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12-12-2021, 07:32 AM
May You Know the Love of God

“Being rooted and grounded in love.” Ephesians 3:17

May you know the love of God in its fullness, in its endlessness, in its loveliness, in its tenderness—

May you know the depths of love— reaching down and under girding you at the most painful level of your heartache, freeing you from the heaviest weight of your burden, restoring you in the deepest valley of your sorrow.

May you know the heights of His love—lifting you up from the miry clay, releasing you into the all-sufficiency of His conquering grace, opening wide your wings of faith to soar like the eagle.

May you know the breadth of His love—covering you in its all-embracing care, reassuring you in your trial, strengthening you in your weakness, drawing you close in times of uncertainty, holding you with all the mercies that come from the Father’s heart.

May you know the length of His love—bringing you release from the bondages of the past, walking with you in peace on your present pathway, going ahead of you and preparing the way for the rich treasures yet to come.

By Roy Lessin