View Full Version : Cost What It May

01-15-2022, 09:50 AM
We all pay a high price to get to recovery. None of the chairs here are free. We'll see that some in recovery have paid more than others, but remember we're the ones that get to decide how much we're willing to pay. While most of us focus on the pain and trouble that we're having from this problem when we begin recovery. Our real loss has been what was taken from us because of our problem, or what we gave away so we could do things the way we wanted to do them, this is where we all have paid dearly. When we're finally tired of being sick and tired, is when we'll finally decide how much we're willing to pay, and some of us do pay the ultimate price. Trying to solve this problem on our own by ourselves never turns out well, and it's highly recommended by those that have tried and failed, that we don't try doing this, or we too may end up paying the ultimate price, one that's much higher than any of us were ever willing to pay.