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12-07-2021, 05:40 AM
Today’s Scripture: “Your attitude should be the kind that was shown us by Jesus Christ.” Philippians 2:5, TLB)

Attitude in Adversity

There’s an old saying that “attitude determines altitude.” In other words, a positive, faith-filled attitude will cause you to rise higher in life, but a negative, self-critical attitude will only drag you down.

When we face adversity, our attitude affects the outcome. Are we going to treat people right even when we’re being mistreated? Are we going to stay full of joy even when the bottom falls out? So many people get all bent out of shape and start complaining when things don’t go their way, but that kind of attitude only closes the door to God’s miracle-working power. The Bible says that faith is what pleases God. Understand that He’s trying to work in your life. He’s trying to get you prepared for promotion, but you’ve got to stay on His side. You’ve got to stand strong and fight that good fight of faith!

If you are going through a difficult time today, I encourage you to keep an attitude of faith and expectancy. Start thanking God for bringing you through to the other side. As you stand strong, I believe you’ll rise higher. I believe you’ll come out stronger and wiser, and you will continue moving forward in the abundant life God has for you!

A Prayer for Today: “Father, today I choose to have a positive, faith-filled attitude. I choose to bless You and trust You even when things don’t make sense in my natural mind. I know You have a good plan for me and trust that You are working all things out for my good in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Joel Osteen