View Full Version : Thought For Today - February
02-01-2014, 07:03 AM
No Man is an Island
Many of us take pride in our independence whether it’s managing emotionally, or making it on our own. However, no man is an island. The sum of the collective is greater than the individual! When we give just as much importance to co-operation, communication and connections as to being independent, then the whole world becomes ONE BIG ISLAND!
02-02-2014, 07:56 AM
Go for Goal
Your goal is to maintain peak performance and to reach your personal best. The only person you’re competing with is you. Keep your sights clearly on your goal and go for it. There is no room for doubt. Setbacks, off-days and disappointments are all stepping stones to your success.
02-03-2014, 07:39 AM
Stand Up for Health
Take a seat: sitting for long periods every day is not good for our health.
Take a stand: standing is the obvious remedy!
Stand up whenever you take a phone call. Stand for half or part of your bus or train commute. Set reminders on your computer or phone to stand up every 30 minutes.
This week, think of creative and practical ways to stand more.
02-04-2014, 07:11 AM
Becoming More Self Aware
Most of the time, there's so much going on in our lives, that we're just not fully aware of how we behave and how we affect other people. But with a little bit of extra attention, we can become more self aware.
Self awareness is simply being fully aware of our perceptions, attitudes, moods and behavior. Don't judge what you see and don't run away from it. Just watch, observe and accept.
This helps us to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves; where we need to grow and how we need to improve our connection with others.
02-05-2014, 07:45 AM
Getting Things Done
Not everything on the to-do list is enjoyable or likeable but it still needs to be done. To get it done, try one of the following:
1) List the positives of why you should do it.
2) Focus on how it contributes to the bigger picture.
3) Plan a reward for yourself.
4) Make it the first thing you do.
02-06-2014, 06:44 AM
Let Go and Lighten Up
Nothing really happens by over-thinking the stresses & worries in life. That's why it's important to let go. Let go of the things that are out of your hands. Put your worries down. Drop the stress. Feel the weight lift off your shoulders. And lighten up.
When you are light, it's easier to do something about the things that are in your hands!
02-07-2014, 07:23 AM
Implement Your Inspirations
We read and hear many inspirational things. Do you apply your inspirations? Or are they forgotten by the time you get back into your normal routine?
The next time you get inspired, implement it. How? Assimilate and record your inspirations in a format that works for you. This makes it easy to refer to your inspirations at the appropriate time. Then you can apply them, in an appropriate way.
02-08-2014, 08:05 AM
Flip the Switch
Darkness in a room can easily be dispelled when a light is switched on. In the same way, when there’s negativity in your mind, all you have to do is: flip the switch in your mind. Switch on your positive thoughts. Find the brighter side and dispel the darkness in your mind.
02-09-2014, 08:29 AM
Gut Decisions
When faced with decisions, most of us experience a gut feeling. Your gut feeling ‘knows’ what you need and what to do. But sometimes gut feelings can be wrong. To make better decisions, listen to your gut feelings but verify it with logic and data.
02-10-2014, 08:43 AM
Staying in Touch
Strong relationships and close connections are essential to our happiness, wellbeing and resilience. That's why it's important to stay in touch with people who matter to us.
Drop a line, send a note or meet up. Keep others in mind and make the extra effort to stay in touch. Then no matter how far away or busy you are, you'll be in their hearts and minds.
02-11-2014, 06:53 AM
From Jungle to Safari
Life often feels like a jungle! Hazardous and arduous; threatening & unpredictable!
Well, the next time life feels like a jungle, go on a safari!
Anticipate. Look around carefully. Enjoy the unpredictable. Savoir the mundane. Marvel. And feel exhilarated.
Change how you see things & you'll connect with life in a different way.
02-12-2014, 08:06 AM
Can you keep other people's secrets? Or do you find yourself bursting to tell someone something you've just heard?
Of course there are times when we have to share the right information with the right person. But as much as possible, use your willpower to resist sharing other people's secrets.
Be more trustworthy and keep things confidential and you'll earn other people's trust and confidence.
02-13-2014, 09:01 AM
Postpone Positively
Most of us are pretty good at postponing things. How about postponing positively!
Whenever a negative thought or habit appears, postpone it. Do it tomorrow. So if you're stuck in traffic, postpone your anxiety & anger.
Whenever a positive thought or habit appears, don't postpone it. Do it today. So if you're stuck in traffic, grab the moment now to clear your mind & cool your mood.
02-14-2014, 09:28 AM
You Are Love
No one is more capable of loving you than you are, because you are love!
Love is within us, all the time. It's in our heart, in our soul.
Today remind yourself, "I am love". And hold a loving attitude, towards yourself and others.
02-15-2014, 07:54 AM
Behind the Excuses
Excuses are self imposed limitations. Excuses are the masks that cover up our fears. So, the next time you catch yourself making excuses, why you can't or won't do something - stop! Stop Finding Excuses And Reasons (F.E.A.R.) and figure out what's behind the excuse. Uncover your fears (even if it’s a bit scary) and break free of limiting beliefs. Then make a choice whether you can and will do something, or not.
02-16-2014, 07:44 AM
Like A Sponge
Like a sponge, we soak up all the information that the world offers us. This broadens our horizon; it keeps the mind sharp and stimulates ideas. But our mind can only absorb so much! Sponges have limits, so regularly squeeze the liquid out; otherwise the sponge will start to smell! Give your mind space to process all the information. Keep what's useful, discard what's not and apply what's necessary. You can do this whilst exercising, listening to music, cleaning, commuting - find what works best for you.
02-17-2014, 09:00 AM
Grow Your Aspirations
Think big, believe big, dream big and visualize big.
The way we think, believe, dream and visualize, paves the way to success.
That's not to say you can think yourself to success - but it's a starting point.
So rise above the little things. Grow your aspirations. And expand your possibilities.
02-18-2014, 10:48 AM
Feeling ill? Go to Work or Stay Home?
When we go to work feeling ill, we're probably infectious and unproductive. But if we stayed home every time we're ill, we'd be taking too many days off work. And if things are too busy at work then staying home isn't always an option.
Know when to just get up and go to work, and when to do yourself (and others) a favor and stay at home. Rest and get better.
02-19-2014, 08:22 AM
Listen and Silent
What is an anagram of listen? Silent.
Silence accentuates listening. When you listen, refrain from speaking and also still the noise in your mind.
Listen. Listen with an open mind and you'll hear the words. Listen with your heart and you'll understand what the words mean. Listen and you'll enrich what you have to say.
02-20-2014, 08:02 AM
Like a Pencil
Have you ever thought about how we are like a pencil!
Everything we do leaves a mark. Even though some marks can be corrected, there's still an imprint left behind. So leave a positive mark.
A pencil works best only on some things, not on everything. In the same way, recognize your limitations as well as how you work best. Also recognize when to stop and use a sharpener to sharpen your attitudes and skills.
02-21-2014, 07:20 AM
From Upset to Accept
When you're upset with someone, you give up your peace of mind.
Don't stay upset. Free yourself from upset. How? Accept responsibility. Accept you're responsible for how you feel, irrelevant to how others feel or behave towards you.
Accept responsibility & you'll experience peace of mind. Then as 'upset' diminishes, you're free to resolve why you were really upset.
02-22-2014, 07:36 AM
Cook and Eat
You are what you eat. We’ve heard that expression countless times. Yes, it's important to eat healthily but it's equally important to pay attention to how we cook and how we eat. Nourish yourself. Cook and eat with care and good feelings. And don't forget to add the special ingredient, love.
02-23-2014, 08:58 AM
The Meaning of Life
What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? What’s it all about? Do you try to make sense of it all by trying to understand connections between events and experiences? Maybe the meaning is to be found in our perception - as each one of us has our own unique way of seeing and understanding things. Or maybe it’s what we do with our life that ultimately determines the meaning of life.
02-24-2014, 08:24 AM
Reality of Perception
How our reality appears to us says a lot about our perceptions, because our perception creates our reality.
To change our reality, we need to change our perception.
Remember we're changing only our perception of a situation or a person, not the person or the situation itself.
02-25-2014, 08:21 AM
Start to Finish
Often we're able to accomplish a task better when we do it in small bits over time. It's when we have too many bits of unfinished tasks that our mind just starts to go into overload.
Whenever you can, try to finish what you start. Finishing tasks leaves you with a joy of accomplishment and peace of mind.
Go on, try it for a whole day. Finish a task before starting a new one and see how you feel at the end of the day.
02-26-2014, 08:29 AM
Rocking Chair Guilt
Feeling guilty is like sitting in a rocking chair. We rock back & forth emotionally, but it doesn't get us anywhere!
The next time you find yourself sitting in the rocking chair of guilt, hop off & move to a better emotional place. How? Ask yourself, what can I do to make amends? And then act on it.
Do something constructive & you'll feel about yourself.
02-27-2014, 08:31 AM
Patterns and Routines
Our life follows patterns that keep repeating: get up, go to work, go home, go to bed; eat, wash, clean.
Even though these things happen regularly & predictably, they give a structure to our lives. They nourish and support us & are essential to our wellbeing.
What other activities could you add to your daily routine that could enhance your life?
02-28-2014, 11:22 AM
Enjoying Company
We benefit from enjoying the company of the people around us. Not only do we learn other people's life lessons but we also learn to improve our ability to communicate, tolerate and collaborate.
But we don't always get to choose the company we keep. So even if we don't like someone, we can always find a way to enjoy their company.
Maybe be less critical and more appreciative. Maybe find a common interest or show a genuine interest in their hobbies. That way you can share interesting tidbits you've picked up, a new exhibition at a gallery, a new recipe....
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