View Full Version : Spirit within refreshes and strengthens me

11-18-2021, 07:09 AM

Spirit within refreshes and strengthens me.

Water is nature’s refreshment, providing nourishment for all life on the planet. Parched animals, plants, and ground hurriedly drink when it rains, finding renewed energy and strength. On hot days, animals seek refuge in pools of water. Oceans, rivers, and waterfalls refresh the human spirit as they inspire those who visit them.

The greatest source of refreshment for my soul is my connection with God. I release doubts or habits that limit my thinking and open my mind and heart to receive divine guidance.

Meditation invigorates my spirit with renewed energy and strength. Devoting time and energy to a relationship with God, I see inspiration in the world around me.
The water that I will give will become ... a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.—John 4:14

Daily Word