View Full Version : Being Connected

03-19-2022, 10:30 AM
As we grow in our recovery as the result of the new way of living found by being in recovery things are going to begin to change for us, inwardly and outwardly, more than we know. By doing what recovery suggests that we do, things will start to get better for us all. This can't help but to happen for all of us. Our problem is always working to divide us inwardly so we're always having to be fighting with ourselves. There was a constant battleground going on all the time inwardly for us all. This had happened to all of us. Recovery works to stop this from going on so that we all can become healthy again by connecting all the parts that go into making us a whole person. Things will get better in our lives once we begin basing everything on all these connected parts. Recovery is way more than just a way to stop the destruction that's going on in our life, it gives us all a chance to live the type of life that none of us had ever known before, if only we give it half a chance to, we'll find this out.