01-22-2022, 09:52 AM
None of us who ever join the program of recovery are really looking for a new way to live life, most of us would have just settled for finding a way to stop the pain that was coming from the way we were living. Recovery offers us much more than that it offers us a different way of living life. None of us would have ever chosen to live the way we find in recovery. It's only from the pain of how we're living and reaching a point where something had to change or we weren't going to be able to make it any longer, that we begin to start to look for something else. We found out from being in recovery that it was the way in which we were living that had to be changed if we wanted any real chance of making it. Just stopping the pain only leads to us having to keep doing that over and over, by changing the way we're living to what's suggested by the program, we are no longer living life full of pain, so there's no need for any of us to do just that any longer.