01-26-2014, 12:45 PM
I accept grace with a grateful heart.
Grace is woven into the very fabric of my being. It is the goodness of God at work in my life. I accept grace as the redeeming, uplifting, and transforming power of God working in and through me now.
Grace is an expression of God’s love, and I receive it every day with a grateful heart. I experience grace as a nudge to pay attention … as a second chance … as unexpected good or a better-than-expected outcome. When I allow room for God’s grace, good blossoms in my consciousness. Forgiveness, generosity, and love come naturally, and I am blessed.
Life is easier when I am open to God’s grace. Following Spirit’s lead, I no longer paddle against the current, but flow with the stream of divine life.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.–Philippians 4:23
Daily Word
I accept grace with a grateful heart.
Grace is woven into the very fabric of my being. It is the goodness of God at work in my life. I accept grace as the redeeming, uplifting, and transforming power of God working in and through me now.
Grace is an expression of God’s love, and I receive it every day with a grateful heart. I experience grace as a nudge to pay attention … as a second chance … as unexpected good or a better-than-expected outcome. When I allow room for God’s grace, good blossoms in my consciousness. Forgiveness, generosity, and love come naturally, and I am blessed.
Life is easier when I am open to God’s grace. Following Spirit’s lead, I no longer paddle against the current, but flow with the stream of divine life.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.–Philippians 4:23
Daily Word