View Full Version : An Open Mind

07-22-2021, 09:58 AM
As children we have an open mind this allows us to learn the things we need to know about, and the things we want to know about. It's when we think we know that our minds close and when that happens we lose that childlike awe of being alive. For recovery to work we must have an open mind, if we don't it won't work. What's interesting for me is that I felt a little superior, for having a closed mind it brought about a certain comfort because I had it all figured out. Whenever I heard any ideas that would start a change in my way of thinking I would become very uncomfortable. It was very hard for me to hear that unless I opened my mind that I would die. My pride was hurt badly because I thought I knew it all. Then I was told that while I knew some things I didn't know anything about I needed to know about in order to save myself from the illness that I had that was obviously killing me. That I acknowledged, and started to become willing to learn like a child does, my mind then opened once again. I hope never to have that closed mind again, it nearly killed me.