View Full Version : I create harmony by what I think, say, and do

01-17-2014, 09:55 AM
I create harmony by what I think, say, and do.

My sense of order may be disturbed when an experience is not what I expected. Yet I can use any disappointment or discomfort as an opportunity to practice harmony.

Spirit in me is harmonizing and restorative. I allow it to shift my consciousness as I attune my thoughts to their highest vibrations—the energy of Spirit. The peace of God sweeps over me. Resting in Divine Love, I find peace and order.

Harmony can be brought to any situation when I tap into my innate center of peace. At my core, I find love, harmony, order, and understanding. As I bring these qualities into expression, I emanate peace in the world.
May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony.—Romans 15:5

Daily Word

01-18-2014, 11:10 PM
Harmony for me is when I go back to basics and do the do things I need to do to stay clean and sober today. We have a Harmony, Ontario and a store in the mall I go to that carries stones, pottery and other organic goods.

https://www.google.ca/maps/vt/data=VLHX1wd2Cgu8wR6jwyh-km8JBWAkEzU4,aJdMNlPj_Y21i6XIrZxTARzl72O2WO5ZuSNU3 POpCMLC__IfmTcoCXZNFjaj3-rCHbkAWvtyVE-GVjgCn1VA0yH_esGm4h5_Mb8r_QAEBxwWlh4fCGnXNw6u7ykpS W1hvwHVOfzB21pByF9qrPEB-KqGwrIGCkw7PQBRdghJEfICU95zkH0-O0skilwRcHOo_Qd9RhntOued02ylyfLQyb8gIuXzhiF2XQBke3 f9uUfqS0Lt8BO5M17EihxEWAKtbCwex87PDTwFqVrijcJ2_LUr TsIzUJpTOY5lSii6BrHgMpX4FS_93v9FgrUUQob9Ch-Ljps
