View Full Version : Another Way

09-13-2021, 09:22 AM
If we keep doing what we've been doing we'll keep getting what we've been getting is so simple and very true, but it is only when we reach the point of wanting another way we are willing, maybe to let go of what's not working for us. All that we want will only come after we've done this there's no way it's going to happen if we hold on to what we know isn't working. If we want what they have, we'll do what they have done. It has worked for millions of us. These are the steps we have taken which are suggested as a program of recovery. The 12 steps of recovery are a way to another way, one that does work no matter where we are and it's worth trying to do them. If it doesn't work there's always hope something else might work, but most of us have had to look no further for another way.