View Full Version : More Recovery Thoughts and Quotes - February
02-01-2014, 01:52 AM
February 1
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Did not these feelings, after all, determine the course of our existence? It was impossible to say we had no capacity for faith, or love, or worship. In one form or another we had been living by faith and little else. - Pg. 54 - We Agnostics
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
"That great cloud rains down on all, whether their nature is superior or inferior. The light of the sun and the moon illuminates the whole world, both him who does well and him who does ill, both him who stands high and him who stands low." Buddha from Sadharmapundarika Sutra 5 "Your father in heaven makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous." Jesus from Matthew 5.45
I seek comfort and wisdom from all Universal Sources as I journey toward recovery.
I thank you God
For most this amazing day, for the leafy, greenly spirits of trees, and everything which is infinite, which is beautiful, which is yes. I who have died am alive again today and this is the sun's birthday.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Nothing happens by accident. There are no coincidences, they say, only God-incidences.
I believe that God can do for me what I can't do for myself. I believe in God-incidences.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Sponsorship-the art of helping an alcoholic grow up without putting them down.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
I know that one step at a time I am making progress today. I am grateful for all my growth,, even though it is not always very obvious.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
I didn't become an alcoholic because I drank too much. I drank too much because I'm an alcoholic. - Unknown origin.
02-02-2014, 07:54 AM
February 2
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Stress the spiritual feature freely. If the man be agnostic or atheist, make it emphatic that HE DOES NOT HAVE TO AGREE WITH YOUR CONCEPTION OF GOD. He can choose any conception he likes, provided it makes sense to him. THE MAIN THING IS THAT HE BE WILLING TO BELIEVE IN A POWER GREATER THAN HIMSELF AND THAT HE LIVE BY SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES. - Pg. 93 - Working With Others
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
One choice you can make in the coming days is to simply allow the loss of your addiction to be true. You will be an emotional orphan for only a short time, because you have a new and loving family in the fellowship.
I reach out to my Spiritual Source for a new understanding, as I adjust to new emotional alliances.
Little Dreams
Today I will do some small thing to make my day more beautiful and positive. I only need to do a little better. I don't need to reach for the moon or become the perfect anything. Achieving little dreams will enhance my sense of self and move me a bit forward. They will add up. They give me something positive to imagine. Little dreams are manageable, they don't overwhelm me and make me feel like I am constantly failing or running in place. They let me feel like I've achieved something real and purposeful. They give my day a positive focus. I will dream a little dream today. I will do something positive that gets me closer to a goal or makes a contribution to my world. Rather than complain about what isn't here that I want, I will take baby steps to create something.
I will take one small step
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
When do you begin helping a newcomer? When you see a newcomer. Don't sweat it; just do it.
When I work with a drunk, the drunk I'm working on is me.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Don't force solutions.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
As I gently pull back each layer that has been blocking me from being the best of who I am, I dare look a bit further and then a bit further yet. I know that I am not alone on this path and God is guiding me every inch of the way.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
I looked for God all over. And that's where I found him; All over. - Phil P.
02-03-2014, 08:29 AM
February 3
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Perhaps your husband has been living in that strange world of alcoholism where everything is distorted and exaggerated. You can see that he really does love you with his better self. Of course, there is such a thing as incompatibility, but in nearly every instance the alcoholic only seems to be unloving and inconsiderate; it is usually because he is warped and sickened that he says and does these appalling things. Today most of our men are better husbands and fathers than ever before. - Pg. 108 - To Wives
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
In this moment you may feel the most human and most powerless time of your entire life. In the coming weeks and months, many changes will sweep over your life and your person. Try not to hide from the profound changes, but to understand them.
Keep me steady that I may understand my world as it changes from day to day and even from moment to moment.
Today I give with both hands. Giving for its own sake is the spiritual way and actually releases the gift. When I give with one hand and take with the other, I give only half of what I have and receive only half of what might be given to me. I limit myself in two ways. Somehow the universe responds to clear intention. When I fully release a gift, it goes to where it is supposed to go and what returns to me comes when and how it is right.
I am able to give with both hands
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Life on earth is one of polarity. We feel the comfort of love because we know the pain of rejection; we know the satisfaction of a full belly because we know the emptiness of hunger. Without darkness we can't appreciate the light; without cold we can't cherish the warmth. We know the joy of recovery because we came from the depths of despair.
I am not what I am in spite of my disease; I am what I am because of it.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Alcoholics and addicts - fast talkers, slow thinkers.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
I am no longer a victim of my past. I am free to move in new directions today. I am at choice in my life.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
We're all rebels who want to be hugged. - Charlie C.
02-04-2014, 07:10 AM
February 4
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Your whole life has turned upside down and it's time for a good cry. Have a good cry, wash out your heart. If you keep it inside it'll tear you apart.' - Dr. Hook
I follow my own inner path for serenity. When it's time to cry, my spirit lets me know and I allow tears.
It's the Little Things
It's the little things that count, that add up to make a life, that weave themselves into the fabric of my day and make it feel whole. My morning routines, the activities of my day the people I encounter and share my time with. Little things like a pleasant walk, exercise, my daily errands and even eating my favorite foods all come together to make my day. As I move through my day today, I will take time to notice and be grateful for whatever gives me pleasure. I will say a quiet thank you for all that life is handing me.
I have an Attitude of Gratitude
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
We find that the difference between adventure and disaster usually boils down to attitude. It's like the glass half full or half empty. Is it a problem or an opportunity; an obstruction or a challenge for growth? The way you choose to see it makes all the difference.
I don't see thing as they are, I see things as I am.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
You have to ask yourself, What would an adult do in this situation?
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I look within to see what is keeping me stuck. I know I cannot change unless I know what there is to change. I feel energized and empowered to move forward.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
You hear people say; 'I do Steps 1,2,and 3 everyday.' And that sounds so good the newcomer hears that and dies. Because all they've told you is they're getting ready to begin. It's like they make a decision to be pilots and them spend the rest of their lives in ground school. - Ted H.
02-05-2014, 07:39 AM
February 5
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
We must lose our fear of creditors no matter how far we have to go, for we are liable to drink if we are afraid to face them. - Pg. 78 - Into Action
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
We sometimes say things to ourselves like 'I should have done this, I should have done that.' We can 'should' ourselves into deep and scaring guilt over what we did in addiction. Regardless of the playlets running in our heads, we are not in a position to take over our Higher Power's position of overseeing life.
No matter how long I have been on earth or how intelligent and experienced I am, I will never rise above the level of human being.
The Creative Power of My Thoughts
Today, I recognize that I tend to produce in my life what I feel is true for myself. Thoughts have a creative power of their own. If I look closely, I can see my thoughts come to life. I create the possibility of what I would like by first experiencing it in my mind. I will visualize what I would like to have in my life in my mind's eye. I will accept what I see in my inner eye as being available for me, and I will fully participate in my vision as if it were already mine. I will be specific about what I see in my mind's creative eye and I will accept my inner vision as fully possible. I will see it, sense, taste it and see it as already happening. What I believe can be true for me, can be true for me. I block things form happening with my own doubt and disbelief. Today, I will imagine that I can live the life I am able to hold as a steady vision. If I can see it, I can move toward it, I can accept it, I can crate it.
All good things are possible for me
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Practicing the principles can never be done from a pedestal of self-righteousness. The very act of judging, complaining or criticizing, demonstrates that we are spiritually out of whack--not the ones we judge. Oh, they may be out of whack too, but that's not our side of the street, is it?
My program does not work in principle. It only works in practice.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Addiction is not a sentence; it is only a word.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I dare to walk on a new path where comfort and security are not my goals. I dare to reach out to my fellow human beings and become part of society whose aim is peace and love and joy and recovery.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
Most alcoholics would rather die than get sober.
And they do. - Anon.
02-06-2014, 08:31 AM
February 6
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Above everything, we alcoholics must be rid this selfishness. We must, or it kills us! God makes that possible. And there often seems no way of entirely getting rid of self without His aid. - Pg. 62 - How It Works
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Sanskrit saying: 'God sleeps in the minerals, awakens in the plants, walks in the animals, and thinks in you.' There is no place or time that the Power you believe in is not existing. Your thoughts are the culmination of this Power and your recovery HP's manifestation.
Working the steps and practicing the principles is the same as manifesting God on earth.
I Say Thanks
Today I will say thank you. If someone does something for me, I will say thank you. If I feel good when I wake up I will say thank you. When I have food that gives me pleasure and nourishment, I will appreciate its flavor. If the world provides me with another day of what I need to keep going, I will say thank you for being alive, for my health, my family and my friends. As I show appreciation a curious thing happens, I get more of what I am saying thank you for. People want to be appreciated; saying thank you allows them to give with pleasure. Life wants to be appreciated; saying thank you allows life to give with pleasure.
I do not take things for granted
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. The truth is that your Spiritual Source doesn't deal with time, clocks, and calendars. Your Source put you in today because your Source is in today.
Because God (Allah, Krishna, Kahuna, Creator, Divine Intelligence) is in the NOW, then 'Just for Today' I stay here too.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Stay put and act in your own best interest.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
I am slowly finding new strength within me as I begin to trust my inner voice. I dare listen and take new risks as I follow my inner path.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
Rockbottom: When things got worse faster than I could lower my standards. - Anon.
02-07-2014, 09:16 AM
February 7
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
In face of collapse and despair, in the face of the total failure of their human resources, they found that a new power, peace, happiness, and sense of direction flowed into them. This happened soon after they wholeheartedly met a few simple requirements. - Pg. 50 - We Agnostics
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
You will feel powerless at times, yet once you live through your withdrawal and early confusing recovery, your resiliency to endure, survive, and thrive will amaze you. You are in a unique position to learn from this, turn around, and offer help to others. You are, at this very moment, learning skills that will help other addicts and alcoholics in the future. This is a gift.
I thank my Divine Source for the ability to view the good in the journey I now take.
Giving of Myself
I will not give things instead of love. I will recognize that the people who need and depend on me for that sustaining kind of love and attention will be hurt and confused if I ignore their real need for me. I need to give those who are close to me real love. They have cast their fate with mine and I owe them this. They depend on me and I need to understand that and step up to the plate and do what's necessary and right. I will also be appropriately grateful, when those I need and depend upon give me the caring and concern that nourishes my heart.
I give of my time and attention
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Some recovering addicts take comfort in their complexity as if they are the exceptionally wounded. They worry their wounds and pick at their pain, giving themselves permission to be difficult, slow, and self-absorbed. Are you simply healing to your own internal rhythm or giving yourself excuses to be difficult?
I don't make the pity pot too comfortable.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Align your actions so they are in agreement with the picture you paint of yourself at meetings.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
I feel my entire body unwinding and relaxing as I give up my resistance and struggle. Today I accept life as it comes and learn to flow with it with peace.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
Alcohol gave me wings to fly, then took away my sky. - Anon.
02-08-2014, 12:29 PM
February 8
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Most of us have been unwilling to admit we were real alcoholics. No person like to think he is bodily and mentally different from his fellows. - Pg. 30 - More About Alcoholism
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
The pain and struggle of early recovery is a powerful wind that blows through your life. It blows open the doors to your deepest emotions and tests the very fiber of your being. Yet, after the storm abates, you rebuild on the foundation of love from the fellowship.
In the coming days when I can't be grateful, when I cannot see past the storm, I listen to the beating heart of the fellowship.
Lighting One Candle
Today I will light one candle. I know in my heart that the world has so many sincere and good people in it. People who want to contribute to the world, whose hearts are set in the right direction. I join with all of those good souls today in my deep wish to be part of a force that can heal the world. I say a quiet prayer for all who need it and I unite my soul energy with like minded people. I trust that my good wishes for this world will unite with the good wishes of others and form a silent force that will gather in power and attract more and more energy. My prayers will not go unanswered because they are the prayers of so many. There are so many good people from all walks of life, all corners of the world. We have something very profound in common, our love of life, our love of our world.
I do a small thing with a full heart
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Try to live your life without adding to your Eight Step list. You have enough wreckage to clear up from the past without creating wreckage in the now.
When I feel my worst, I try my best.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Better to go through life sober, thinking you're an alcoholic, than go through life drunk thinking you're not.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I am willing to let go of all my thoughts and opinions that are negative and destructive in my life.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
I've got a mind that's trying to kill me. - Bob P.
02-09-2014, 07:48 AM
February 9
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
We have learned that we had to fully concede to our innermost selves that we were alcoholics. This is the first step in recovery. - Pg. 30 - More About Alcoholism
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Service to another addict/alcoholic or to our group can help calm us when the jitters get rough. Think of one other fellow recoverer who also seemed jittery at the last meeting or maybe didn't show up. You can get in touch with them today and ask if you can help.
God, as I understand You, give me the right words to comfort or to encourage a fellow alcoholic / addict.
Living Truly
Today I will live the life I wish to have. If I want not be manipulative or deceitful in my relationships, I will be an honest person. If I want goodness and decency surrounding me, I will be good and decent. If I want to feel love coming towards me, I will love others. Today I won't ask life to be something I'm not willing to be. Today, I accept that what I put out, comes back to me.
I live the life I want to have
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
When you work with others, you allow Divine Intelligence to speak and smile through you. You allow the Divine to reach out and hug the drunk, the junkie, and the dope head.
All people smile in the same language.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Nobody 'gives' you a bad day without your permission.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I have the courage to follow my own inner voice that I hear in prayer and meditation. Today I dare to be true to myself and my own needs, whether anyone agrees with me or not.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
It says in Chapter Five; 'If you have decided you want what we have..' Decision. '..and are willing to go to any lengths to get it.' Action. As far as I can tell, that summarizes everything in life: Decision, Action, Result. - Cubby S.
02-10-2014, 07:57 AM
February 10
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Here are thousands of men and women, worldly indeed. They flatly declare that since they have come to believe in a Power greater than themselves, to take a certain attitude toward that Power, and to do certain simple things, there has been a revolutionary change in their simple way of living and thinking. - Pg.50 - We Agnostics
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
In the beginning there probably isn't much time that goes by when you don't think about using. This is normal, after all, you've just lost your constant companion. Only time will remove your constant thoughts of your old buddies, drugs and alcohol, but it does pass.
Every time I think getting high would feel good, let me remember the pain in my gut and fear in my heart just a short time ago.
Getting Even Today
I will push myself through to letting go of some recent insult, knowing that if I don't I bind myself to that energy. Revenge only keeps me stuck at the place of wrong doing. Better to let go the hurt or insult than the act of kindness. If I want to continue to grow my blessings in life, I will look up not down. Today I will look toward someone who has been good to me and I will think of a way to repay their kindness, knowing that when I do that, my own life feels better, too.
I connect myself to the energy of goodness.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Do not ask what your Higher Power can do for you, but rather what you can do for your Higher Power. This gets us out of self.
Dear God, what can I do for you today?
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Formula for failure: try to please everyone.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I look inside for my answers. Today I will trust my instincts and my connecting to my Higher Power.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
An alcoholic is anyone I don't like who drinks more than me. - Dylan Thomas.
02-11-2014, 07:58 AM
February 11
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
But what about the real alcoholic? He may start off as a moderate drinker; he may or may not become a continuous hard drinker; but at some stage of his drinking career he begins to lose all control of his liquor consumption, once he starts to drink. - Pg. 21 - There Is A Solution
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Even when we consciously don't think we want to get high, our disease of addiction works through our subconscious and calls, 'what do they know; just one won't hurt; well, if they're going to be like that!' Our subconscious pops silly excuses for using into our minds. We must learn to recognize and neutralize these thoughts.
May my subconscious 'arguments' that subtly tell me to use, have no power to influence my true goal of staying clean and clear.
I Can Lift My Own Spirits
I will lift my own spirits today. I will look for that place in me that is still and serene, that isn't just constantly in response mode. Somewhere there is a constant, meditative place where the little and even the even big concerns of the day slip away and become less important. A place where life is just life and I can breathe in and out of a place of inner calm. Life doesn't have to prove itself to me today for me to treasure it. It is enough that I am here, that I have my freedom of thought and movement. I will appreciate the life I have.
I am connected with the divine
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
People who seek a sponsor without faults, will be without a sponsor.
I know that my sponsor is willing to make mistakes, if I am willing to learn from them.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Focus on the program, not the problem.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Even in moments of doubting I know that my Higher Power has been guiding me on my path today.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
I wanted to be Clint Eastwood but I was more like Woody Allen. - Trip S.
02-12-2014, 08:28 AM
February 12
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
In any meeting, anywhere, A.A.'s share experience, strength, and hope with each other, in order to stay sober and help other alcoholics. Modem-to-modem or face-to-face, A.A.'s speak the language of the heart in all its power and simplicity. - Pg. xxiv - Foreword To Fourth Edition
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Slogans seem silly but they are important tools: first things first; one day at a time; kiss. We say them frequently because we need to burn them into our thoughts. Slogans are not 'fillers' for reluctant speakers. They embody important principles necessary to our path of recovery.
With the next slogan I hear, let me really HEAR it, know its importance, and practice it.
If I am alive then I need to look around me and feel thankful for the gifts that are mine. There is so much to be grateful for if I am willing to consider the blessings I already have. There is a wisdom in gratitude because what I focus on with appreciation has a way of expanding in my life. If I erase my blessings, I don't feed them with the grace of gratitude. If I give thanks for them, I show the creative force that brings forth all good things that I am worthy enough to appreciate what has been so generously given to me.
I know enough to say thank you
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
You are either progressing or regressing. There is no such thing as standing still; there is no such thing as simply 'gressing.'
I can only coast one way, and that's downhill.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Sobriety is never an accident.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
As I let go of all the negative tapes that block my truth, I trust and follow the energy that leads me to peace and joy.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
Willpower tells me I must. Willingness tells me I can. - Anon.
02-13-2014, 08:12 AM
February 13
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
This is the how and why of it. First of all, we had to quit playing God. It didn't work. - Pg. 62 - How It Works
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Life is not fair. You see it in the headlines; you see it in people racked with chronic pain; you see it in senseless street violence and children starving in third world countries. It will be a challenge for you in the coming weeks to understand it is not an unfair thing that has just happened, addiction and then recovery, but the greatest fight you shall ever receive.
Creator, I do not know why good people suffer addiction. For if it is the very act of not understanding and still trusting in the good of the universe, that comprises the very essence of faith.
Silver Linings
I search for silver linings, for the deeper meaning of events in my life. I will look for the lesson. When life offers up its inevitable challenges, I will try to understand what I am meant to see that I am not seeing, what I am meant to hear that I am not hearing. There is always a silver lining if I look for it. Even if I don't see it readily, I trust that it is there and that it will reveal itself to me over time. Life isn't simple. One of the ways that I can have a better experience is to see what is positive, about a given situation, to look for the silver lining. I can grow in joy and in pain. It doesn't need to be one or the other because pain can transform into joy. It can be the fire that clears the the field for new and tender growth.
There is always a silver lining
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
As a general rule, questions that ask 'why' go in the wrong direction, seeking explanations that blame and shame. Questions that begin with 'How' and 'What' as in 'How do I start my Fourth?' and 'What can I learn from this?' lead to solutions, where the light bulb goes on in your head.
I ask questions that lead to exclamations not explanations.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Acceptance: Life is 10% what you make it and 90% how you take it
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today my faith and confidence grow as I learn to accept all that I discover without judgment. I feel energy and life flow through me with this new freedom.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
Alcohol is a great remover. It removes stains, inhibitions, worries, jobs, families, freedom, choices, dignity, livers,
- and lives. - Anon.
02-14-2014, 08:15 AM
February 14
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
After they have succumbed to the desire again, as so many do, and the phenomenon of craving develops, they pass through the well-known stages of a spree, emerging remorseful, with a firm resolution not to drink again. This is repeated over and over, and unless this person can experience and entire psychic change there is little hope of his recovery. - Pg. XXIX - 4th. Edition - The Doctor's Opinion
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Under stress men are more likely to do the 'fight or flight' thing and counter stress with anger or desertion. Women are more likely to adopt the 'tend and befriend' mode where they begin to nurture others and make alliances. You will be adopting a number of strategies in your growing recovery. Try to make as many of them proactive as you can. The more you respond ( with thought and deliberation ) then react ( instinctively ), the better you will weather the journey.
I seek solutions and guidelines for my behaviors and the coming decisions I must make. I do not 'react' but 'respond' to the situations in my life.
The Power is in the Now
I recognize that the present is alive and vibrant and creative. All of the creative power of this alive and radiant universe is in the present, in the here and now. If I align myself with the present, if I allow myself to fully experience this moment, I will find all I need in it. There is magic in this moment, there is beauty and vibrancy in it that resonates throughout my life. What I experience now, creates my future.
There is nothing like the present
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Sometimes you are the wind; sometimes you are the bug; sometimes you are the windshield.
Experience is what I get when I don't get what I want.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
When we use, addiction makes all our decisions.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
I am beginning to actually feel the energy of love that I have inside. My entire being is in the process of being transformed with love.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
Don't point the finger, reach out the hand. - Anon.
02-14-2014, 04:12 PM
All good but this stood out for me:
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
I am beginning to actually feel the energy of love that I have inside. My entire being is in the process of being transformed with love.
When I went to Al-Anon, just over 22 years ago, I heard the saying, "Let us love you until you can love yourself. We will love you until you can love yourself."
02-15-2014, 09:47 AM
February 15
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Faith has to work twenty-four hours a day in and through us, or we perish. - Pg. 16 - Bill's Story
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Family and fellowship, sponsors and counselors are our source of strength and good feelings today, not Jim Beam and Mary Jane.
May I try not to control the people who help long enough to listen to their words of guidance.
Appreciating Life
I have the gift of life. I am here. I am alive, with all of my senses and able to experience the magic of this incredible world. Whatever this day has in store for me, I am open to receive. I will act on my day and allow my day to act on me. I am open. I will take steps that I know will make my day feel good, productive and pleasurable, and then I will let the rest happen. Each day presents me with gifts and surprises, if I know how to unwrap the present, if I remember how to be astonished or pleased.
Life itself is the gift.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Often the difference between a bad attitude and a good one is simply what you call it. You can be lonely or enjoy blessed solitude. You can be burdened or building strength. People can use you or you can be of use to others.
Whether it is AA for 'Altered Attitude,' NA for 'New Attitude,' or CDA for 'Change'D Attitude,' my attitude today is a direct reflection of my personal growth.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Misery is an option. But acceptance and gratitude did not come as standard equipment either.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I will 'act as if' I am worth loving. I am beginning to tell myself that I am worthy of loving myself. I will acknowledge all the good and lovable things about me. I will 'act as if' until I know that it is true.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
I'd called AA and they sent this fella Kevin around. He came into my office, put his hand out and asked how I was. I said my standard 'Great'. And he kept hold of my hand pulled me up close, eye-balled me and said; 'Bull s...' - He was my sponsor from that day. - Dave B.
02-16-2014, 07:56 AM
February 16
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Faith without works was dead, he said. And how appallingly true for the alcoholic! For if an alcoholic failed to perfect and enlarge his spiritual life through work and self-sacrifice for others, he could not survive the certain trials and low spots ahead. - Pg. 14-15 - Bill's Story
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
There is no one with a 'better' program than another if they are clean and sober for we know that we are only one drink away from a drunk--each and everyone of us!
May I realize that I am no better or worse than another, or them from me. We are equal in our recovery.
Looking Toward What is Good
I am a creative being. I have the power of reason, the ability to think, hope and dream. I can envision my life not only as it is, but as I might wish it to be. I can then think through the steps I might need to become more of who I wish to be. I have the power to think my way into a happy point of view, to see the glass as half full rather than half empty. My mind can be my greatest enemy or my greatest ally. It depends on how I choose to use it.
I hold a beautiful vision of life
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
'Rather than put a label on yourself as Christian, Jew, Moslem, Buddhist, or whatever, instead make a commitment to be Christ-like, God-like, Buddha-like and Mohammed-like.' -Dr. Wayne Dryer
I make a commitment to be 'Twelve Step-like' today.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Real change requires real change.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Peace and relaxation flow through me with every breath that I take.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
An alcoholic is a fellow who is trying to get his religion out of a bottle, when what he really wants is unity within himself. Unity with God. - Bill W.
02-17-2014, 08:07 AM
February 17
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
That the man who is making the approach has had the same difficulty, that he obviously knows what he is talking about, that his whole deportment shouts at the new prospect that he is a man with a real answer, that he has no attitude of Holier Than Thou, nothing whatsoever except the sincere desire to be helpful; that there are no fees to pay, no axes to grind, no people to please, no lectures to be endured -- these are the conditions we have found most effective. After such an approach many take up their beds and walk again. - Pg. 18-19 - There Is A Solution
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Our 12 steps are dedicated primarily to the cultivation of principle in the befuddled addict's mind. Spiritual soundness leads to mental soundness. Even though we don't understand the process of our program to stop our cravings, we must trust that IT WORKS.
I look at those around me, at their success and know that this process WORKS even if it isn't clear how.
Seeing Perfection in What Is
I see life as it is today. I do not ask that the world conform to my idea of perfection in order to love it. I see beauty and perfection in things as they are, not as I wish them to be. I forgive life for being imperfect. I forgive people for being imperfect. I forgive myself for being imperfect.I let life, people and me be what we are.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Recovery is a Process Not an Event. There will never be a graduation day for your new way of life. The more you learn and grow the more you will see that you have more to learn and grow. That is what Steps Ten, Eleven, and Twelve are all about.
I learn to grow and grow to learn. My day of graduation is when I die.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
For our suggestions you have two choices: Take it or leave it.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Even in moments of doubt I know that my Higher Power is guiding me on my path today.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
The road to recovery is always under construction. - Anon.
02-18-2014, 09:01 AM
February 18
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
An illness of this sort -- and we have come to believe it an illness -- involves those about us in a way no other human sickness can. - Pg. 18 - There Is A Solution
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
It often happens that you won't know the role addiction played in your life until you stop using. You have replace roles now. Learning new skills, and this is done at meetings and with your sponsor, is a necessary step in adjusting to your new circumstances.
Rather than see additional burdens in new tasks, I choose to see them as a breath of new life.
I will develop the courage necessary to meet life. I cannot possibly meet the challenges of my life without courage. Today I understand that courage is something I develop. Each time I go through an experience that stretches me, each time I hold my own feet to the fire, each time I discipline myself and hold myself to a slightly higher standard than before, I grow inside, I get a little bit stronger, I strengthen my own courage to meet the next challenge.
I will I will grow in courage
- Tian Dayton PhD
I will develop the courage necessary to meet life. I cannot possibly meet the challenges of my life without courage. Today I understand that courage is something I develop. Each time I go through an experience that stretches me, each time I hold my own feet to the fire, each time I discipline myself and hold myself to a slightly higher standard than before, I grow inside, I get a little bit stronger, I strengthen my own courage to meet the next challenge.
I will I will grow in courage
- Tian Dayton PhD
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
'Choice, not chance, determines destiny.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
'Today I am establishing rapport with myself' - Peter Vegso
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
Early in recovery. I heard Aldous Huxley give a lecture. Afterwards I went up to him, I had an AA pin on my lapel and he spotted it and he was ebullient and said;'I'm a friend of Bill W!' I didn't know Bill W, so I said: Mr. Huxley, what is God? and with this grin, he said; 'God is the inner experience of principles applied.' I said: ' Yeah...maybe you, didn't understand the question.' He said; 'You have a program, if you will apply those Steps, one day at a time, in your life, you will eventually have inner experiences that can't come about any other way. Then you won't have to ask that question because you will have the experience.' - Eddie C.
02-19-2014, 09:00 AM
February 19
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
The alcoholic may find it hard to re-establish friendly relations with his children. Their young minds were impressionable while he was drinking. Without saying so, they may cordially hate him for what he has done to them and to their mother. The children are sometimes dominated by a pathetic hardness and cynicism. - Pg. 134 - The Family Afterward
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
It is easier for us to blame others (parents, spouses, friends) for our addiction then it is to look at self. We must never forget that we drank that drink, snorted that coke, toked that joint, and took that fix. US. 'They' didn't do it.
May I never forget that I used too many mind affecting chemicals because I have the disease of addiction! Other reasons are not causes. Everyone has problems yet not everyone suffers from addiction.
Empowering My Own Day
There are no victims, only volunteers. If there is something I don't like in the way things are going for me, I will see what I can change. I can change the subject if someone goes on and on about things that I don't want to talk about. I can change my routines and trade un-nourishing ones for nourishing ones, I can set boundaries with my time. My time is precious to me, it is all I have to call my very own. I won't throw it away and then blame someone else. I have a right to protect the quiet and pleasure in my day, to do more of those things that give me pleasure and fewer of things that run me down. If I am living up to my responsibilities, that is enough.
I won't throw my time away with both hands
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Half measures do not avail us half, they avail us nothing.
Am I willing to go to any length?
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
If you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I know that I am doing the best that I can and I will be gentle with myself. I will watch what comes without struggle and will accept what is and adjust myself to it, rather than wanting it to be different than it is.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
The difference between God and me is that God doesn't think he's me. - Anon.
02-20-2014, 08:24 AM
February 20
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Although financial recovery is on the way for many of us, we found we could not place money first. For us, material well-being always followed spiritual progress; it never preceded. - pg. 127 - The Family Afterward
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
The professionals and counselors in our new life may appraise our situation better than us. They did not carry on a love affair with our drug of choice. Therefore, their evaluation of what the heck we are doing may be more nearly correct.
May I have the ability to listen to those trying to help me; they honestly may be more objective than myself.
I will be sincere. I will pray with a true heart. I will greet life and the gifts it gives me with an appreciative heart. Today I will not ask life to be something I am not willing to be. I won't ask the world to shower blessings onto me that I am not willing to deserve by my own right action.
I will be the goodness I wish to have
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
We may have the right to be wrong, but our steps teach us that we don't have the right to do wrong.
When my only reason for doing something is 'because I have the right!' it usually turns out wrong.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
There are no chemical solutions to spiritual problems.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
I know that I am being led along a path of healing today. As I become more and more open to spirituality and recovery, My path becomes brighter and clearer every day.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
I wanted to be a writer. So I bought a pipe, a sports jacket with leather on the sleeves and a book on French. And I sat in the bar. I never wrote a line. - Anon.
02-21-2014, 08:25 AM
February 21
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
If a repetition is to be prevented, place the problem, along with everything else, in God's hands. - Pg. 120 - To Wives
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
One of the games our mind plays with us during withdrawal is to suggest that if we were addicted to one chemical, that was our problem and maybe we could use another type of chemical to help us. But switching chemicals will insure that we never get well, because the disease is not a chemical--it is a dysfunction to any mind-affecting chemical.
If I learn nothing else this hour, help me understand that the disease is not a drug but a reaction to drugs.
Today I will be thankful for the many gifts that are mine. Life is a gift. Health is a gift. Love is a gift. Friends and family are gifts. If I take the time to say thank you, I have so many things to be thankful for. When I learn to say thank you, to give praise and gratitude, my life immediately feels more full.
I embrace the gifts that surround me
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
We often hear 'turn it over.' This means turn over problems not under our control right now--whether they are with family, friends, work, or the law--we offer the things we cannot change to a Higher Power and LET GO.
If I turn it over and don't let go, I'll be upside down!
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Put one foot in front of the other.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
It is exciting to know that I have all the strength I need today to do what is good and right in my life.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. - Judy Garland.
02-22-2014, 08:11 AM
February 22
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Your job now is to be at the place where you may be of maximum helpfulness to others, so never hesitate to go anywhere if you can be helpful. - Pg. 102 - Working With Others
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
It has been said that there are only two times you have to diligently work this program, the first 30 days and every day after that! Actually if you think about it, that only means one day, today.
Help me work this program to the best of my ability today.
Opening to the New
Today I will be open to what life offers to me. The world comes to greet me like an old friend each morning. My daily habits comfort and ground me. The thought of moving into my day pleases me. Life unfolds one second at a time and today I will be present to witness it. How much of my life do I let pass by unnoticed? How many of my feelings go unfelt? Today I will recognize that my time on Earth is limited. I choose to value my life a day at a time and embrace it while I have it.
I am open to life
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
'You should not be esteemed by others if you have no real inner virtue.' -Dogen, The Pocket Zen Reader You get esteem by doing something esteeming.
I never have to worry about low self-esteem when I do esteeming things.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Character is how we act when we think no one is watching.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
God is guiding me on my path to self-sufficiency and independence today. As I become willing to let go of my feelings of inferiority and weakness, my Higher Power gives me all the strength that I need for all that comes up for me today.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
Wondering why I was an alcoholic was like being a man standing on a bridge, looking down at a gently flowing stream beneath. But my pants are on fire. And I'm saying: 'I wonder how these pants got on fire, was it hereditary or environmental?' Who cares. You jump in the water. - Doug D.
02-23-2014, 07:22 AM
February 23
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Both you and the new man must walk day by day in the path of spiritual progress. If you persist, remarkable things will happen. - Pg. 100 - Working With Others
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Self will and 'running the show' can be like the monkey who sticks his hand into the trap for food. He grasps the food tightly creating a fist that won't fit out the trap door. The monkey struggles but won't release the food and he is trapped. Simply letting go would free him. Holding tight to your will and your way can be the fist that traps you. Let Go and Let God.
I let go of my tight grip by not insisting everything be my way. I say, 'Let Go and Let God' often to remind myself I don't want to be trapped. What a relief.
The Healing Universe
Everywhere I look life is in a process of healing from something. A plant that has been stepped on fights to come back to life. A tree that has lost branches sprouts new growth. An animal that has lost a leg learns to run on three. Life is always reaching for life. It's an unbroken circle. Like a lover reaching for their beloved , or a child holding onto his mother until the pain passes. Life is programmed to heal itself and it will strive towards that with all its will. I will allow this powerful force that's build into my DNA to work its magic on me. I won't resist my own healing. I will allow it in.
I am built to heal
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
The safest banks fail, corporations fold, loved ones die, all things change. Your life now changes like the tides or the seasons. You are not alone in this change. Seek out others who have experienced relief from your problem of choice and let them guide you through it.
I can change my clothes and change my address but until I change myself, I cannot grow.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
If you want to feel better, clean house. If you want to get better, find God.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I have the courage to own my own unhappiness, daring to look within to discover its source. Today I treat myself as a friend, with gentleness and acceptance.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
An alcoholic who stops drinking, is like the guy who jumps into the water only to find that he can't swim. And AA isn't the water you jump into when your pants are on fire, AA is a bunch of idiots in a life boat with charred britches who come along and give swimming lessons. - Doug D.
02-24-2014, 08:16 AM
February 24
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
We do not want to be the arbiter of anyone's sex conduct. We all have sex problems. We'd hardly be human if we didn't. - Pg. 69 - How It Works
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
For awhile, you will have to adjust to every new day without your beloved and betrayed drug of choice. You will sometimes wonder, 'Will I ever get used to this?'
Each dawn heralds a new day and I must reinvest with new people and new principles. It is not easy but I emerge from the dark through the dawn of the 12 steps.
Inner Cleansing
I am in a process of healing. I am taking the time to allow my body to become clean and whole and as I do that, my mind seems to heal, too. Thoughts arise, thoughts I have blocked out during normal waking hours. They scare me, sometimes. Where are they coming from. Me? But as I allow them to come forward a curious thing happens. They become less threatening. They are, after all, just thoughts. They only really have power when I fear them and push them away. If I welcome them into the sun lit rooms of my mind, they sort of spread out and relax. They are just fears. Anxieties. Parts of me I don't want to know about. But today I understand that I cannot really keep secrets from me. Today I let these thoughts have room to breathe and as they do, a curious thing happens. They dissipate.
I awaken to my inner life
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Our disease had so much control over our lives, that it not only made us do things we did not want to do, but would not let us do things that we wanted to.
My disease used to make my choices. Now I do.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
If you fail to change the person you were when you came in, that person will take you out!
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
I am growing in my ability to trust what feels good and right. Today I can look with and wait until I know with my heart.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
If I'd known I was going to live this long I'd have taken better care of myself.' - Unknown origin.
02-25-2014, 07:30 AM
February 25
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
We avoid retaliation or argument. - Pg. 67 - How It Works
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
I only have one character defect left and it's just that I think about myself **** near all the time.
Seeing Deeply
Every day I experience another piece of myself. Yes I am laid low, but at the same time worlds are opening up to me on the inside. My body is struggling to heal and so is the rest of me. I am watching myself deepen inside and become more aware. It is forced upon me by illness, but I cannot help but being a little bit grateful for the time to slow down and go within. I am seeing the subtleties of life, I am watching myself watch the world around me. I have a witness inside that is constantly with me but I seldom take time to be with it. As I witness my own thoughts, I learn about who I am inside, what makes me tick. As I watch myself interact with others, I see how I act in relationships. As I notice the little things, life seems to matter more.
I am renewing my relationship with life
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
The spiritual journey is one of continually falling on your face, getting up, brushing yourself off, looking sheepishly at God, and taking another step.
If I'm faced in the right direction, and fall on my face, I've still made progress.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Actions speak louder than bumper stickers.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
I will give myself the gift of time today and be quiet and hear with my heart. I will go to my special place inside where I really live in love and in joy and carry those feelings with me throughout the day.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
I never let go of anything that didn't have my claw marks on it. - Tony B.
02-25-2014, 07:37 AM
Met someone on line that said the last quote to me. I wasn't aware, but recognized the fact that I had left a few myself. Some resentments and hurt were hard to let go of until I learned I needed to do it for my own recovery, and that I had to recognized that they had a disease too.
Many people qualify for the program but don't find their way or choose other directions, including continuing to use.
02-26-2014, 08:46 AM
February 26
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
THERE IS A SOLUTION. Almost none of us like the self-searching, the leveling of our pride, the confession of shortcomings which the process requires for its successful consummation. - Pg. 25 - There Is A Solution
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
There is a fundamental unity that underlies the fellowship of our programs. It is this unity that can comfort us and help us hold on when we want a fix, pill, drink, smoke, or snort more than we want this new unfamiliar life.
God, as I understand You, show me how to take comfort from the unity of fellowship when drugs call me back.
Today, I allow myself to experience my fears as fears. I don't need to let them control and color the circumstances of my life. They are real, and it is understandable that I have them. Healing can mobilize my deep fears, they come up more intensely than normal. But this is a part of my process, and growth and healing aren't neat and tidy. When I am very afraid, I will comfort myself or seek comfort from someone else. I will understand that even though I fear the worst, the worst will not necessarily happen. My feelings feel very powerful inside me, but they are not facts. I can survive my fears and understand that they will pass.
I have compassion for the fearful part of me.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Whatever you are trying to avoid, we won't go away until you confront it.
When I see myself as others see me, do I deny it?
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Your Higher Power makes your life uncomfortable when it's time for you to change.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
It is safe to know there is a special place within me where I can feel peace.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
I'm unique, just like everybody else. - Anon.
02-27-2014, 08:07 AM
February 27
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
God has abundantly supplied this world with fine doctors, psychologists, and practitioners of various kinds. Do not hesitate to take your health problems to such persons. - Pg. 133 - The Family Afterwards
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Sometimes you won't be able to trust that all will be well. You'll think 'it isn't well' and 'I don't want to hear others telling me it will be all right.' OK. Be angry. Now go do something that is suggested to you today. Make a phone call to your sponsor, make a meeting, help another in early recovery. Channel your anger toward action.
Grant me the strength to do one activity today that is suggested in the books or by a fellow member in recovery.
Unseen Hands
There are forces in this ever alive and vibrating universe that want to help me if I can let them. I will pray to unseen hands to guide me toward wellness, to lift me towards God. If I am low, I will allow this legion of tiny hands to lift me in the blink of an eye. I will ask and trust that help is at hand. I will free my mind so that it can include more experience that it normally does. I will allow the veil to be lifted so that I can see this spiritual and alive universe for what it is and people for the tender and vulnerable creatures that we all are.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
It's a very interesting thing about human nature, when you stop treating yourself poorly, it will become unacceptable for others to do so.
If I don't take care of myself, why should anyone else?
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Daily meditation for about 20 minutes is recommended for all in recovery; unless, of course, you're very busy, then you should meditate for an hour.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I will trust myself when something does not feel smooth and flowing. I will begin to look around for alternatives for anything that feels rough and irritating.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
This is a disease of insight. I could see the filth, the deceit, the ugliness, the infidelity. The pain of alcoholism and me. It was all very clear. I could see through myself like glass - As Socrates said: 'The unexamined life is not worth living.' - Tom M.
02-28-2014, 08:23 AM
February 28
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Though they knew they must help other alcoholics if they would remain sober, that motive became secondary. It was transcended by the happiness they found in giving themselves for others. - Pg. 159 - A Vision For You
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
We must always fan the flame of inspiration and enthusiasm or our slight hold on sobriety will flicker and fade. We fan the flame by going to meetings, listening to the professionals we hire, choose and use a sponsor, and we must help others.
God, as I understand You, please show me one person I can give an encouraging word to in this hour.
New Life
I can feel my body and my spirit trying to come back to health. I am breathing in and out with relaxed, complete breaths and with each breath I take, I feel more serene. I sense the life within each pore of my body and it feels good, it feels right, it feels alive. My body needed to fall apart a little, it needed to get my attention and tell me it needed tender, loving care. Today, I will pay attention to what my body is trying to tell me it wants and needs and I will give it what it is calling out for.
I listen to what my body is asking for and I do something about it
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Do you think you deserve special treatment because you are clean and sober? Most of us do at one time or another. Treat us special and we feel normal; treat us normal and we feel rejected.
Do I want my ego to be the first thing people see when I walk into a room?
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
People may not always believe what you say, but they will always believe what you do.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
I am at choice today. I accept the responsibility of my life with a new sense of maturity, confidence, and even excitement.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
...And the unlived life is not worth examining. - Serenity Sam.
02-28-2016, 08:26 AM
February 29
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
"Neither could we reduce our self-centeredness much by wishing or trying on our own power. We had to have God's help." Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th Edition, How It Works, pg. 62
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
When our muscles tighten, we get tense, headachy; when we sweat, feel like screaming, this is withdrawal; it is not fun. But in order to recover, the poisons must leave our body. We stay close to the Fellowship and ask God to help.
Please help me one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time if need be.
Patience with Myself
Today, I will be patient with myself. When I do not do as well as I wish I would, I will not make that a reason to get down on myself. I will instead recognize that the fastest way to bring myself out of a painful funk is through understanding and being good to myself. I needn’t get caught in my own cycle of shame, resentment and blame. If a child is upset, I comfort the child because I understand that is what will makes things better. I give myself the same comfort that I would extend to a hurt child knowing that it will help me have the strength to forgive and move on
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Often the shadow of addiction falls across out good intentions. It is so hard to stay sober and clean at times. This is not a picnic for us. When it gets unbearable, ASK FOR HELP from a recovering fellow addict, your counselor, your pastor or your group.
The Divine gently nudges me to ask for help, as I need it.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Don’t tell your Higher Power how big the problem is; tell the problem how big your Higher Power is.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
I am exactly where I am supposed to be today.
Everything about this day, this place, this moment is perfect.
Everything about me is perfect in this moment.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
Worrying is like being in a rocking chair; it gives me something to do but it doesn’t get me anywhere. – Anon.
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