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08-19-2021, 05:09 AM
Spiritual Check Up Day 1 by SGLY Ministry

LOVE for the Lord
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment.”
Matthew 22:37,38 (NKJV)

Today’s Action Prayer:
Dear God, since this is the first and great commandment, I really want to check myself to see if I am obeying it.

I see that my spiritual health depends on filling my heart, mind and soul with love for You.
So I will check myself daily to make sure I am putting You first in everything I think, say and do.
For if I truly love You will all my heart, mind and soul I will want to spend time with You, sharing my thoughts, hopes,and dreams, listening to You speak to me through Your word, joining You in the work You have prepared for me to do, and walking with You on the paths You have chosen for me.

Spiritual Exercise:
As you slip out of bed each morning
slide to your knees and tell the Lord you love Him.
Thank Him for another day.
Do the same before climbing into bed at night.

Ask yourself these questions daily:

Is your spirit healthy and fruitful?
Are you producing Spiritual Fruit?
Are you using your Spiritual Gifts?

Start renewing your spiritual health today!