View Full Version : Getting Out Of Our Own Way

04-28-2022, 08:46 AM
The same thinking that gets all of us to recovery won't keep any of us in recovery and has to be changed if we expect to stay in recovery. It's our best thinking that gets us to recovery, and there is something different for all of us in recovery about the way we think. Not everyone who has this problem is going to be able get recovery, it's only for those of us who's thinking has led us to recovery and once here in recovery are now willing to want something better for ourselves, more than what our thinking that gets us here has to offer. Much more than any of us could have ever imagined for ourselves. Recovery is so much more than just a solution to our problem, it's a way of life that far exceeds any exception that any of us have ever had for our life. And to get that for ourselves all we have to do once we're here is be willing to let go of what got us here, and to be open to what we'll find in recovery. When we do this we'll be on our way to a life none of us had ever expected for ourselves. One that's much better than anything else we'll see around us. Getting out of our own way is something each of us needs to do once we're here in recovery, and once we do we'll get and have that life.