View Full Version : Do you need to make amends with a friend?

02-06-2014, 11:40 AM
This is my command: Love each other. (NLT) John 15:17

Do you need to make amends with a friend? Take the time to express yourself and share your feelings. Once you've done this, then begin to work at building the relationship back. Be careful not to linger on the hurts. Be graceful and extend honor to the other person by giving them the benefit of the doubt. Care for your friend out of love.

Daily Bible Devotion

02-06-2014, 12:33 PM
Amends isn't about saying, "I am sorry." It is about looking at our behaviours and changing them so we don't continue doing what we use to do. It is about change. Not about the other person, but for our own well being. The person deserves an amend, yet when we share with them, they are quite often not aware and/or are very forgiving. Fear can keep us from this very important step to healing.