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02-05-2014, 12:32 PM
Inner Peace
I am at peace in this present moment.

In our fast-paced lives, finding inner peace requires intention and practice. As I focus on the present moment and all that it holds, I release any hurry or anxiety. I let go of past concerns and future expectations. Centered in this now moment, I discover inner peace.

I may experience peace as a feeling of serenity, a state of harmony, or a deep trust that all is well. Knowing God is with and within me, as close as my very breath, I feel the assuring presence of peace.

My spiritual practices—prayer, meditation, and contemplation—help me maintain a consciousness of peace. In the midst of any rush or confusion, I center on the presence of peace in the present moment, and all is well.
The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts.–Philippians 4:7

Daily Word

02-05-2014, 08:13 PM
Remember calling my NA sponsor and spiritual adviser and saying things felt different, kind of off and weird. My sponsor replied, "Did you ever stop to think that you just might have experienced peace and serenity?" Whoops, so that is what it feels like!