View Full Version : Awkward For All Of Us

04-08-2022, 10:44 AM
Being new to recovery at first can be very awkward for all of us, as we begin, but in time we'll become comfortable with it. We no longer have to live life on our own. We can now use this program to help us with our problem and that's something that none of us are very familiar with or used to doing. This takes some time to get used to. While we're waiting we can see this has already happened for those who came before us, and we can rest assured that it will happen for us too because they tell us how awkward this all once seemed to them as well. Many of the things that were new to us when we started recovery will one day not be so new. The one thing that always remains new in recovery is, "the newcomer " and in time we all see that they are the lifeline of recovery, for all of us. Because of that we help them through that awkwardness we all have to go through, so they'll be able to one day help someone else get through it as well. This has been going on since the very beginning of recovery when it was new, and now we're doing our part in doing this to repay what was done for us all.

04-08-2022, 12:15 PM
The group kept telling me to 'keep coming back' no matter what. I did and eventually I was telling the newcomer that. I became a part of and you can too.