View Full Version : How you can avoid burnout at work

01-27-2014, 12:24 PM
“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates.”

Exodus 20:8-10
I read a study awhile back that said 62% of American workers indicate they have, at some point, experienced burnout from being overworked at their jobs. Now, burnout is usually a symptom of being overwhelmed – so much that you give up on trying to get ahead and just want to quit.

Today in America and all over the globe, people are overworked and underrested. That’s because we live in a pressure-cooker society that demands more and more from our workers and is less and less concerned with giving them rest. But God knew people needed rest… which is why He mandated a day of rest when He gave the Law in the Old Testament.

When we look at how God rested on the seventh day of creation (Genesis 2:2-3), and how He gave Israel the commandment to rest on the seventh day in the Old Testament, the logical conclusion is that God created us not to toil every day of the week, but to set aside a day to rest.

Maybe today, you’re feeling overwhelmed because you’re overworked. Perhaps you’re reading right now and wondering, “How can I rest when there’s so much for me to do?” Start small and dedicate a period every week to resting and rejuvenating yourself. When you do, you’ll find you’re much more effective at work and much less prone to burning out!


Jack Graham

01-27-2014, 08:16 PM
Suffered burn out in recovery. I opened a meeting called Freedom of Recovery. The home group was Saturday night and was open topic discussion, there were five morning meetings (Big Book, Steps, Open Discussion, Steps and Traditions, Big Book and on Friday night, we had The 12 Promises (long-form and written by the man who wrote Twenty Four Hours a Day). Did the 7 meetings in 6 days, along with being a sponsor, putting meetings on in the local jail, doing one on ones at the jail, going to detox, and treatment centers. I was still doing meetings 7-10 days a week, did a lot of sharing my story at anniversaries, and was active in my home group and over the years, I help several service positions: secretary, treasurer, Inter Group, General Service, setting up and closing, and my favourite going on the door and being a greeter.

I had no balance in my life, so I handed the running of the group to two other people. I ended up going back to school for a computer course and walked away with a certificate for Business Administration on Computers. They say it is normal for an alcoholic/addict to be over achievers. I think we believe we need to make up for lost time, and we want to show the world, that we are worthy of recovery and want to do everything right, and we become addicted to busy. We still needed to fill up that space and the only way I found fulfillment was to do it with spiritual things. Even you can over stuff yourself on that, we need balance. We need to pause, take time for ourselves to fill up so we have something to give away.

Of course, in order to do all that, I needed to build a relationship with the God of my understanding.
