View Full Version : A Good Friend

11-19-2021, 07:26 AM
There are going to be major changes for us as we start out in our recovery. It is best as these changes start to come along that we have some one who can shed some light on them for us. Someone who can direct us away from troubles that can happen as a result of changes that are occurring within us. Being in uncharted territory it will service us well if we follow the guidance they offer to us. We should not try going it alone as these changes start to happen for most of us that doesn't work out very well. A sponsor is what someone like this is called. They can show us how to navigate all that we are going to go through. Some like to refer to them as just a good friend who can show us how they did it. We'll need to seek someone like this out, but usually they've already been provided to us if we only look and listen.