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02-01-2014, 01:07 AM
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Surprise yourself
Some of the most interesting and valuable experiences are the ones you don’t expect. Surprises can bring into your life good things you never knew were there.
It’s comfortable to stick with the same old routine, but comfort is overrated. Choose to regularly jump out of that routine, and get yourself in situations where you can be surprised.
Learn to look forward to the difficult, the unusual and the unknown. When you’re not sure what you’ll find, you’re more likely to find something that will bring new richness to your life.
You are superbly able to be curious, innovative and adaptable, so make use of those powerful abilities. Step out of the comfortable box that houses everything you already know, and enjoy exploring unfamiliar territory.
If you were a typical child, you loved surprises. Make it a point to get some of that magic back.
Go where you can surprise yourself. And experience firsthand just how fascinating and rich your life can be.
— Ralph Marston
02-02-2014, 06:46 AM
Sunday, February 2, 2014
How great it feels
There have been times when you’ve experienced how great it feels to be productive and creative and effective. There is no feeling that can match it.
What could you do today to bring that delightful, satisfying feeling into your life? Look at the world with eyes that see opportunities for making a real and substantial difference.
Even the most mundane chore can become a joy when you remind yourself that you’re making an important positive contribution. Even the most difficult challenges can be truly exhilarating when you appreciate the opportunities they provide to create value.
This moment is your time to make things happen. This day is yours for moving forward.
There is never any shortage of work to be done. There are always opportunities for putting your skills, your knowledge, your passion and your unique gifts to work.
Ever since you were a child, you’ve known how great it feels to put your time and your energy to productive use. Right now is your chance to feel that way again.
— Ralph Marston
02-03-2014, 07:23 AM
Monday, February 3, 2014
The more life changes
Life moves quickly and changes at a relentlessly rapid pace. Sometimes that can be frightening, but it doesn’t have to be.
After all, every good thing that has come into your life has been the result of a change. You have the proven ability to deal with the changes and in fact to transform them into fulfillment.
With each new change comes the opportunity for new value. Even if the change seems to be overwhelmingly negative, you can find a way in which to add new goodness to your world.
The more life changes, the more new possibilities it brings. Rather than cursing the changes, explore the possibilities.
Each day brings many opportunities for you to successfully adapt and prosper in the face of change. You can use the changes to grow stronger and more capable, and to move your world in a positive direction.
With a true and generous love for life, there is no need to fear change. Embrace life as it continues to change, and give so much of your love that life continues to grow in richness and fulfillment.
— Ralph Marston
02-04-2014, 06:04 AM
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
No need for frustration
Frustration is a painful, debilitating feeling that can often cause you to do things you’ll regret. So choose to quickly let it go.
Frustration, as automatic and overpowering as it may seem, is a choice. And you can always make a different choice.
The habit of reacting in frustration is just that, a habit. Like any other habit you’ve developed, you can get rid of it when you choose.
Yes, life regularly presents you with difficult dilemmas for which frustration is a perfectly understandable reaction. Other than grabbing your attention, however, your frustration never does accomplish much.
So once you’re aware of the frustrating situation, make the choice to find a more useful, effective response. Step back from the desire for instant drama, and work on creating some long-term positive results.
Channel the high-powered energy of frustration into intentional, focused, positive action. Give yourself the option to act effectively and appropriately, and you’ll find you have no need for frustration.
— Ralph Marston
02-05-2014, 06:14 AM
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Magnificent possibilities of now
This place, right here, is a very good place to be. On this day, in this moment and situation, all kinds of great possibilities exist.
You are at the right place and the right time to truly make a difference in the world. Let go of the worries and fears, of the judgments and old assumptions, and feel the magnificence of what’s now possible.
You have a powerful combination of awareness, ability, love, passion and presence in this place. Just imagine all the great things you can do, beginning right now, with all that.
Where you are, there is great value to be created. Who you are, is the person who can create that value in ways that are meaningful and beautiful.
You have what it takes, for what it takes flows from your authentic being. You have what it takes, so do what it takes.
Give yourself to the magnificent possibilities of now. And give your life, and all of life around you, the best moment yet.
— Ralph Marston
02-06-2014, 07:25 AM
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Each little effort
The way to achieve big things is to take care of the little things every opportunity you get. Instead of seeing yourself as too important to do some small task, see the task as too important to ignore.
Don’t worry about whether you’re making a big enough difference. Just keep your focus on making whatever positive difference you can.
Every major achievement is filled with countless minor details. Get the small details right, and you’ll get the big achievement done.
Now is the time you have in which to act. So do what you can do now.
A molecule of water is so small it cannot be seen by the naked eye, and the ocean is so vast it cannot be seen all at once. Yet the vast ocean is nothing without the tiny molecule.
Each little effort matters. So make one every chance you get.
— Ralph Marston
02-07-2014, 08:04 AM
Friday, February 7, 2014
Authentic goodness
Give power to the goodness in your life by giving your gratitude, your attention and your efforts to it. Distance yourself from the negativity that comes your way by letting go of your attachment to it as quickly as you can.
Though there will always be negative influences in your life, you don’t have to let them negatively influence your thoughts. Give the energy of your thoughts and attention to those good influences that move you forward.
Spend your time focusing on whatever lifts you up, and you won’t waste your days hiding from what brings you down. Generously and genuinely give joy, and you’ll keep much of the sadness away.
Remind yourself often of how good life can be. Then live in a way that gives authentic goodness more prominence in your life from moment to moment.
Consider all the abundance that flows through your world each day. Commit yourself, again and again, to transforming that abundance into meaningful, positive value.
Right now, within your reach, there is real, authentic, fulfilling goodness to be lived. Do yourself and your whole world a big favor, and make that goodness a big part of your life.
— Ralph Marston
02-08-2014, 11:28 AM
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Start the doing
Don’t be too smart for your own good. Don’t be too critical of your own work.
Prepare for what you intend to do, and plan how you will do it, but not to the point of obsession. Sooner rather than later, finish the planning and start the doing.
Even though you won’t get it perfect, focus all your energy on getting it done. Even though you may have your doubts, push on through them and keep going.
Achievement is never clean or linear. Great achievement is messy and inconvenient, daunting and often quite unpredictable, and it is worth all that.
You have great achievement within you, today, in this place, using what you have and what you know. What a shame it would be to never let that unique achievement see the light of day.
So get busy right now and begin to let it see the light of day, on this day. You have so much to give to life, and such exquisite fulfillment to savor from doing so.
— Ralph Marston
02-10-2014, 06:41 AM
One little joy
A life of happiness and fulfillment is built piece by piece, one little joy at a time. The moment you’re in is the perfect opportunity to add a little joy to life.
Even when there’s something big that’s getting you down, you can find something small to lift you up. Just one little joy can change your outlook in a big way.
There is a lot of goodness in life, and it’s always good to be reminded of that. You deserve a little joy right now, so go ahead and give it to yourself.
While you’re at it, give some joy to those around you. Even a simple, sincere smile can make a difference, so make wherever you are a more joyful place.
Decide that you’ll find some little way to be joyful, and you can feel the positive energy flowing in you. Everything you do will be enhanced and improved when you do it from a perspective of joy.
Add a little joy to life, right now and every chance you get. Those little joys will quickly add up to a life that’s truly magnificent.
— Ralph Marston
02-11-2014, 06:51 AM
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
No rush
It’s better to wait at the traffic light than to get hit speeding through as it changes to red. It’s better to take the time and do the job right than to rush through and get it wrong.
Before jumping ahead to what’s next, get the full value out of what’s now. Don’t give up your quality experience of the present in a futile attempt to get yourself more quickly into the future.
Time spent waiting never has to be a waste. You can always make it into a valuable opportunity.
That’s because the value of each moment is not dependent on where you are or what activity you’re engaged in. The value of your life in each moment comes from the value you choose to give it.
If you’re in such a hurry to get somewhere else, you lose the ability to give your best to where you are. Slow down, stop rushing and start putting real quality, substance and richness into whatever moment you’re in.
Instead of being a slave to the clock, be a master of your own beautiful experience. Your life right now is much too valuable to speed past, so treasure this very moment in this very place, and make it great.
— Ralph Marston
02-12-2014, 07:12 AM
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Get yourself through
Wishing, complaining, begging and avoiding won’t do it. The way to get through it is to go through it.
If there’s something you’ve been putting off, put it back on and get it done. If there’s a problem that’s been chasing you, stop running, stop hiding and start solving.
You can be amazingly resourceful and effective when you want to be. Now is the time to want to be.
When the situation feels painful, imagine how great you will feel to get beyond it. Imagine, and then manifest your imagined outcome by doing what you must do.
There’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and its brightness comes from your efforts. Make those efforts, keep that light shining brightly and get yourself through to the other side.
You’ve made a positive difference many times before and you absolutely can do it again. Feel your purposeful power as it successfully pushes you through.
— Ralph Marston
02-13-2014, 07:00 AM
Thursday, February 13, 2014
No room for doubt
Have your doubts become too comfortable and familiar? Are your doubts such a big part of your life that they’re holding you back?
Keep in mind that doubt is nothing more than an opinion. You may have good reasons for doubt, but that doesn’t necessarily make it true.
When you have your doubts, what you don’t have is action. When you fill your mind with doubt, you crowd out the positive possibilities.
Certainly it pays to be careful and realistic. But that doesn’t mean you must be doubtful about your own abilities.
Instead of hiding behind your doubts, make the effort to prove them wrong. Instead of letting the doubts hold you back, choose instead to let the challenges push you forward.
Leave no room in your mind for doubt. And you’ll make plenty of room in your life for real fulfillment.
— Ralph Marston
02-14-2014, 07:02 AM
Friday, February 14, 2014
Highest expectations
If you’ve been disappointed, it’s tempting to lower your expectations so you won’t be disappointed again. But that’s not how it works.
In reality, when you expect less you’ll be disappointed more. The lower you aim, the less fulfilling your life will be.
You deserve a life that’s full and rich, so set your expectations high. And see each disappointment as an opportunity to set those expectations even higher.
In one way, disappointment is a good thing because it means you are making an attempt. The key to fulfillment is to keep making those attempts, to keep raising your expectations, and to work your way forward.
A strong sense of purpose is what will keep you going. By continuing to expect the best of yourself you can move quickly away from each disappointment.
When you fail to reach your expectations, raise those expectations even higher. Make it meaningful enough and you’ll make it happen.
— Ralph Marston
02-15-2014, 08:39 AM
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Allow the best
Allow your world to be beautiful now. Allow your life to be rich and full and joyous.
There are infinite possibilities, and yet the ones you experience are the ones you allow. Make the choice now, and always, to allow the best.
Allow your thoughts to be positive and empowering. Allow your actions to move your life forward.
Allow your spirit to envision life at its very best for you and your whole world. Allow yourself to make that vision real in each moment and with each choice.
Don’t struggle to move yourself toward or away from what might or might not be. Instead, allow your life to unfold according to your highest vision.
The power to make a positive difference is always yours. Allow that power to flow through your life, creating magnificent, meaningful results.
— Ralph Marston
02-16-2014, 09:19 AM
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Think the best
Doubt is a thought you can let go of. Confidence is a thought you can choose to hold and to expand upon.
If you think something is too difficult or out of reach, your thoughts do indeed put it out of reach. Alternately, when you think you’re capable and deserving, you’ll find a way to make it happen.
Your thoughts most certainly do control you. Yet, before your thoughts control you, you have the opportunity to select and control them.
Your perspective is built upon the thoughts you most consistently choose. The most powerful perspective comes from the most positive thoughts.
Just because life is full of problems does not mean you must choose to be full of negative thoughts. Focus your thoughts not on where you and others have stumbled, but on the most positive, desirable way forward.
You always have a choice of what to think, so choose consistently to think the best of life. That puts you well on the way to making it happen.
— Ralph Marston
02-17-2014, 06:44 AM
Monday, February 17, 2014
Powerful intentions
Your intentions can be enormously powerful, yet they must be clear, specific and meaningful. If you just have a vague idea of the results you intend, the results you actually get will have little value.
Decide what you wish to do today, or this month, or this year, and make it precise. In order to be fully committed, you must know exactly what you’re committed to doing.
The more clearly you visualize your intentions, the more powerful you make them. When you can see exactly where you’re going, you can also find realistic and workable ways to get there.
The power of your intentions also comes from the strength of purpose behind them. When they’re solidly connected to what’s meaningful in your life, then you’ll put your best efforts into making those intentions happen.
Your intentions are powerful precisely because they enable you to focus and harness your substantial energy. Your intentions bring results because they compel you to create those results.
Make them clear and meaningful, and give your intentions the power they deserve. They’ll push you forward in creating the great life you deserve.
— Ralph Marston
02-18-2014, 07:38 AM
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Face forward
Yes, it’s interesting and somewhat instructive to know how things got the way they are. What’s far more important, though, is what you choose to do going forward.
Pay attention to what has happened but don’t waste your precious and powerful energy becoming obsessed by it. Put that energy into moving in a positive direction.
It’s what you can do now that really matters. As big as they might have been, the expired opportunities of yesterday are now negligible compared to the possibilities of today.
What you can do now is connect with your most treasured dreams. What you can do now is act with passion and the highest expectations to bring those dreams to life.
Instead of living with wistfulness, regret, or anger about the past, you can live with positive purpose toward a great and shining future. The direction you face makes all the difference in the world, so make the choice to face forward.
This is a new moment, and with it comes the chance for a new start. Take that chance, grab that opportunity, and live your life forward in a beautiful and fulfilling way.
— Ralph Marston
02-19-2014, 07:29 AM
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
See it as a blessing
Whatever it is, see it as a blessing. With many things that’s very difficult, yet with everything it is extremely valuable.
When you can see it as a blessing, you can also see the positive possibilities. When you choose to see it as a blessing, you connect yourself to the power of abundance.
Whatever you see as a blessing brings you new ways to create value. You begin to solve the problem, to heal the pain and to transcend the challenge.
That’s a whole lot more positive and powerful than feeling sorry for yourself. It’s a whole lot smarter than ruining your day with anger and resentment.
You are extremely fortunate to be exactly where you are. Open yourself up to see that good fortune and you’ll find ways to make great, fulfilling use of it.
Accept and embrace the blessings that come your way, whatever form they may take. The more thankful and positive you are, the more those blessings will benefit your whole world.
— Ralph Marston
02-20-2014, 07:08 AM
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Earning your keep
You deserve a life that’s filled with joy and meaning, prosperity and fulfillment. Yet you can’t expect for others to give it to you.
You deserve the very best in life. And you deserve the priceless experience of working with commitment, determination and persistence to bring it into being.
A free ride is worth precisely what you pay for it. Instead of looking to get stuff for free, honor and respect the immense value of your life by finding ways to give the best you have.
You have already been given the miraculous gift of life. Now is your opportunity to find spectacular fulfillment in earning your keep.
There are great challenges and injustices that will continue to work against you. But there’s no real value to be gained by seeing yourself as a victim.
Instead, see yourself for what you truly are, a loving, caring, unique person who can make a big difference. You owe it to life, and especially to yourself, to make that difference, so work right now to make it in a great big, beautiful way.
— Ralph Marston
02-21-2014, 07:15 AM
Friday, February 21, 2014
Thankful for the past
You can’t change the past. So there’s no point in continuing to rehash it in your mind.
Yes, there is much you can learn from the past. Once you’ve learned what there is to learn, move quickly on.
Though you can’t change the past, you can choose the way you feel about it. Your best choice is to always feel thankful that your past has brought you to where you are.
Where you are now is a place and time filled with great possibilities. Choose the most positive and meaningful of those possibilities, and go with them.
Go into the future with a sincere sense of gratitude and purposeful intention. Go into the future informed and inspired by the past, but not burdened by it.
The past has been good to you because it has given you the opportunity of now. Wisely use that opportunity and make the future even better.
— Ralph Marston
02-22-2014, 06:51 AM
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Richness in every moment
You don’t have to live extravagantly to live richly. You can find extraordinary richness and fulfillment even in the simple, ordinary things.
You don’t have to wait or hope for some big, impressive windfall before you can begin to fully enjoy life. You can experience immense enjoyment right where you are, with whatever you have.
Living a life that’s full and rich is more about your inner attitude than your outer situation. Richness is found not so much in what comes to you but rather in what you make of it all in each moment.
Don’t limit your experience and enjoyment of life’s richness by limiting your ideas of what it should be. Open yourself to discover and delight in the richness that’s in every moment.
There is so very much available to you right here, right now. Go ahead, let go of the need for this or for that, and live the richness that is always yours to live.
Let the experience of great richness come from your choice to live it. Your life is now, so fully and richly enjoy it here and now.
— Ralph Marston
02-23-2014, 06:12 AM
Sunday, February 23, 2014
When effort feels effortless
It is your true nature to create and achieve. Today, allow that true nature to be fully expressed.
If you think you must struggle to get things done, that is precisely how it will be. If you see life’s abundance as being apart from you, that abundance will be out of your reach.
Consider how completely right it feels when you are living in harmony with your most authentic purpose. Think of how effective you can be when doing something you love.
The objectives for which you strive and agonize will bring no real fulfillment, even if you’re able to reach them. When you’re moving toward a goal and the effort feels effortless, that is a goal that will bring real lasting value.
Let go of the need to struggle for what you don’t really desire in the first place. Instead, allow your life to unfold each moment in accordance with your true creative nature.
Connect to the purpose that is sincerely you. Express that purpose, and you’ll fill your world with richness.
— Ralph Marston
02-24-2014, 07:09 AM
Monday, February 24, 2014
Be amazing
You’re not here today to just get by. You’re here to be amazing.
There are a lot of challenges and obstacles, yet there is no reason to be anything less than amazing. Feel the true passion that lives in you, and let the passion push you to do something amazing.
Look around, and see how beautiful and filled with wonder the world is. You are part of an amazing universe, and can be just as amazing in your own unique way.
Today is not just a couple dozen hours to struggle through. Today represents your opportunity to express your amazing nature in new ways.
Focus your attention and energy on what you love and treasure most. In that love is the power to be authentically and uniquely amazing.
This is a one-of-a-kind, amazing day. You’re here to make it even more so, so starting right now, do it.
— Ralph Marston
02-25-2014, 06:21 AM
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Put something positive
Put something positive in your world. Circumstances, events and other people can’t be depended on to do it, so step up and do it yourself.
There are plenty of influences in your life that can lead to dismay and disappointment. Fortunately, you don’t have to be one of those disappointing influences.
You can put something positive in your life any time you choose to do so. Go ahead and choose this day, this moment, and this place to do so.
You know you’ll be much more effective with a positive perspective. So do something good for yourself and for your world.
There are all too many things to feel bad about. Use a little time today to do something you can truly feel good about.
Put something good and positive in your world today. Give yourself the gift and the power of a fresh, new positive outlook.
— Ralph Marston
02-26-2014, 07:35 AM
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Make sure it means something
The way to get more focused is not to try harder. The way to become more focused on something is to make sure it is meaningful to you.
When you’re genuinely interested and passionate about something, it’s not a struggle to stay focused on it. On the contrary, it’s a joy.
To achieve more focus, the question to ask is not how. The essential question to ask is why.
If you cannot connect what you’re doing to a good, personally meaningful reason, you’re simply not going to be able to focus on it. Life is too precious to spend it doing meaningless stuff, so move on to something else.
Either there is a compelling reason behind what you’re doing or there is not. When you’ve got a good reason and you’ve got a good connection to it, the focus is there.
Whatever you’re doing, make sure you’re aware of why it means something to you. That way, you’ll do it with focus, discipline, commitment and effectiveness.
— Ralph Marston
02-27-2014, 06:58 AM
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Moving forward
Live this day based on the way you can be, not on the way you have been. Live this day focused on your best possibilities, not on your worst fears.
One big thing that makes life so amazing is the constant opportunity to move forward. As you live this day, choose to make the most of that opportunity.
Whatever the situation may be, whoever may be to blame, your best option is to move forward. No matter how the past has been, or what you have or do not have, your best choice is to move forward.
There is something you can do right now that will make a positive difference and move things forward. Find it and do it.
If you’re dismayed and don’t really feel like doing anything, what will quickly help you feel much better is doing something to move forward. If you’re not sure what to do, move forward just a little and you’ll soon see ways to move forward even more powerfully.
There may be plenty of good reasons to give up, and yet there’s one even better reason to keep moving forward. It will inject new substance and energy into your life, and with that, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.
— Ralph Marston
02-28-2014, 07:13 AM
Friday, February 28, 2014
Make joy your next experience
Certainly life has its pains and disappointments, but you don’t have to totally invest yourself in them. Life has its setbacks and injustices, but you don’t have to identify yourself by them.
You can acknowledge and deal with the negativity without letting it get to you. You can live in a world that is sometimes harsh and cruel without choosing to see yourself as a victim.
Sure, there are lots of difficulties that come along. Yet there are even more positive possibilities to live for.
Instead of letting the difficulties get you down, let them inspire you. Let them inspire you to focus more intently on the good, valuable and beautiful aspects of life.
No life is free of pain, inconvenience, frustration or challenge. However, there is no law that says you have to let those negative things completely overwhelm your awareness.
Take the difficulties in stride, and then be sure to move quickly on to the joys. No matter what has happened, remember that joy can always be your next experience.
— Ralph Marston
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