sometimes we try too hard to get this program.

It is better to relax and accept it. It will be given to us, with no effort on our part, if we stop trying too hard to get it. Sobriety can be a free gift of God, which He gives us by His grace when He knows we are ready for it. But we have to be ready. Then we must relax, take it easy, and accept the gift with gratitude and humility. We must put ourselves in God's hands. We must say to God: "Here am I and here are all my troubles. I've made a mess of things and can't do anything about it. You take me and all my troubles and do anything You want with me."

So ............

Do I believe that the grace of God can do for me what I could never do for myself?
(Let go and let God)


Just a Contemplation


During our illness, we hurt others. We hurt ourselves. We messed up a lot.
So, a lot of us come to recovery not trusting ourselves very much. The truth is, as alcoholics, we couldn't be trusted.

But in recovery, we can be trusted again. We can again live and love ourselves. We do this by finding our spiritual center. This is the place inside of us where our Higher Power lives. We turn our will and our lives over to this spiritual center. We do as our spiritual center tells us. And from our spiritual center, we'll find our values. We'll live better lives. We'll come to trust ourselves again.


Perception of Humility

An improved perception of humility starts a revolutionary change in our outlook. Our eyes begin to open to the immense values which have come straight out of painful ego-puncturing. Until now, our lives have been largely devoted to running from pain and problems. Escape via the bottle was always our solution.

Then, in A.A., we looked and listened. Everywhere we saw failure and misery transformed by humility into priceless assets.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Pages 74-75


Just a Quote

"God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way." ~ Helen West

05-27-2022, 03:41 AM
May 27

Humility Prayer

I am far too often influenced by what others think of me.
I am always pretending to be either richer or smarter or nicer than I really am.
Please prevent me from trying to attract attention.
Don't let me gloat over praise on one hand or be discouraged by criticism on the other.
Nor let me waste time weaving imaginary situations in which the most heroic, charming, witty person present is myself.
Show me how to be humble of heart, like you.


Just a Thought

It's been proven that we alcoholics can't get sober by our willpower.

We've failed again and again. Therefore I believe there must be a Higher Power, which helps me. I think of that power as the grace of God. And I pray to God every morning for the strength to stay sober today. I know that Power is there because it never fails to help me.

So ............

Do I believe that A.A. works through the grace of God?


Just a Contemplation

New Way

Our Twelve Step program promises us a new way of life. But most of us won’t just wake up one day with a new attitude. We only gain this new way of life if we get involved.

The Twelve Steps are tools to build a new life. The more we use a tool, the easier it is to use. The same goes for the Twelve Steps, just as carpenters depend on their tools. If we only wait for the new way of life, it’ll never come. The quicker we get involved, the quicker we’ll get fixed.


Helping Others

We realize now that we were excessively self-centered, chiefly concerned about our feelings, our problems, other people's reactions to us, and our own past and future.
Therefore, trying to get into communication with and help other people is a recovery measure for us, because it helps take us out of ourselves.
Trying to heal ourselves by helping others works, even when it is an insincere gesture. Try it some time.

Living Sober Page 85


Just a Quote

“Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future.” ~ Denis Waitley

05-28-2022, 06:08 AM
May 27

Technology Wisdom Prayer

Spirit of love and connectivity, originator of emerging technologies, and ever evolving intelligences, you give me both a gift and challenge.
Help me choose wisely amid the endless tweets and plethora of knowledge that daily saturate my consciousness.
Immerse me in the power of your Providence.
Let it always be the well of wisdom from which I can draw meaning to make sense of the madness of my life.
That’s enough for me.

~ Sister Cathy Campbell
(Sisters of Providence)


Just a Thought

Seeing is believing.

I don't believe that A.A. works because I read it in a book or because I hear people say so. I believe it because I see people getting sober and staying sober. An actual demonstration is what convinces me. When I see the change in people, I can't help believing that A.A. works. We could listen to talk about A.A. all day and still not believe it, but when we see it work, we have to believe it. Seeing is believing.

So ............

Do I see A.A. work every day?


Just a Contemplation


Sobriety is freedom. With this freedom, we have a responsibility to help other alcoholics who still suffer. The program tells us this in Step Twelve. We do this by telling our stories and offering hope.

We must be ready to care, to give ourselves. This is what spirituality is about. When we help others, we prepare the road for those who enter the program after us.

Tradition Five of the Twelve Traditions says, “Each group has but one primary purpose---to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers.” It means we get better by helping others.



Peace is possible for me only when I let go of expectations.
When I am trapped in thoughts about what I want and what should be coming to me, I'm in a state of fear or anxious anticipation and this is not conducive to emotional sobriety. I must surrender -- over and over -- to my dependence on God, for then I find peace, gratitude and spiritual security.

Daily Reflections Page 197


Just a Quote

" I Understood Myself Only After I Destroyed Myself. And Only In The Process Of Fixing Myself, Did I Know Who I Really Was." ~ John Gillen

05-29-2022, 05:06 AM
May 29

Morning Prayer

Thank you for the gift of today.
Refresh me. Invite me to discover your presence
In each person that I meet
And every event that I encounter.
Teach me when to speak and when to listen
When to ponder and when to share.
In moments of challenge and decision
Attune my heart to the whisperings of your Wisdom.
As I undertake ordinary and unnoticed tasks,
Gift me with simple joy.
When my day goes well, may I rejoice.
When it grows difficult, surprise me with
New possibilities.
When life is overwhelming, call me to
Sabbath moments
To restore your Peace and Harmony.
May my living today reveal your Goodness.

~ Pat Bergen, C.S.J, Xavier University


Just a Thought

The A.A. program is one of submission, release, and action.

When we're drinking, we're submitting to a power greater than ourselves, alcohol. Our own wills are no use against the power of alcohol. One drink and we where powerless over alcohol. In A.A. we stop submitting to the power of alcohol. Instead, we submit to a Power, also greater than ourselves, which we call God.

So ............

Have I submitted myself to that Higher Power?


Just a Contemplation


Yet we are not alone. An animal caught in a hole would cry out until someone came along and helped it out. We, too, can call out for help - to our Higher Power and to the important people in our lives. We can learn to trust that, with the help of our friends and our God, we will be able to crawl out of our holes.

With trust, we will climb out of our crises and be healed with the passage of time. Such holes are a part of our landscape, yet every time we will be able to climb out and walk, leaving the darkness behind us.

If I need help, will I ask for it?


My Solution

Bewilderment, fear, and resentment moved into my life. And yet my ability to lie outwardly and to kid myself inwardly grew with every drink I took. Indeed, I had to drink now to live, to cope with the demands of everyday existence. When I encountered disappointments or frustrations - as I did more and more frequently - my solution was to drink. I had always been oversensitive to criticism and was acutely so now. When I was criticized or reprimanded, the bottle was my refuge and comfort.

Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, Page 555


Just a Quote

“Recovery is all about using our power to change our beliefs that are based on faulty data.” ~ Kevin McCormick

05-30-2022, 06:35 AM
May 30

Prayer for This Day

Thank you for Your gift of recovery; that through this Program,
I have come to know myself better than ever before, and that I have come to know others better as well.
I pray that I may be eternally grateful for this blessing.


Memorial Day Prayer

We thank You for bringing us together at this Memorial Day celebration to acknowledge the debt we owe to the men and women of the United States military who have guarded this country with their lives. We especially honor those who lost their lives while defending this nation. They fought on land, at sea, and in the air, always understanding that they may not come back from the mission and accepting that as part of the job. They were willing to risk death to protect this land we hold so dear and the American people along with it. We thank them for their sacrifice and promise we'll carry on their legacy to ensure they did not die in vain.

Father, we pray that You strengthen and protect all our military personnel who are serving presently and in the future. Give them the courage to face whatever comes, protect them in battle, and help them prosper in times of peace. Watch over their families, Lord, as You watch over us all. We put our trust and faith in You and even though we don't always understand Your ways, we accept that You have a plan for each and every one of us. Please help us fulfill our personal missions, whatever they may be.


Just a Thought

We have slips in A.A.

It has been said these are not slips but premeditated drunks, because we have to think about taking a drink before we actually take one. The thought always comes before the act. It has been suggested that people should always get in touch with an A.A. before taking that first drink. The failure to do so makes it probable that they decided to take the drink anyway. And yet the thoughts that come before taking a drink are often largely subconscious. People usually don't know consciously what made them do it. Therefore, the common practice is to call these things slips.

So ............

Am I on guard against wrong thinking?


Just a Contemplation


What, exactly, is humility? Does it mean that we are to be submissive, accepting everything that comes our way, no matter how humiliating? Does it mean surrender to ugliness and a destructive way of life? To the contrary. The basic ingredient of all humility is simply a desire to seek and do God's will.

Am I coming to understand that an attitude of true humility confers dignity and grace on me, strengthening me to take intelligent spiritual action in solving my problems?

Today I Will Remember
Humility is awareness of God.



Don't take yourself too damned seriously.
Rule #62, AA's Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions (page 149)

In the years of my existence, before I got into recovery, I would run from one self-important crisis to another. Everything was so important, so heavy! What laughter there was ended up directed derisively at others. I treated my life with self-importance and pomposity.

It took sitting in the rooms, day after day and night after night, listening to how recovering people were able to laugh at themselves. Oh, they were deadly serious when it came to working the Steps and the traditions. After all, if not for them, they'd be dead or crazy. But as they would share things where they had shown the heavy-does-it attitude, they would see the folly of their ways and start a good belly laugh that would cascade through the room and have us all wiping our eyes.

As I work my program, I realize that there are some things that need more prayer and meditation than others. Then there are those things in my life that, under the light of my recovery, are just plain flat-out silly. My Higher Power gives me the ability to cry and grieve where appropriate. My Higher Power also has taught me that laughter, indeed, is often the best medicine.

From: One Day At A Time


Just a Quote

"You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest, that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present." ~ Jan Glidewell

05-31-2022, 06:38 AM
May 31

To Remove Hatred Prayer

I come to you in need because I carry so much hatred in me that causes me to sin and feel miserable . I have blocked you from my life, I only came to you when I needed something . I should’ve never took you for granted .

Now I hold all this hatred towards people who, I believe betrayed me or disappointed me I can never seem to let go of a grudge which intervenes in my everyday life. Please take this hatred and anger I hold inside and help me move on in my life . Amen

~ Crystal (Queens , NY)


Just a Thought

Drinking cuts you off from God.

No matter how you were brought up, no matter what your religion is, no matter if you say you believe in God, nevertheless you build up a wall between you and God by your drinking. You know you're not living the way God wants you to. As a result, you have that terrible remorse. When you come into A.A., you begin to get right with other people and with God. A sober life is a happy life, because by giving up drinking we've got rid of our loneliness and remorse.

So ............

Do I have real fellowship with other people and with God?


Just a Contemplation

Just Remember

We need to remember what got us well. The Twelve Steps heal us. The meetings we attend heal us.

Reading and listening to program tapes heals us. Talking with our sponsors heals us. The time we spend with program friends heals us. Sometimes we're pressed for time. As a result, we have to make choices about how to use our time. We may think we know enough about the program. We
may feel like cutting down on meetings. These are danger signs. We only know how to stay sober One Day at a Time: by working the Steps. Let's not forget them as we grow in this program. It may seem like we've been recovering a long time, but we're all beginners.


Bridge to Faith

We were squarely confronted with the question of faith. We couldn't duck the issue. Some of us had already walked along the bridge of reason toward the desired shore of faith, where friendly hands stretched out in welcome. We were grateful that reason had brought us so far. Perhaps we had been relying too heavily on reason that last mile, and we did not like to lose our support.

Yet, without knowing it, had we not been brought to where we stood by a certain kind of faith? For did we not believe in our own reasoning? Did we not have confidence in our ability to think? What was that but a sort of faith? Yes, we had been faithful to the god of reason. So, in one way or another, we discovered that faith had been involved all the time!

Alcoholics Anonymous Pages 53-54


Just a Quote

"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change." ~ Carl Rogers