View Full Version : Let Go Of The Past

07-17-2021, 06:17 AM
I have always believed that the past has a way of holding us back from our future. It is almost as if we approach it like Lot’s wife so fearful of what is ahead that we can’t help but look back at what is familiar (Genesis 19:26). I know because this was the way that I lived for so long. My past had me bound; and in my warped view of thinking I thought that what happened to me many years ago defined me and so I was not worthy of a future. I am so grateful that I serve a God of new beginnings who does not condemn me, but is instead continually reminding me that I am a new creation in Him and so what happened before doesn’t matter anymore in my life (2 Corinthians 5:17). I love God’s Word so much and I especially love how in Isaiah 43:18-19 God is directing us to forget the past and see the new things that He is doing in our lives. In fact, He tells us to not even think about the past. For a person who had lived there for so long, it is refreshing to know that I do not have to any more. I have learned in my journey with God that He requires us to move from our past so that He can bless us in our today. When we hold onto the past, we can’t move forward and when you can’t move ahead, you can’t move to the place that God wants you to be. At some point a decision has to be made. Am I going to stay where I am or am I going to move to were God wants to take me? His Word tells us that He knows the plans for us and that they are good (Jeremiah 29:11). If we stay where we are at we can never get to where He wants to take us and believe me when I say that where God wants to take us is so much sweeter than where we currently are. God wants to do something new in each of our lives. All He asks if for us to trust Him and let Him. I love that there are no limits to His power or His love for us. Only God can bring flooding water to a dry place and place roads where they shouldn’t exist. Beloved, no matter the difficulties, God WILL make a way. That is just who He is. When we look forward at what God has for us, the past no longer matters. Grab hold of His hand and let Him move you to where He wants to take you and trust me, it doesn’t matter if the road ahead is rocky or dry, God will make your journey safe. -Nina Fortson

“Forget what happened long ago! Don’t think about the past. I am creating something new. There it is! Do you see it? I have put roads in deserts, streams in thirsty lands.” Isaiah 43:18-19 (CEV)

Father, thank You for reminding me that even if I am in the desert right now, You can bring me rain. No situation I face is bleak or hopeless because You, my Father, are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could dare ask or think and so the unimaginable becomes possible (Ephesians 3:20). I thank You and I praise You. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen

Sisters in Christ