View Full Version : Laugh on Purpose

04-27-2022, 06:48 AM
Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit.
— Psalm 51:12 (AMP)

Laugh on Purpose by Joyce Meyer

One of the most valuable things I have learned in my life is that I don’t have to wait to feel like doing something before I can do it…and neither do you. You can actually create opportunities for laughter.

• Plan to laugh...and then do it. Take a few minutes away from the busyness of the day and focus on something funny that a friend said or something enjoyable you’re looking forward to.

• Hang around funny and encouraging people. Spend time with people who are lighthearted and encouraging. Their humor and their positive nature are infectious.

• Change your perspective. You can be joyful if you begin each day with a think session. Think about some happy, joyful things on purpose.

Learn to enjoy yourself rather than being so intense about your imperfections. I can promise it will add laughter to your life.

David prayed, “Restore to me the joy of Your salvation.” We can pray the same thing. If you feel life has sapped you of your joy and taken away your laughter, ask God for His help and take every opportunity you can to laugh.

Prayer Starter: Lord, restore to me the joy of Your salvation. Please help me to seek out and take every opportunity to laugh, amen.