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01-19-2014, 11:36 AM
Come and dine

Be patient in all things and in all things be slow to anger.
Wait for the Lord and do not run ahead of Him, because he who waits for the Lord shall mount up with wings like eagles and shall soar to spiritual heights never known before.
Ye shall soar with the wind of God's Holy Spirit in your wings carrying you to the lofty heights of the Father's Throne.
There you shall dine with God of heavenly things, a heavenly feast.
He shall sup with you and you with Him, feasting of the heavenly manna that brings everlasting life to all who eat thereof.
Brethren, where else but with God can you find such an abundance of spiritual fulfillment and spiritual wealth?
Come and dine.
Feast of the fruits of His Spirit and drink of rivers of truth that flows from His Throne.
Jim Welch

01-19-2014, 08:58 PM
Like any thing that reminds me of spiritual fuel. When I get hungry, I get greedy. Often over indulging, no thought of what I am ingesting and how nutritious it is. It is just as harmful to eat when I am not hungry and starve my body, mind, and spirit.

God supplies my needs. When I get greedy, I become needy.