View Full Version : God’s greatness and faithfulness can be seen all around us

04-04-2022, 07:51 AM
Genesis 9:16 ‘When I see the rainbow in the clouds, I will remember the eternal covenant between God and every living creature on earth.’

- The reminders of God’s greatness and faithfulness can be seen all around us.
- His promise and His eternal covenant with you will never be broken.
- So remind yourself of His faithfulness and His lovingkindness towards you.
- Expect the best, believe in His goodness and walk in His peace.

PRAYER: Lord, today I choose to pause and remember that You are a faithful God. I take this moment to remind myself that You are a covenant-keeping God. You will be faithful to me, and I will see Your goodness in the land of the living. Amen.

Kind Regards
Pastor Andrew Roebert