View Full Version : Not Sure

08-10-2021, 09:43 AM
Some of us know, many of us don't and when we come to our first recovery meetings we say we're not sure. Our denial is making it's last stand. Even though it's never funny when this happens it's almost hilarious when we stop and look at the facts. First if we're at a meeting because we're having troubles due to our drinking and or drugging, we have a drinking and drugging problem. It's not by mistake that we're here even though we wish for it to be. The real problem here is we're not willing to take the steps to change, because we don't think we need to. We think things will get better if we can just get through this. This thinking only leads us to more troubles, it's never the other way around. The sooner we come to terms with who and what we are, the better off we are going to be. It's when we wait it gets harder. If things were going so well for us, why would we even be considering such nonsense?