View Full Version : The Lord is able to provide

08-03-2021, 05:48 AM
1 Kings 17:14 'This is what the Lord says: 'The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord sends rain on the land.'

- The Lord can provide in wonderful ways even during the difficult seasons of life.
- You may be facing many challenges, but in all that, He is able to provide.
- He can do miracles in front of your very eyes and multiply the little you have.
- Give Him what you have in your hands and He will surely multiply it.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You are interested in every detail of my life. I place my life and those things I have in my hands into Your hands. You are the miracle-working God and You will do wonderful things for me. Amen.

Kind Regards
Pastor Andrew & Vanessa Roebert