01-07-2022, 06:20 AM
God’s presence keeps me calm and patient at all times.
How do I react to delays that keep me from accomplishing my goals? Experience tells me that getting irritated or impatient will not change the circumstances. A slow line will not move quicker by frowning. Traffic does not clear because I show frustration. What I can do, however, is visualize right outcomes for myself and others.
If I am delayed, I use that time to center my thoughts and to give thanks for God’s presence within. I practice slow, easy breathing while affirming: I am peaceful. I am calm.
Being patient today is an investment in peace for tomorrow. I refrain from being reactionary and saying or doing something I may regret later. As I hold thoughts of peace for others, I benefit from being patient and calm.
As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God.—Psalm 42:1
Daily Word
God’s presence keeps me calm and patient at all times.
How do I react to delays that keep me from accomplishing my goals? Experience tells me that getting irritated or impatient will not change the circumstances. A slow line will not move quicker by frowning. Traffic does not clear because I show frustration. What I can do, however, is visualize right outcomes for myself and others.
If I am delayed, I use that time to center my thoughts and to give thanks for God’s presence within. I practice slow, easy breathing while affirming: I am peaceful. I am calm.
Being patient today is an investment in peace for tomorrow. I refrain from being reactionary and saying or doing something I may regret later. As I hold thoughts of peace for others, I benefit from being patient and calm.
As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God.—Psalm 42:1
Daily Word