View Full Version : Recovery

08-22-2021, 10:23 AM
The process we go through when we join recovery is a tear down and a rebuild. As newcomers we tend to not allow the demolition of our way of doing things because we have developed an attachment to things that don't work. The new way of living will only come after letting go of the old way. The steps we take in recovery guide us through the process of tearing down and rebuilding our life, but they only work if we're willing to let the process happen to us. If we don't it won't, and it will never happen any other way. Then we lose the hope of a new life that's being offered to us by recovery. We descend once again back into the hopelessness of a way of living we know doesn't work. The time is now we can choose to stop doing what we know doesn't work and seek out new ways of doing things that have proven to work. It's only when we're willing to allow for recovery to happen to us it will, and when it does we are given a new way of doing things that works under any and all conditions.