01-10-2022, 11:00 AM
The steps of recovery are nothing new, or any kind of new invention of any sort. What they are is a logical sequence of events if done in order will relieve us from the self destruction that's going on with us all as the result of having the problem that we all have. Nothing has been found to be more effective at relieving us from that oozing self pity we all have, and the what's the use in it anyhow attitude we all have when we begin recovery. These two things are considered to be in the final stage of our problem, because by us having these two things is what allows us to be able to end it all for ourselves, and not be able to stop it from happening. The removal of these two things from us is paramount to our own survival and to our recovery, and the steps of recovery never fail at doing this, if we do them in order and do them all.