View Full Version : Our Terminal Uniqueness

03-11-2022, 10:36 AM
We all think that we're so different and when we get to recovery that our case is so much more unique than anyone else's that's in recovery. We're not sure of much, but this much we are sure of, recovery isn't going to work for us because we're so unique. We all suffer from terminal uniqueness and that's part of the problem we all have. If we stay with recovery long enough we'll start to see this, that we aren't as unique as we think we are, or as we once thought we were. And that even though this problem affects us all in different ways, which is what leads us to think we're so unique, the problem itself is always the same in what it does to all of us, and in that way we're all the same. No matter how unique we might believe that we are, we're not that unique in what this problem has done to us all, and it is because we're not so unique in this way that recovery can work for us even when we think it won't. Because recovery knows exactly what our problem is, even when we're not sure what's wrong, and it will solve that problem if we let it. We're all just Garden Variety, run-of-the-mill people, who suffer from thinking otherwise.