View Full Version : What We Really Know

07-24-2021, 10:26 AM
There really is such much we don't know about our lives yet we think we should know everything. One of the only things that we really know for sure is that we are. When we struggle to know about why things happen often we reach that point where we just don't know. This could be because maybe we aren't meant to know. I believe my journey into drinking and drugging was fueled by me wanting to know and now believe that all that I'm meant to know I've always known. The rest is not up to me to know about. I've not been made to, nor am I able to understand these things. It just seems we can't know some things for reasons we don't know. At the end of my drinking and drugging the final destination for me was recovery, and I continued the journey of wanting to know. There I learned I've always known faith, by discovering this I have been able to enjoy my life without having to know everything