View Full Version : Something Was Amiss

07-28-2021, 11:08 AM
There's something wrong with us, and we're not quite sure what it is. We can't quite put our finger on it, but we keep trying because of this feeling that something was amiss won't go away. This is our human nature at it's best, like other instincts that protect us this one is doing it's job. It's letting us know we're off course that we are not following our intended route. We do one of two things here either get back on course or crash. We can get back on course by letting recovery become part of our life. I wasn't sure recovery would be right for me when I began, but much to my amazement that uneasy feeling eased up a bit. By staying with my recovery and continuing to do the work that feeling that something was amiss went away. I know now this is because I'm able to love and to be loved now, and that when we're not is when we have that feeling that something was amiss.