View Full Version : Take time to rest

03-13-2022, 08:36 AM
Through prayer and inner reflection, I find strength.

Responsibilities to family, employers, and community are an everyday part of life. But there is more to life than outer world situations.

I have a responsibility to myself—to rest when needed, to take time to connect with Spirit to recharge, and to develop my spiritual awareness. When I find strength through peace, I then reflect it outward to meet any responsibilities or obligations effectively.

I take time to rest and be at peace, allowing the Divine to still my thoughts. I take time to reflect and reconnect through prayer every day. My life becomes more focused. Closing my eyes and tuning out the outer chatter allows me to rediscover the strength, courage, and wisdom that are mine.

Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward.—Hebrews 10:35

Daily Word

03-13-2022, 12:45 PM
Lately I have had trouble focusing. Reading this helps me see how more prayer would help me.