View Full Version : When mistreated, do you speak badly about that person to others?

01-22-2014, 12:53 PM
They must not slander anyone and must avoid quarreling. Instead, they should be gentle and show true humility to everyone. (NLT) Titus 3:2

When mistreated, do you speak badly about that person to others? How you portray that person gives great insight into your integrity. If you are willing to humble yourself to protect that person's image, that shows humility! This is truly a mark of integrity. After all, isn't it a reflection of ourselves in how we characterize others when walking in conflict? The next time a friend wrongs you, choose your words carefully when you speak about them.

Daily Bible Devotion

01-23-2014, 12:48 AM
My first husband, my son's father was abusive. His addiction seemed to be other women. I didn't put him down because he was my son's father. At the age of 15, my son made the decision that he didn't want to speak or see his father. His father made him get baptized in the Baptist Church, a church he had never been in before. His dad had him help build the church on his holiday. I always believed it was freedom of choice, I was baptized at the age of 14. My son never wanted to go to church and at 5 years old he protested going to Sunday School.

As everyone said about husband #2, he is a nice guy when he is sober. At the end of our 7 year marriage, he was seldom sober.

I learned in recovery, why bring yourself down to the other person's level, you are disrespecting yourself.