View Full Version : My Heavens Door

01-31-2014, 12:26 AM
My Heavens Door

I have always thought that I was a pretty smart guy
Thanks like a fool I began to get high

Once I started I thought I was all that
And Look at me today, I don't even have a coat rack

I went to college to become a minister
Than something happened and I got a detour

I detoured down the road that new no end
I lived a life that was basically full of sin

I didn't care what I took and from who
Maybe that is why Sober I feel so blew

I feel sometimes that the wind is always pushing me back
Than them thoughts go to picking up a 6 Pack!

Once I start to drink it don't take long
I have done a loader and start to sing that same **** song.

The song that I sing is never the same
Sad to say that my life was so plain

I got the glamor out of life in my 30's
Beer, Wine, Pot and Meth and even some dirties

Than in the 40's I found AA
They told me that I had to learn how to pray

They said it didn't matter if I believed or not
Just keep coming back and don't listen to those thoughts

The thoughts that Life Is NO LONGER LIVING FOR
I am now ready to enter Heavens Door

Written by
Victor Watts
6:53pm at RI just my thoughts.

Copyright all rights reserved
January 5, 2010