03-05-2022, 10:31 AM
In recovery there is no room for know-it-alls, or have-to-be-better-than types of people. All of us have tried being like this before we got to recovery and there's no place for it in recovery. In recovery we all do together what none of us were able to do on our own. If we're still holding on to these ideas and insist that we have to know everything so we can be better than everyone else, then we're not going to make it, or be able to join recovery. That's because this goes against what recovery is all about, and for those of us who are like this we're going to find ourselves on the outside of recovery looking in and that puts us in danger of going back to where it is that we're all trying to keep from going to. No matter how long we've been here in recovery this never changes, and the only thing that does change over time is we will know more, which only has a value to us and everyone else, if we're willing to share this without us having to think this makes us any better than everyone else, or that we know more, because we don't, no one does. Because the truth is that what we've all been given from being in recovery is a gift, one that's been being passed along for some time now, by those who came before us, and now we can do our part in passing it along now that we're in recovery. In fact our whole ability for us to be able stay in recovery will be contingent upon us doing this, passing it along.