View Full Version : I reconnect with God in me

01-31-2014, 11:32 AM
I reconnect with God in me.

Quiet times soothe my soul. As I turn my attention away from doing, I receive the gift of being. I release concerns about accomplishing tasks and affirm that what is mine to do is already done in the mind of God. As I let go of anxiety, I remember the truth that I am enough.

I may take a stroll, sit on a park bench, or simply close my eyes to the activity around me. However I choose to step away from busyness, time seems to expand. I have time to accomplish my tasks as I slow my pace.

My body, mind, and spirit are refueled as I reconnect with God in me. My heart appreciates the moments in which I allow myself to simply be. I am in God; I am enough.
That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already is; and God seeks out what has gone by.—Ecclesiastes 3:15

Daily Word

01-31-2014, 06:59 PM
Was just sharing this with Bill at the Holistic Center yesterday. The importance of getting away from busy and refuelling ourselves, and being open to receive God`s blessing and gifts in today.

How often do we sit with our hands folded over our knees, across our chest, and turn a blind eye to what is around us. They are there, but how can we pick them up if our hands are busy, our eyes are on other people, places and things instead of ourselves. How can we give, what we don`t take the time to receive.

All that internal chatter distracts me from hearing and seeing the things I need to be aware of in today. With all that noise going on, we are disconnected from what we need and we become overwhelmed, distracted, and fragmented because we are being pulled in different directions.

As they say, prayer is asking for help, meditation is listening for the answers.