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02-02-2014, 12:57 PM
Don´t Forget to Wash

2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV: And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord´s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

There are bath people, and there are shower people; I happen to be both. My favorite things about taking baths are that they are relaxing, and I enjoy the quiet time to sit, soak, and think. But my baths lose something when as a result of my reflection, I find myself toweling off before I have washed [absentmindedness is a funny thing]. Taking a bath and not washing seems kind of pointless--you just get wet, and once you dry off, you´re no different than before. That´s pretty much the way it is when you have a quiet time, but don´t really connect with God. You´re there…sort of. You may hear God´s voice, but you don´t hear what He says. You read your Bible but later remember nothing of what you read. You leave your time with God, the memory of it evaporates, and you are no different than before. We can´t be equipped, nourished, or changed by our time with God if we forget why we´re there. If it is hard to focus, we need only ask God to help us. He is more than able to give us what we need to draw our attentions back to the reason for our quiet times.

Author Unknown

02-02-2014, 03:56 PM
Liked this, it reminds me to stay clean and sober. My sponsor said, "Clean up your persona. Clean your body, your hair, your clothes, your mouth, and your thoughts."

In today, I have realized that we collect energy around us, a lot of times, it is not positive, and I say a cleansing prayer that anything that is not for my Higher Good, be taken from me. I say it in the shower, but also believe it works anywhere, although water is grounding for me.

Some times I have thoughts that were better left unsaid hanging around, I have words that were not spoken, I have a resentment and don't realize it, the ego comes out and is having a hay day, all these things create energy that we need to let go of and not carried around during the day. Take a time out, pray and clear away anything that affects your sobriety (soundness of mind), always remembering that God can do for us what we can't do for ourselves.