View Full Version : The Lord has been good, and He will be good

01-19-2022, 06:17 AM
Psalm 116:7 ‘Return to your rest, my soul, for the LORD has been good to you.’

- As we face the future, we can remind ourselves of how God has helped us.
- Sometimes the future can seem daunting, and we can feel unsettled.
- That is when we must remember how faithful He has been in the past.
- The Lord has been good, and He will be good, so be at peace and rest in Him.

PRAYER: Lord, today I take a moment to remind myself of how You have helped me and brought me to this point. I don’t need to be worried or anxious because You are still with me, and You will take care of me. Amen.

Kind Regards
Pastor Andrew Roebert