03-21-2022, 10:03 AM
Recovery is different for all of us and trying to find what appeals to us about recovery so that we might join or just keep going on the best we know how is a tough decision we all have to face and work out on our own. What appeals to some of us might not be very appealing to everyone. Recovery allows us all to have our own paths. One that works for each of us. For this reason not all paths in recovery are going to be the same and appeal to everyone. It's our job to ourselves to find a path in recovery that suits us, one that we find appealing and stick with it. Also we have to allow everyone else to find their own path, one that appeals to them. It is by having all these different paths in recovery for the same goal that makes recovery the most appealing to all of us. From the very beginning recovery has always been inclusive, not exclusive. Each of us can find our own path in recovery, one that appeals to us and be glad we can. Because this is what saves us all from our problem and allows us all to stay in recovery and for all of us we have found this appeals to us all.