View Full Version : Rely on God

03-21-2022, 07:29 AM
Rely on God

"Rely not on yourselves, but on God...
He delivered us...
He will deliver us...
He will continue to deliver us..." (2 Corinthians 1:9-11)

I quit!
I've tried my best to live
...as God expects me to
...as my family expects me to
I want to do the best, but I always fail.
I give up!
There's no use trying!
I just fail...


"Rely not on yourselves, but on God...
He delivered us
He will deliver us
He will continue to deliver us"
Again and again and again
like food,
like sleep,
God will give us strength every day.

"Rely not on yourselves, but on God"

Received from The Daily Encourager